Are, pretty much, 75%+ of college students just there just because ((((they)))) told them it's the next logical step in life?
Are, pretty much...
That's what our teachers told us to do. Plus Hollywood showed us the "college experience" of getting drunk, doing drugs, and having casual sex.
I missed out on all of that and I regret it to be honest. I wish I would have went to university.
You didn't have friends who went to uni? Iet lots of people who went to parties with their friends
I'm in Uni and can do any of that cuz I have 15 hours plus 30 hours work to pay for the "college experience"
literally daycare and grooming facility for rich kids, for real people its getting by and trying to get a job out of it.
Absolutely. The majority just go straight to university still soul searching or w/e for a few years at the cost of like 20k+ and then MAYBE they find something might want to stick with for the last two years.
You would have gone into massive debt for shitty grades and blue balls, and even if you did fuck, you might have been hit with a false rape accusation.
College is a meme intended to make young people into debt slaves most of the time. It does make sense and pay off for some though.
Praise be to Kek!
If it makes you feel any better only Chads get any sort of action in college
If you're an autist then you're not going to have some magical transformation
In America yes. Far too many people go to college in America. Realistically it should only be like the top 10% or so at most that go to university. The problem is that it has become ingrained in our culture that the only way to succeed in America, is do well in high school, go to college, then go to professional school, or go work in an office in 'corporate' America.
This does not work and can not work.
Our society now looks down on the trades, service industries, and essentially any job that isn't in the defined 'correct' path.
What is worse is that stupid 'grievance' studies majors here in America look at Europe and see that students there have to pay very little at all to attend university, sometimes even nothing, somethings they even pay the students. And they assume that is what needs to be done here as well.
But what they don't realize is that again on the top 5%-10% in those countries can get into university there.
I fell for this. Ended up dropping out after 2 years and went into the Navy. Worked out since the college credits gave me a higher rank and since I went to community college I was able to pay off my student debts with ease. I use to feel bad for the people that go to four year schools right off the bat and rack up huge amounts of debt when they can't figure out what they want to do. Than I realized that a few of the college kids I know talk down to me for not having a bachelor degree/working towards one and I don't feel bad anymore.
>teachers wanted me to pursue education
>they were very sad at the waste when they heard i'll drop out as soon as possible
I probably earn more than all my childhood's teachers combined right now, stupid wagecucks.
what job do you do? and how'd you get there
wow what a retard
OP if you don't go to college you're an idiot
hell, a degree in gender studies is 100x better than some high school grad or military cucks like this guy
>this thread
God you guys really are pathetic. Even college educated Sup Forumstards are angsty virgins.
Chief constable of Fromage
It's pretty much like that in the UK too, but I think most students here end up with SOME direction at the end or just end up doing more years.
The problem is it's supposed to be the brightest who go but it ends up being normies at most of them.
Not an argument.
85% that 10% cause they just want to get drunk and "party 5% for legit reasons
Our public highschools are bogged down with niggers and miniorities, and white trash who don't plan a career in life. So they don't get very thorough, and just "prepare you for college". Unfortunatly most counselors are dumbasses and recommended community college. So we get to college expecting to learn skills and its the same academic-gaming bullshit. The difference is, in college you are responsible and can actually fail.
Man, I'm on a CompSci course and still living at home; no "college experience" for me...
Women are there to fuck chads and eventually try to latch onto someone who is going to be successful in life like a parasite.
That's just human nature, (((they))) have nothing to do with it.
Found the guy that has a degree and can't find a job. Stay salty
When I went to university, literally everyone was there just because their parents told them to, or because (((they))) instilled in them the desire. They all either have no idea of what they want, or they have a vague idea with no plan.
>I want to be a teacher
>I want to be a lawyer
with no how and no ambition.
why is tsukiko so sexual
As a person in community college, I can tell you without a doubt that is the case. The majority of the people here, including myself, are undecided or doing some dumbfuck major like physical therapy. The only direction we have ever been given in life was, "go to college or you'll be poor and have to live with niggers in the inner cities. " It's a damn shame.
I know I am, looking back I could have saved several thousands of dollars, and a couple years by just teaching myself what I'm doing
university was by far the worst experience of my life. you missed nothing friend
I don't call working for accounting in a fortune 500 company making six figures as unemployed, trump cuck.
