What is her problem?
What is her problem?
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>What is his problem?
>What is her problem?
Has a penis
If you watch Christopher Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews in succession, it looks like a time lapse of a lesbian aging.
damn i want to fuck her
this bitch is having nightly meltdowns. its hilarious.
(S)he's really gone off the deep end after Trump won. Even my libcuck family had to stop watching her.
He looks a lot better after the sex change.
Literally a reptilian.
You'd be the one getting fucked m8
He's a faggot
Who is this effeminate man??
Checked and Kek'd
she looks like she's chewing something in the side of her mouth every time she talks.
Looks like a jew.
He realized he liked muff after college, and has been taking his anger out on normal people ever since.
I also thinks it's hilarious how almost every msnbc anchor is sexually androgynous, and you can't tell if their male or female.
Ever since fantastic four movie failed his career spiraled downward
I unironically like her and watch her show all the time. (I know, I know, cuck faggot kys etc etc, spare yourself your words I don't give a shit, retards.)
I think it's one of the best news shows in the US. When I first learned of her in 2011 my gut-reaction was thinking "Ugh, some leftist lesbian dyke probably doing some absolutely retarded leftist identity politics show" so I avoided her for a couple of years.
But I started watching her in 2015 just out of curiosity of what she had to say about Trump and so forth and actually came away surprised by how knowledgable she is and how refreshing her presentation style is.
She always starts the show with some history, often times fairly obscure history that I'm learning about for the first time, it'll seem unrelated to everything at first and you'll find yourself asking "Why is she talking about this, it has no relevancy to anything going on in the present time at all" but she always manages to bring it back to the present day in a clever and intelligent way.
I don't always agree with her but I always feel like I go away having learned a new interesting hitsorical factoid and gotten a fresh perspective on things. For example, when doing a show recently discussing Trump succeeding Obama she started the show with a long-winded monologue about Abraham Lincoln being succeeded by Andrew Johnson and drew a lot of interesting parallels to the present.
So yea I'm really a convert in regards to her.
She hasn't been electrocuted
Top kek
I could never get past her voice and tone
dyke hair
>cuck faggot kys
Unmarried, no children, and therefore completely and entirely unfulfilled in life.
You could always take a dick to your ass, I here that's very fulfilling
She repeats the same line over and over, as if she has no clue on how to effectively emphasize the "point" she's trying to make. So she just tries every way she can at once, swinging like an animal hoping to make contact with a viewer. She is like the Dane Cook of MSM "news" anchors.
Please don't talk about Dane Cook,I wish we could all just forget he ever existed and move on with our lives