This man has done more the Alt-right than any of you have combined. No, he's not a shill, or a fed, he's not co-opting anyone. You dumb cunts think the entire world revolves around you. This man is actually bringing our beliefs into the mainstream while you sit at home and shitpost about how much you hate niggers and kikes, while providing nothing, you guys traffic some memes that maybe a total of 1% of this community actually even makes.
The fact of this matter is; the vast majority of you are pussies who would never have the balls to even go to an event like the NPI conference. You're all the degenerates you claim to despise. I'm honestly, for the first time in a long time, just taken aback by Sup Forums could have such a negative opinion of man who is actually making our movement and beliefs recognized, but maybe you guys just never heard yourselves out loud, only ever writing posts here on Sup Forums, so when you here someone say the shit we say in real life, you automatically think they're a shill trying to fuck us.
Anyways, he's a literal faggot. That's a deal breaker.
Joshua Jackson
Yes, she attended NPI this year.
Proof? I believe you're thinking of Jack Donovan, Richard Spencer isn't gay.
Oliver Scott
Anonymous has no leaders
We are the alt-right now
Sebastian Campbell
We elected Trump and spread these ideals online in an easily digestible way for the masses. No one knows who this guy is. Meanwhile people see our memes, beliefs, and ideas across the internet on all sorts of platforms.
This retard held a gay little press conference where he spouted memes out of context and did mock Hitler salutes while declaring his allegiance to Trump, in front of the MSM. All this does is add fuel to the fire of "trump is literally a nazi literally hitler" bullshit they peddle. People didn't buy it before but now they have some evidence. If you want this movement to actually have a chance at becoming something more than some fringe stormfront 2.0 bullshit, you can't have clowns like this out there.
Charles Lopez
Na, fuck um.
Owen Morgan
So you're admitting that he's just saying everything we say... just in real life. And that's... a problem?
Jacob Anderson
>being this new
Luke Richardson
>those anime bangs
problem is literally no one has heard of this guy. He is only used to smear Trump. Even less relevant than david duke.
Tell me when this retard runs for office and wins. Until then he's just an internet meme with retarded followers on some forum somewhere
Cooper Jenkins
I agree!
Spencer is an intelligent, well spoken guy who doesn't make himself look like a fucking idiot like your average nationalist with a swastika on their forehead and missing teeth.
You faggots will never be happy about anyone desu but I'm glad Spencer is on our side and he has been really important in spreading our message cause if it all just depended on you virgins shitposting on here we wouldn't get anything done
Mason Stewart
Do you call people cucks and say >implying in real life?
Do you have autism by any chance?
Christopher Walker
Hunter Williams
I think you're taking what I said too literally and thus are showing signs of autism yourself.
This man is espousing the POLITICAL convictions that most people here on Sup Forums agree with. (muh Sup Forums is one person meme coming up). No of course I don't meme my way through life, and neither does he.
David Richardson
Sup Forums is mostly r/the_donald rejects and Alex Jones viewers now. Don't take their criticisms too seriously. They're barely political, blue pilled retards
Jackson Clark
He's either controlled opposition, or a complete fucking retard.
Even if you completely agree with everything that Hitler and the Nazi party did, there is absolutely no reason to ever shout "Heil X" with a Nazi salute unless you're deliberately trying to discredit your own cause.
Kevin Jones
>Sup Forums is mostly r/the_donald rejects I remember when reddit was all in for sanders before Trump became cool.
Josiah Thomas
spencer is a literal bisexual faggot, a nobody , a pans, at best he is a worse-than-useless ideologue who cares more about ideological purity than making progress and accomplishing good, and more likely he is actuall aware of this but continues his damaging attentionwhoring in order to sell books or whatever his gay racket is.
you bring the mainstream to the right gradually, in manageable steps taht are palatable to the general public. Not by being as white supermacist as you can and invoking hitler imagery.
he is a totally useless, actively detrimental human being in terms of winning the culture war for white people or against the contemporary left wing in general
It would have been better if he had never been born
Mason White
There's no such thing as an "alt-right".
The MSM made it up. It's a label designed to marginalize opposition to the cultural marxist agenda.