I'm sure your high school diploma will go a long way as you rise up to manage of McDonalds!
It sucks but I'm going back(parents paid for the first one) as I'm done with my career path and just found what I really wanna do
Same here in the states, Dad. Just sleepless nights and classwork.
It's taught to be the next step so that you're a debtor and pick up a degree that reflects your adolescent mind.
It's such a good scam the states had going that Obama took it over, don't forget that.
g8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
ITT shitheads who couldn't even handle their local community college
Most jobs require a college degree. That's why people went.
you bad bro -_- stop playing careers in your head
>finish school
>move in with girlfriend while she's in college
>spend a few months pondering my options
>decide to pursue my interest in geography and apply to the campus she's attending part time
>excel at the work and land a full time job
>work there for a few years along side the professors and student body
>not a student so the professors don't fuck with me
>wife graduates and we hop town
>move just outside of austin and I land a job netting ~85K a year
>own three cars and a motor cycle, virtually no debt
>wife decides she wants to go back to school
>pay for her to get her masters
>she still can't find fuckall for work she wants to do afterwards
>she's working a middle management job making about 40k a year and is hating life
>mfw my dad is still saying I need to get my degree to be successful
Women of that age are the most Slutty in or out of college.
And we were to,d to go to college be it actually is the next step in life, the part they fuck up is they get useless degrees from 4th rate colleges. Oh sure, lots of famous people got a degree in English.... THEY GOT IT FROM HARVARD. Ivy League degree in anything > any degree from cal state la.
I did 17k in profits last week and will enjoy my next three months vacation. Hows your job treating you?
>Former military and only two semesters of college
I'm very glad I never did the drugs and sex part of university life, which has always been more about being a young person than about being a student. I'm glad that I learned some things. But I'm deeply disappointed by the way that courses are taught.
If I were to go back and do it all again, I'd opt for a less prestigious university that has some semblance of a tutorial system and a strong on-campus student community, rather than attend a respected university with big lecture halls and a weaker sense of community. An intellectual atmosphere is the whole point of a university; and though mine had some of the best lecturers, best courses, best ratings by outside agencies... it didn't have that atmosphere.
too bad it's fucking jew propaganda at this point, not education. i'd be more worried if someone did make it through because it would mean they're a commie retard.
The only good thing about college is all the fucking slutty girls. That's it.
They don't know what to do. There are zero entry level, middle class jobs.
Trade school is a meme because of mass immigration
I'm starting to think these movies were funded by universities to draw students, because my university experience was HORRIBLE
>own 3 cars
So youre a mindless consumer and a devout cagecuck?
Think back when you were in high school. What did you constantly hear or at least hear an adult tell a student? "Go to college."
It's spammed en masse constantly. Then when you get there you're completely left alone to fend for yourself, no one helps you, you get thrown into a 5 hr line because the university is too fucking cheap to get 10 workers on the line and get the kids out of there instead you have 2 slow as fuck people doing everyone. They tell you nothing but throw you instantly into some garbage ass classes that you don't even need and you think it's correct. THEN FINALLY you hear people saying shit like "The first year is party year, just enjoy it!"
90% of people in college are there just because people sear it into their brains.
You would think. My wife had her car paid for by her mom, I paid off my truck on my own, the third car is a project I bought off CL, and the bike was a gift.
Yes, I learned, nor gained any useful skill form my college classes.
It got my foot in the door to my current career and I learned soem practical shit by running a fraternity for two years.
Class, completely useless.
Not just college though, I didnt learn anything from High School either. I learned basic Math and english in elementary school, everything I know about science, history, philosophy etc was self taught between ages 13/14- and now
Did have a great time though
that's only true if you're a woman or a minority unfortunately
i've seen so many women get hired for positions that aren't even remotely related to their degrees
but i guess if they were clever enough for social work they're clever enough to be the head of financing
I don't do a job, i create jobs.
If you weren't a retarded subhuman living paycheck to paycheck because you can't into budget, you could start a business too. Too bad.
>You have to be qualified to be he head of anything
No you just need to know how to socialize and be ambitious, stuff you can only get from college you trump cuck
No, its because there's no longer a future in jobs without a college degree.
The problem is, not everyone has the cognitive capacity to do college level work.... so standards are falling (especially outside of STEM)
I went to uni because I'm interested in theoretical computer science desu
I know I could get some 6 figure job if I shit some web app on Github, but that's not what interests me
That would make sense, after all, (((they))) run both of them.
