How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow morning and found out Los Angeles had been completely destroyed in a nuclear...

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow morning and found out Los Angeles had been completely destroyed in a nuclear blast?

Nobody is going to nuke just LA, so I would probably feel pretty fucking good knowing that mankind chose to finally wipe its nuisance self out.

California would be much whiter, thank God. Take a bump.


the county or just the city?

while I would feel upset that someone had the audacity to attack the USA, this is what we in the business call acceptable losses.

Onoes roflcopter

fuck you I live in LA.
why not make it Canada or somewhere no one except dead tree matter lives in?

I wouldn't feel anything since I don't give a shit.

I'd feel like a million bucks.
Fund it.

Who dun' it?

where you going to get coke from when all the spics and niggers are dead?

SpaceX would be gone. Not good.

I would try and find out if they had a some warning first or not. I'd hope they would have a few minutes or fear and panic before they were hit.

I'd be worried about the fallout.

Sad that my friend working on God of War at Sony is ded.

I tried to warn the faggot, but he wishes Clinton would have won instead of Trump.

He's a selfish anchor baby and after not seeming to give a fuck about Pedosta and the pizza files... likely reprobate sodomite.

Oh well...

It'd be like christmas morning 1,000 times over


Then I wouldn't be able to wake up tomorrow.

t. Jewlywood fag

Underrated Post


probably just make a "ITS HAPPENING THREAD "

Whatever kills the most Jews, I'm cool with it. Is there any good way to get it on video?

I live in AZ, I admit that would be way to close for comfort and I would spend the rest of the day on google seeing if I was gonna get sick. They should hit Washington instead.


Why are you still there? Aren't non-hispanic whites only 25% of the population in LA?


i'd probably pop wood


I honestly wouldn't care, just like I never cared about 9/11.

Fuck usa, fuck them right in their stupid gay ass.

Genuinely happy.

haha, commies finally got nuked.

EmDrive happening. SpaceX gonna be gone in a year anyway while Elon prances around like willy wonka

well on the bright side there are a lot less niggers and gays in america now, cali is a nuclear wasteland no harm no foul, so whoever dropped the nukes

thanks, sincerely america.

I would be happy that LA is gone

And annoyed that some of the fallout will blow to me.

Does putin take suggestions?

Fuck EmDrive. SpaceX already flies. EmDrive is not yet ready for anything real.

I'd be pretty bummed out cause I'd probably get fucking DRAFTED as a grunt and have to go off and kill a lot of people.

And I am out of shape too. I was out of breath for 30 minutes from helping a guy push a truck 20 feet.

I smoke more than a pack a day and I'd go crazy not being able to smoke.

Can we order nuclear strikes from russia like pizza delivery?

"Yes, Putin, I would like to request on hot AMERICA. Edge to edge, please."

It's not even just the Mexicans anymore. There's so many god damn Asians. Specifically south East Asians.

"We are never going to get clean nuclear energy power plants in the USA in my lifetime" feeling

The best part about this is that with the right setup we could use the energy from Newton turning in his grave to power the thing.


>Get to explore the boneyard
>Now nuke san Francisco so the enclave can rise under president trump.