Imagine the butthurt in 2020.
The tears will rival everything we've seen so far.
Imagine the butthurt in 2020.
The tears will rival everything we've seen so far.
Can I get a source on that chart?
tis true that zed is quite sick of millennials shit, but they're still young so who knows.
they are the last generation
Is 1995 gen Y or Z?
im 95 and I say both
95 too always consider myself gen z
look at these millennial fags
Z starts at 96
Are you guys idiots? You guys are literally in the middle of the millennial generation.
>tfw '89 millennial but parents were old as shit when I was born so it was like growing up in post war Britain
1992 here, you're all faggots after 1993
> Shit tier generation
> Apathetic, entitled shabbos goys
> Up and coming men and women wish to identify and support other movements and ideas
'90 here. Too much of a natural misanthrope to ever buy into lefty ideologies. Recently starting to feel respect for my fellow man, but not my generation. I wonder if the millenials will ever wake up or will they just become the new generation of burned out hippies that will be teaching in the universities generation z+1 attends.
'98, what gen am i
I'm lucky I live in an all white racist seaside town, people openly talking about Trump and Brexit without fear of lefty abuse. Everyone is ugly and dumb though which is a shame.
underage b&
>tfw born january 1st 1993
Is 18 underage? 98 he could be 18.
these are collectively the dumbest things i've ever read on the internet and I think you gave me cancer and aids, too.
fucking look it up you lazy faggot
93 here.
Too much autism to be a good goy. Never mixed in. Always an outsider.
Autism is spreading like wildfire
Fucking leafs, man. How did they get so bad?
American education strikes again. Learn to count you fucking idiot, 90% of anyone born in 98 is now 18.
So here's a question for my fellow Millennials:
Why are you NOT like the rest of our shit-tier generation?
I personally thank my FATHER AND MOTHER who are still together and actually paid attention to me.
Father worked, mother stayed at home. I was an oddity in public school because of that alone, on top of being one of the only kids who only had one home to go to weekdays and weekends.
How about you guys, how did you turn out normal?
Have you not been paying attention?
google "when does generation Z start"
fucking retard
if I was a mod which I'm not I would ban anyone syaing they were born in 98 up until 1st Jan 17
I'm fucking seriously lolling so hard
74 x gen reporting.
What I find fucking gold is the return to conservative, boomer ideals your age faggots ( not talking bout you, (( you're different)) ) are finally starting to appreciate. By fucking sides
Gen Z is still pretty young. I'm a millennial and back in high school no one lost their shit if you called someone a fag and other non-PC stuff.
The SJW phase happens in college.
I see it as 18 years per gen.
46-64 boomers
64-82 generation Malcolm X
82-00 millennials
00-18 sjw definition
I'm a fucking sperg and never mixed myself with the normalfags, which is also the reason I posted in SA and then Sup Forums back in the early-mid 00's
Worst generation ever it should be legal to bunt them
>all white racist seaside town
X was Born in 1925
LMFAO "look it up"
This generation shit is a made up concept
Generation fuck off
Gen Z are fucking wild, they tear you apart when you go near them, they grew up on cod/leafy videos. They're going to be insane.
Same here, also helps I rejected education in high school since I thought some of the teachers were full of shit.
Never went to uni and spent most of my adult life working. Which is probably why I earn six figures and own my own home and feel most of these other gen y whingers are full of shit
christ, imagine when Millennials are at retirement age
everyone will be so immersed 10 year old autists will run the world
Reminder that Generaton Z is the reincarnation of the Greatest Generation
Most sociologists say '94 is the cut off. Gen Z is said to be a return to conservatism or at least a rejection of progressivism and political correctness. You have toddlers shouting build the wall and highschoolers mocking cucks. Really Millennials will be remembered as the worst generation of people since Boomers which is fitting because we are their children.
After decades of irrelevance, if Gen X can promote the values of conservatism in their later years and the new generations continue to see through the social marxism, we might be saved.
1995 and I say we are traits of both
>lots of in debt college with gender studies
>but also lots of them rejecting them all together and started going to STEM or trades
this, just look at LtCorbis and I fully expect her to go full nazi 1488
>The return to conservatism is a result of dramatic world events.
>Growing up with leftist bullshit is equivalent to WW2
they should be raising a family not doing the career crap
i think of millennials as 85-2000. i dont have anything in common with anyone born before 85 nor anyone after 2000
I would like to start a family however, in America, ti is illegal to marry a younger girl and the marriages laws puts me off.
Generation Z will be the most miserable of all because they will have to support lots of pensioners, given the low birth rates.
Use your brain and look at trends in general.
>Disco is cool (no hippies yet)
fuck disco
>Hippies are cool (no 80s yet)
fuck hippies
>New wave is cool (no 90s yet)
fuck 80s
>every generation born after 1982 is millennial. eventually we will all be millennial. just like we will all be one race one world one people
18 year old user here can confirm
Millennials are the little puke stain fuck ups born after 1979
>tfw born 95, millennial (?)
>tfw this chart describes exactly what happened to me
What do
This, even fucking college is failing at attempting to reprogram everyone.
Our college got too unhinged about Trump and invited a speaker that talked about ending white dominance.
It doesn't matter how much generaly left-leaning we are, this was the fucking south and having a speaker no longer hide his white genocide views scared the shit out of people.
And anyone who understands persuasion will realize how effective fear is at making on choose the lesser of the two evils.
In this case? Trump.
It is fun watching all these plans to make the South Blue fall apart.
>forming views based on other people's views rather than objective examination of the facts and arguments available to you
Identify Sexually as a Gen Z; It's the current year after all.
That is persuasion user.
Facts don't matter.
Faster you understand this; Faster you win.