Sebastian Jones
wait what? you haven't been taken aback by /pol in a long time?
you must be literally crazy.
But seriously, there are normal nationalists who just like traditional values but aren't racist and anti-Semitic and this guy works for liberals to convince all minorities that anyone who wants to give them freedom really just wants to kill them
Nolan Reed
>This man has done more the Alt-right than any of you have combined. That man just destroyed any credibility the Alt-right had as a legitimate political movement.
Now every time the Alt-right is even mentioned it will be accompanied by videos of that asshat yelling Heil Trump!
Angel Sullivan
He did when the cameras were on him though, and all it does is discredit him and in turn the political ideals.
Grayson Wilson
he gave a decent speech about mainstreaming his ideology and then took a HUGE fucking step back with this heil trump bullshit, alienating millions of potential supporters, hamstringing the ability to defend him while handing the leftist media a golden bullet on a silver platter to use against anyone who calls themselves alt-right or a Trump supporter
Michael Johnson
>fuck you all. Okay then leave.
Sup Forums is not the Alt-Right. No one cares about your pet ideology
Alexander Allen
>Implicit white identity
Cameron Collins
this, him pushing stormfront neo-nazi seig heils and blant nazi shit will keep any normie from wanting to be associated or really learning about the alt-right.
Noah Allen
Brody Mitchell
Spencer isn't a shill. You guys are fucking ruining everything because you're too stupid to understand. Way to force yourself off the winning team. Spencer has talked with Jonathan Bowden and held his own, and that's really all you need to know to know he's not a shill. Fucking idiots on this board I swear. KYS and save me a bullet.
Cameron Martin
>I'm honestly, for the first time in a long time, just taken aback by Sup Forums're....triggered?
>making our movement and beliefs recognized >our movement >our
Kayden Taylor
This episode is exactly what happens when you let literal Jews into the tent to redefine what you and your history are.
According to a stable of Jews trying to sell you an ebook, we're about 'civic race blind nationalism that loves all people'. In other words, the radical right SHOULD be a broad reflection of western liberal values commonplace twenty years ago. Surely, haha, any signs of racism, anti-modernity, or ethnic exclusivity are divide and conquer tactics by the Feds or ctr, haha.
desu, let anyone who would fall for this kind of stuff do so.
Eli Wood
Has CTR morphed into this now? Or is the JDIF finally back now that the elections are over and they lost their control?
Luke Butler
This. Sup Forums is not a political ideology. We're a cult that worships an ancient egyptian frog god who talks to us through post numbers ending in doubles.
Ryder Young
Logan Morgan
I'm not "Alt-Right" Jack-ass.
Now fuck off.
Luke Nelson
The "alt-right". What a joke you guys have become.
Nobody even knows who the fuck he is, and all he has done is played puppet for the lefty/MSM media narrative to tar-and-feather Trump and his supporters. I didn't hear of this guy until motherfucking *NPR* started promoting him. He hasn't done shit, he is controlled opposition funded by Soros, kill yourself you fucking jewnigger OP.
Logan Smith
if their nazis why do they both look jewish?
Colton Cooper
What a piece of shit. People should respect guns and not toss them around acting like some John Wayne clown.
Mason Wright
Man, I guess I stopped reading Sup Forums for a reason. This place is sub-The_Donald-tier. You cucks need to shape up. Spencer is great.
Carson Adams
This is definitely some operative shit in collusion with the media.
Parker Brown
Can I get some sauce on that excerpt? I'd like to read more into that.
Joshua Nguyen
I agree. This is only the beginning. Did you think they'd allow us to ease into power. We have to throw grenades then whatever Trump proposes will sound like cake compared to what they're already freaking out abt. Fuck anyone allowing mike (((cernovich))) convince you to turn on spencer. Mike is the controlled op. STOP hero worshipping that race mixing faggot.
Evan Green
Due to the recent elections, Sup Forums has been thoroughly infested by concussed retards aka reddit, /r/the_donald, etc. Any imbecile that proudly wears the dunce hat moniker created by the MSM called "alt-"right" is likely to be one of them. And anybody proud of this painfully obvious strawman set up to make the right look bad is both fucking retarded and part of said reddit migrants.
