>The holocaust never happened!!! My Idol Adolf Hitler wouldn't hurt a fly
The holocaust never happened!!! My Idol Adolf Hitler wouldn't hurt a fly
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Why would stormfags deny the Holocaust? Wouldn't they brag about killing 6 million Jews, or are they themselves run by Jews?
stormfags are shills!!??!?!
Are you new to Sup Forums? every-time someone says anything about the holocaust a bunch of Sup Forumsacks push each-other out of the way to say it's fake.
This was a common method during WW2
The holohoax never happened, and the kikes have effectively plunged the white race into the dark ages.
The holocaust was justified for the crimes the Jews commited against the people of Canaan :^)
Are those even nazi uniforms?
It never happened but it should have happened and will soon enough.
picture looks like jewish propaganda to me
Maybe it's because I read too much Sup Forums and these threads are subtle redpilling threads or something, but I don't believe in the holocaust one bit anymore. All the "proof" is a picture of a prisoner about to get shot, an empty room that I don't know what was used for, emaciated kids, or a mass open grave. None of these things is out of place in a massive warzone. They don't prove any holocaust at all. For all I know the prisoner getting shot raped a child prisoner, the room is an infirmary or laundry, the emaciated kids have typhus, and the mass grave is for prisoners who starved or took an allied bomb.
If this is the best holocaust proponents have, then it's quite obviously a hoax.
they memed their fate
muh 6 million
So if Holocaust didn't happen, did the Soviets really lose 27mln?
Digging a pit and a bullet to the head seems far more efficient than building camps, transporting those to be executed to camps, then using elaborate, expensive, and sensational methods to kill them and dispose of the bodies.
Explain how your picture aids your claim of homicidal death camps.
This argument is very simple and irrefutable by simply stating and which is true about all things. That in no way shape or form are events, data or anything else that is stated to be a fact and true would then also need to be protected by the law. 14 countries in Europe it is illegal to question the figure itself of 6 million. The truth and facts need protection by absolutely nothing except by its own validity.
There are only 3 names you need to know and study that prove the story in which the Holocaust is told is false. The names are Ernst Zundel, Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf. I'll give you and everyone else the TLDR right here because I know you're a lazy religious nut bag.
>Ernst Zundel hands out fliers in my home country of Canada stating simpley 'did 6 million really die'.
>ADL freaks out brings him to court
>he hires the only gas chamber expert which is in the united states. Gas chamber expert literally goes to auschwitz forensicly swabs and inspects accused chambers determines there is no way in shit it could be a chamber ever.
>court deems investigation unusable in court. Zundel is deported to Germany and goes to jail for 5 years. Freds life is completely ruined.
You can see freds interviews that just came out this year
>German Rudolf sees this massive case he was in line for his PHD in chemistry. He says wtf? No way I want to see for myself
>He goes and compares Fred Leutchers findings for zyklon B in chambers to his own and completely verifies that Fred was correct.
>He starts publishing his findings the University he was in line for his PhD ends his career there fires him, Germany then prosecutes him he flees to USA for asylum. In USA he gets kidnapped flown back to Germany goes to jail for 5 years.
>Instructive in understanding revisionist history is the following exchange, reported by Mr. Hoffman, between Zundel defense attorney Doug Christie and Raul Hilberg, certified by the Court as an expert witness, and lauded by the Canadian Jewish News as “one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Holocaust”. This exchange was also reported in The Sault Star on January 18, 1985 under the headline “Scientific evidence of Holocaust missing.”
>Christie: “Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi-occupied territory?”
>Hilberg: “I am at a loss”
>Christie: “You are (at a loss) because you can’t.”
1.How the fuck can you identify that the pistol of that low quality in the image? There are several German guns that resemble the one in the image more than the tokarev.
2.I agree with this one.
3.If he was the last Jew then surely they would have tanted him before killing him. I don't understand how this debunks the image.
4.The SA would have used this inoder to censor their current position.
5."Even though they are all SA uniforms and resemble German men they have to be soviet because Stalin had a few men dressed as German soldiers.
6.The "Wrinklies" were due to the fact that these images were copied in physical form before being put on the internet. These a two different copies used that were put online at different times.
Solzhenitsyn was an autist.
Though he was right about commies.
get back in the oven kike
>not letting the corpses rot for a bit and then dropping them via air raid into the fresh water supply of your enemies
this. the only slaughter in vinnitsa was perpetrated by the NKVD
>My Idol Adolf Hitler wouldn't hurt a fly
Yep, thats why the (((soviets))) had to dress up as german soldiers, and didn't even do it correctly.
Picture of actual german soldiers, please!
i really really like this image
> SA
The SA was disbanded in 1934. These are wehrmacht soldiers.
Isn't it convenient that the NKVD had previously commit a massacre in the same town a few years prior?
why is that 'german' soldier holding a russian pistol?
Saddest part of it is, if not the fact that our bourgeois couldn't do jack shit after the successful revolution we could've been a proper, free state.
But instead, here came the reds and picked up the unused power.
It could've been great...
And this man had no sense of self-preservation. He sent letters defaming Stalin to his friends from the front, knowing fully that all letters are read by the superiors or st least the NKVD.
To be fair, the Germans did acquire a shitton of stuff in the first weeks of war. It's not impossible for a German soldier back then to wield a Russian pistol.
Because it makes them look bad. Denying it helps them think they are victims of the mean jews.
ok how about 'why do all those 'german' soldiers have predominantly slavic features?' why are there a mismatch of ill fitting uniforms being worn? why is the picture cropped in such a manner to not show the left edge of the pit, thats actually only a foot or so away implying a max of maybe a dozen corpses? why do i care? why do you care? when do we kill the jews for real?
Why would American liberal Jew David Cole who did not support Donald Trump and who read all revisionist material as well as most of standard holocaust narratives, `deny` that there where gas chambers in Auschwitz ??
2. How can one `deny` something one does believe didn't happen. `deny` is when you know something happened but say it didn't anyway. This is clearly not the case with Holocaust revisionists like Germar Rudolf and David Cole. So we already exposed the first big lie of the holocaust believers, to frame people casting doubt about the official narrative as `deniers`, people who actually know it happened but claim it didn't for alteriour motives.
You fell for the "aryan german race" meme. Go to Germany and tell me what the people look like lol