>A fucking leaf calling anyone else a puke stain
Leafs are uniform fuck ups, doesn't matter what age they are.
This is basically the gist of it
GG caused backlash like they never expected
Even though they should have
It should be:
>Like things, are a thing
>The left hate absolutely everything
>Hate the left
coming from a country who elected a Muslim nigger twice in a row.
really invalidates your argument Muslim taco
>Gen Alpla
Manly gen soon
Wait, do you think hippies came after disco? Are you retarded?
>invalidates my argument
>in four years we went from nigger to Trump
Meanwhile you faggots have a guy who is selling your country down the drain.
I honestly wish you leafs would just kill yourselves, as you all ignore reality and are just lashing out as your country dies
You can get a fuck you.
Do I get special pronouns too?
Hello, I was a trump supporter until the racists came out, and they were mainly GEN Z which is terrible! Luckily most have 4 or 5 years left until adulthood, and this is great because we can be progressive like we always have! It will be amazing, and I truely hope for Gen Z to follow in the millinials footsteps! Hopefully all you racists can change your ways. Progress and diversity is our strength!
WTF I'm generation Z now
Of course user, it is the curr--
Wait wrong year.
It is the current year + 1 so John Oliver is BTFO and you will never get any pronoun again.
A sign of this things to come.
Millennials confirmed for getting BTFOed
so a generation is still an unquantified term used absolutely willy nilly to represent some termporal value of some cult or trend of thought that is prevailing in the social sciences?
How scientific of you
I fully support your OP but as a cynical 36 yo Gen X I must show my generations usual bemusement. I remember when they said Millennials would be far superior to us and all others because the internet would cause them to be fucking 609D mahjong players because of the constant and free information they'd get.
Then look at how they turned out.
Now its the same thing "w-whoa Gen X asshole Gen z-Z is like, awesomely redpilled because they are getting Infowars straight to there brain, a-and they have seen the evils of feminism, t-they are kicking the establishments ass guys"
I mean I am rooting for them because I admit X didn't do so well, Millennials didn't do as well as X so hopefully Z can do what you say.
I too was a trump supporter! Wow, I came here looking for diversity in thoughts and feelings, but it's all racist! I love to see a fellow progressive when I can! Thank you for spreading this message of LOVE and TOLERANCE!
96 faggot reporting in, also have another two close friends also red pilled.
The future is looking bright.
if i was born in 85 but voted for trump am I still millennial trash or can I get away with subscribing myself to say "the last wave of gen x"
>but as a cynical 36 yo Gen X I must show my generations usual bemusement
Wow you sound just like my Dad who voted for Hillary but wanted Trump to win.
I've got hope for the next generation. Us millennials are so fucking stupid.
Might as wall call yourself anything but a millennial if you can get away with it.
As you can see in this thread, every late 90s Millennials is now saying they are gen z because they realize how much of a fucking disaster millennials are becoming.
Awesome, virtuous, pious parents. My folks kept me out of public education and exposed me to goodness, beauty, and truth. To them I owe my virtue and faith.
My predictions: Gen Z will be one of the greatest generations (and more conservative) since The silent generation. They will innovate the economy and rebuild it. Gen Alpha will be even more cucked than their father's, Millennials, because they will adroctrinate their leftist ideas. After them the next generation will play a huge role in ww3
I am not even joking memes are what led to all of this for me.
>Gen Z will be one of the greatest generations
And it will all be because of memes user.
Funny, isn't it?
My son is in Generation Alpha and, much to the annoyance of the sea of liberals we live in, he decided months ago he supported Trump. No one could talk him out of it. (I never tried one way or the other, because he's five.)
I should've known Trump was going to win. Last year he picked the Panthers to win the Super Bowl before the season started.
>Generation Alpha
Wew, I hope that name sticks and those kids end up fitting the name.
Yeah that is another thing I noticed: People who are redpilled in our age group tend to not show there power level unless they are with someone they trust.
Have had 2 people surprise me because of that.
GFC, constant foreign wars, 9/11, refugee crisis, political upheaval
yeah its not WWII but its pretty tumultuous
Makes me feel bad for Generation Beta.
Kek, those will be the cucks in like 30 to 40 years that will start getting complacent again.
>I'll will be a Middle Aged Man at that point keeping an vilgilent eye to make sure that generation doesn't ruin everything I have worked for by that point.
The current build up and collapse of globalism feels like 1900s before WWI. Oh and there was a very similar housing collapse in 1905, in the US.
i hope we can induce mass sjw suicide cults
'97 here, I know a fair amount of redpilled people my age, not sure if younger z's will be able to push through all the damn propaganda and conditioning.
I hope so too.
They have one thing we have only recently gained: MEMES
Our memes are literally being transferred down to them.
Memes are cultural DNA, you control the memes, you control the world
I thought it was '96.
98 fag here been lurking and posting since the birth of tay. ohio fag. when dose the race war start?
98 here. too many niggers in my area. all the white z's agree even some 2001 kids. we're doing just fine
Parents are super conservative and super Christian.
Plenty of discipline growing up.
Even got disciplined for things my sisters did, so I learned that sometimes the world's not fair and you just have to suck it up and move on.
Parents always stressed education, college, and making sure I picked a degree that I could actually get a good job and money with.
Parents always loved me.
I wanted to join the drama club in high school, and my parents decided for me that I would not do that.
They always made sure I was involved in sports growing up. Teaches teamwork and makes friends.
Parents still together, and they still love each other. They're a good model for how a relationship between a man and woman should work, and they're a good model for how parenting should work.
College pulled me to the left some, but I started far enough to the right that I'd say I'm closer to the middle now. I try to listen ideas on both sides, but I call bullshit when I see it.