Christian Hill
Kek has spoken!!!! Spencer confirmed for gay shill
Brandon Jackson
Sage this Astro turfing nigger. $$$ faggot. Buy a banner to advertise
Michael Ross
Then go and stay go
Tyler Butler
Fuck off idiot the vast majority of trump voters have no idea about memes and would think you are a degenerate
Ethan Cruz
>Alt-right t bye rddit
Ethan Cruz
This post reeks of a non-Sup Forums poster. Your smugness and peculiar use of punctuation...
Guys I think we're being raided hard tonight. The absolute last thing we need is to have the MSM covering Nazis endorsing Trump, all these posters trying to say otherwise are not among our ilk.
Dylan Ward
Shadow leader of alt-right here. I'm the one pulling the strings.
Who the fuck is this shill? I thought pic related was the leader of the alternative right?
Brayden Campbell
>fuck off stormfront
t. shlomo von goldenstein
Benjamin Gutierrez
>implying we are the "alt-right"
Fuck off and kill yourself, you piece of shit. No one gives a fuck about your stormfag group therapy sessions. No one gives a fuck about your beliefs.
We elected Trump because we believe in HIM, not in your faggot-ass belief system. Print it out, crumple it up, and stick it up your ass.
Andrew Murphy
>types like a pretensious nu male
Hudson King
I don't think you're stupid enough to think that, but I do think some people are which fills me with rage.
Isaiah Carter
there is no fucking alt-right. It doesn't exist. It's just a label given by leftists to anyone who isn't a neocon or an evangelical.
Xavier Cooper
Why, I have no idea what you're talking about! We are the bad guys, r-right? Universally feared?
Hunter Bell
this is a shill post
if you think Sup Forums isn't anti-semitic and pro-white you're a fucking SHILL
if you want civic nationalism go to fuck reddit
Hunter Martinez
Why is every alternative right wing leader such a god damn faggot?
Landon Scott
>implying he isnt >implying the literally who in the OP is Milo has recruited more people for the alt right than anyone except pepe
Jordan Taylor
>our movement
fuck off Sup Forums is not some single movement
btw identity politics is cancer that serves globalists
Jaxson Miller
You;re completely right.
Rewing just a few weeks and NOBODY on this board knew or cared who the fuck this Spencer was, save maybe two or three who claimed he coined the term "alt-right" a few years ago. But rest assured, Sup Forums is not lead by this man and nobody here gives a fuck about him save a few spergs who hang on Stormfront and listen to AWFUL podcasts every day.
Lucas James
Why does he follow and retweet trannys like Blair white?
Anthony Rogers
He wore a vest without a shirt on at the dinner on Friday, like in the pic.
That's pretty fucking gay,
Daniel Rogers
Trump won because of us. What you don't realize is that most of you have been riding our coat tails, its hilarious how many of you don't even know that we exist. Every single thread where the Alt-Right is mentioned there will be a horde of clueless retards who think Milo is behind it.
We popularized the term Cuckservative. He had hundreds of twitter sock accounts using the phrase, sending it to MSM outlets. We used it so heavily that through a concerted and planned attack we got it to appear on Google trends, then mainstream news outlets began actually talking about it everywhere. We destroyed Jeb's social media presence. We were hecklers at Ted Cruz rallies who turned out in support of Trump.
When the establishment GOP attacked Trump for his stance on immigration we were the ones who put forth an organized effort to attack them. We demonized them for being sellouts. Marco, Jeb, Cruz, all the GOP donors. You disorganized ineffectual faggots didn't do anything except maybe jump on the band wagon of the Twitter raids that we planned months in advance
You are fucking nobody.
Luke Carter
Just because it doesn't suit you it doesn't mean it's gay, desu.
Adrian Taylor
Maybe nobody was talking about it him a few weeks ago because the NPI conference was only a few days ago, dumb shit.
Logan Edwards
>implying Ben "one man shoah" isnt the leader of the alt right
Hunter Ward
Really makes you think...
Hunter Brown
I am a white nationalist and have yellow fever from time to time.