>pig ugly chad (mid-high tier socioeconomic class, many friends) sitting next to my table
>the chicks here are ugly let's go over there to the hottie zone
my. fucking. feefees.
Very few people actually hit it off with women.
Since you are posting on Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums, 95% chance you will not have had casual sex during your 4 year degree.
Those statistics are fucking useless if they do not stratify by age. Boomers with BA's in English making 60,000k/year as managers are heavily distorting the wages of your average degree holder.
>flat as fuck girl
>wearing "blessed" on her shirt
lol, no you arent
>stuff you can only get from college
maybe in your case because your parents couldn't be arsed to pull out of the basement
but generally you need to be able to socialize and be ambitious otherwise you end up with 2.1 gpa, duh doy
fucking americans are so dumb lmao
There is at least one person employed at every high school who's job is just to make kids go to college regardless of how little they've thought about paying for it or what to do with a degree in feminist interpretive dance.
wow stupid cuck do you not know how to read English im going to beat your ass
Look at trades. I hate the argument that college is the only way jesus fucking christ
Eh, I think the movie industry just milked and coasted off the surprise success of Animal House
>repeat daily until everyone graduates highschool
You aren't beating anyone's ass, kiddo, and you damned sure aren't fooling anyone. Ambition and social skills should be learned long before college or your parents failed you as a child.
College, OTOH, is exceptional at creating useful idiots like yourself. Mission accomplished.
Yep, I went to college right out of highschol after after a semester I thought "what the fuck am I doing here?" and dropped out and joined the marine corps. It was pretty sweet decision.
Post bunny butt
>you aren't beating anyone's ass
say that again, you dumb trump cuck?
and you can't learn how to be ambitious unless you've read the books and done an internship, which you need college for btw because they wont be accepting HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAS LMAO
As an engineering student, my "uni experience" could not be further from the (((Hollywood))) depiction. My uni's engineering section was even exiled to it's own satellite campus to add insult to injury.
Whatever, with all papers complete, I just need to grab that piece of paper then start jobhunting.
Not really. The women go because they're subtly taught that it's the best way to marry a college educated and thus future successful man (which is currently true), plus it's a status thing to hit other women over the head with. That's 2/3 of college students right there, the rest are men in STEM and a small number of men in e.g. English degrees who aren't tricked so much as they'd still be able to get good jobs if it weren't for the overwhelming number of women in those degrees.
TL;DR the real issue is crowbarring women into male places as always.
I went to university after I finished high school in 2012. Graduated this year with a Bachelor in Environmental Studies. Currently working at Best Buy and studying for the upcoming LSAT this December. I don't think I'll be ready in time, but if I'll keep drilling those practice exams until game day. Lots of things I would've done differently in hindsight. If I can't get into law school then it's on me to figure out how to make money as a regular jack-off. Stocks look nice. So does housing.
please post his butthole
I feel if by the age of 20 you don't have your mind and passion set on a career you are a pleb.
My sweet summer child
The LSAT is easy. If you don't do well you have to be a literal fucking retard. I'm not kidding either. If you are white or Asian you should be able to get at least 160 without even fucking trying. If you're not white or Asian you may have less luck; out of 180 students there are two (2) nigs in my class.
Source: Wrote LSAT in December, scored 171, studied less than 1 month.
I'd really recommend going into stocks, I've made a 500% gain in the first week on my portfolio. Personally I am going to buisness school to get a degree in buisness finance. They teach really in depth stock analysis and business calculus for finding investment opportunities. It's obviously much more in depth, going to economics and things like that but it is all super useful.
I want to get rich but it's not abnormal to see day traders making 50,000 a year.
ayyy hol up leme get in this shit, yall are a bunch of fags haha hows that
Just remember m8 that our treitary education culture is very different from theirs, i don't think we get into as degenerate acts as the hamburgers do, we are more civilized
It's the truth m8. Because the people that haven't found a passion are either going to be broke or miserable their whole life.
Did you get that shirt at Rue 21? Who do you think you're intimidating anyway? You really should lay off the glamour muscle routine and do something about those sorry lats and tricepts, those are what matters when you're adjusting attitudes like yours.