Give Mr. Spencer a break.
Brayden Butler
>Sucking a few dicks doesn't mean I'm gay desu senpai
literally you,
Jayden Rodriguez
To attract faggots to alt-rightardism. And btw. you are a fucking leaf.
Joshua Howard
Socially inept redditor goes to Sup Forums, gets mad that it's not the nazi hugbox that the rumors claimed it was, feels buttflustered and triggered - AUTISM. Many such cases!
Ryder Roberts
If we want the alt right to be taken seriously, we cant be pretending to be ACTUAL Nazis. I should not need to explain this to you.
Jordan Long
he's an actual nigger though
Joseph Smith
There is literally nothing wrong with yellow fever.
Jordan Robinson
Austria is irrelevant
Austin Gutierrez
we aren't the alt-right. it doesn't fucking exist. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF
Landon Garcia
>literally who
Holy fuck I spend one day away from the computer and everyone is losing their shit about some guy on twatter I don't even know about.
>our movement and beliefs
Kill yourself, OP.
Noah Taylor
>I came to Sup Forums in 2015 and thought that is just like the_Donald and no one here is racist
Aiden Perez
>This man has done more the Alt-right than any of you have combined
Actually echo chambers like Stormfront and /Pol along with infinite just tapped into how Whites were already feeling. Angry, out of place in there own country, targeted for replacement, and seething with resentment. Infographics and shock videos on youtube just pushed over into mainstream. Far right on youtube slowly forced open the Overton window and that propelled the mainstream. Not 1 individual person is solely responsible for this dramatic shift into resistance.
But I'm sure encouraging "Alternative Lifestyles" such as homosexuality, giving a Nazi salute for Trump, and getting photographed with an Ex-porn star who channels Hitler in her spare time is the right push this movement needed.
People prefer honesty. If you hate Jews and you can intelligently explain why you hate them, and the reason they are a danger to america people will respect you for your dedication to truth. Being an uncharismatic narcissist who does things and says things to grab peoples attention is part of jewish hollywood culture- and if you didn't know, this behavior is already frowned upon.
Jaxon Reed
Nice projection nigger.
James Cox
1. He didn't do shit, Trump did 2. Sup Forums did a lot more than this faggot, Sup Forums created a colony on Reddit and got at least 300,000 otherwise Liberals that voted for Trump 3. All this faggot does is giving the media ammunition to blast Trump
Hunter Walker
Heil Drumpf
Thomas Lopez
You are buttflummoxed. We get it.
Mason Rodriguez
>Yes, she attended NPI this year. Why? She's not even white.
Parker Thomas
no one gives a fuck about the aut-right except redditors
Nathan Parker
No one asked you, northern australia.
Chase James
Thank you. I'm actually a respectable and well-groomed National Socialist and I appreciate this.
Luke Myers
You are so unbelievably retarded it makes me depressed. The extemist left is what drove 2008 Obama supporters to vote for Trump. They got sick of being called racist when GUESS WHAT? They aren't racist. Radicalism only drives people away. Fucking kill yourself because you've learned absolutely nothing from this election, hur durr lets feed into the media narrative and give a nazi salute for Trump people will love it.
Evan Cooper
Trump won now. We can say what ever we want. And if they assassinate Trump it will be all out war.
Carter Wright
> That face when Common Filth was right
Brandon Turner
literally who.
Aaron Reed
Go back to whatever cuckfest you came from dumb cunt.
Joshua Jackson
>a respectable and well-groomed National Socialist
translation: pic related
Xavier Reyes
She wants time have white babies
Nathan Gonzalez
If you've ever followed her twitter or facebook feed, or just looked her up in the news every now and then, you'd probably have gotten by now that she's a hardcore self-proclaimed Nazi who's really into the alt-right along with Sup Forums memes.
James Green
Thread number 4.
We are being attacked with mass disinformation for the normie invasion we are going to have.
We have been spam mentioned on mainstream media and a big influx of normies is about to appear.
If anyone who has never been on Sup Forums before today looks today all they are going to see is us "worshiping" this idiot and instantly go "oh, i guess it really is fake news made by nazi wannabe neckbeards"