You talk about being qualified to be head of anything or a leader and yet you can't be secure in your own skin seeking approval on your social media over a haircut and shit. You sound like a real decision maker, buddy.
say that to my face bitch
You can't see his lats, judging by the development in his delts and lats he is pretty fucking jacked. Those aren't just glamour muscles m8.
>tfw you're obviously roided as fuck but don't care your dick won't work off cycle because your always on cycle.
That's how it was for me. Dropped out after a year and now I have no idea where my life is going and I feel like I'm missing out on the best years of my life.
20 is young as fuck. Some may not find a passion until 30 or so and that is perfectly ok. You do not need a passion to be able to make money, I would say most of the population has a job that isn't related to their passion, if that passion even exists.
College was presented to me like the only option. From as early as I can remember the "if you don't go to college you are objectively a failure" message was drilled in to my head, so I went.
4 years later im tired man, tired of the class and the assignments and not making or creating a fucking thing besides filling my head with definitions I wont need and numbers I couldnt give a fuck about. I'm 22 and I absolutely 100% know I would have been happier learning a trade. I KNOW I have wasted some of the best years of my life in this soulless academia, and for what?
I don't want to be here, never did. every time my sister talks about college/now law school I just feel bad because she loves it and is doing so much, and I know that I have never once felt this "I am where I should be" feeling in university like she has. I went because I felt I had to, and I just picked some shit to study because I felt I had to.
If I could go back and be 18 again, I would absolutely not do it again. I would get a trade. Make something. Be productive. Now I'm going to graduate and I do NOT want to do this "get an office job/house/wife/kids" routine. I had a job as a janitor for a summer and it was the most fulfilling work I ever did. I got laughed at by my parents and friends for taking it but at least I was DOING something.
I doubt that. Living in a dorm opens you up to so many opportunities. Drunk girls will throw themselves at you even if you're ugly. My 350 lb Indian friend from HS even fucked a cute skinny white girl.
I'm a tall white guy, I'm sure if I went to university I would have fucked 15 or more girls at this point.
Even my ugly friends from high school ended up getting hot gfs in college.
how long did it take to get those muscles? and why do you like hillary?
Education is free in all of Germany. Even for foreigners.
You as an American go to Germany to study for free. There is no "only the top 5%" nonsense about who can attend.
>went to community college while working part time after high school
>didn't know what i wanted to study so i took a lot of different courses
>ended up in STEM, now working on my PhD, fully funded
Could have been worse. I like what I do, i'm just not sure if i want to go into the academic jew or industry when i'm done
Holy fuck how short are you? I could rest my cock on top of your head
They are superior to the rest of the population. CNN told me they voted for Hillary, they are well educated and they are members of the elite.
They really know what's better for society because they have a degree.
>self taught
Are you me, brother?
I feel like I never learned anything of value from school, besides how to write, basic math ("Hard" math I always end up making sense of it by myself without really needing to follow "the class"), and science.
I'm still in high school, I'll be going to college soon.
Is it really all a lie?
At this point I'm not sure what to do.
I've always wanted to study in the medical field, or maybe psychology.
But after what an user posted up above, I'm thinking about maybe going to college for 6-8 years then going in the military.
Probably become a general or some shit... I don't even know
You're doing it all wrong.
It's not high school u dumb fuck you were supposed to be doing something productive to society, like inventing something useful, or volunteering, or starting your own nonprofit or doing groundbreaking research
a year
or i eat healty and exercise?
>tfw youre such a lankly manlet you don't know how to get muscles without roids
>living in a dorm opens you up to so many opportunities
Uh, no it doesn't kek. Girls in dorms bring the 80/20 rule to something more like 95/5
It's called a Google image search.
Lol, silly Floridians. So are you a graphic designer or an accountant?
Your sister likes it because she has dick on demand
Seriously. If she's sitting at the library, getting dicked is 10 minutes away
Passion is a meme. Most people are not going to have a passion that translates to a job.
This is one thing the boomer and gen x generation of parents did that fucked us up. "Find your passion". Nonsense. Do you know the best person to give a small bis loan to? Not one following their passion, they will take dumb risks, or burn out or do things for 'the sake of doing it right'. The best loan is given to someone who just wants to open a forgert franchise and just grind it out. Be realistic about your connections and chances. 99% of jobs are just jobs, not passions, 99% of people working then will end up in a job that's not a passion
I ask again Popeye how short are you. And it looks like you live in a hostel