Thoughts on this man?
Thoughts on this man?
a cute!
I don't trust him. Too jewy. Also doesn't like guns.
Idk. Were his actions ethical? Debatable. Was his behavior in front of some committee of randos, who were only calling him in to publicly spank him on the ass, really funny?Undeniably fuck yes.
he's a degenerate rap music aficionado. he's a douche.
He's a jew. last name shekelry
Shkreli is how 99% of people who actively post here would be like if they had fuck you money.
The most Jewish man in the world, even though he isn't actually Jewish
Had good intentions. Is okay at League. An IRL troll
Did the way he "released" the WuTang album even count?
there's something wrong with him. that i love. no homo.
The hero we need
He's a cunt but I like him. Kinda libby but I think he genuinely cares about rare diseases and helping sick people.
Our guy.
He is worse than a Jew. He is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, an Albanian.
pretty good twitter troll
He doesn't answer my DMs
I am seriously fed up with people talking shit on Martin. I swear to God you fucking pussies, you fucking hypocrites. You live the EXACT SAME LIFE as Martin, but you completely suck at it. All of you
soulless wanker
master ruseman
He uses obama care to get poor people free aids medicine while sticking it to big pharma and hospitals by footing them the massive bill on the increased medicine prices. Surfing media backlash with a smug villain persona.
He's based sure but he's also a massive attention whore poser. He wasn't pro trump until milo had a talk with him and ever since he's been "LMAO MARXIST FAGGOTS GET REKT LOL THINKING SOCIALISM WORKS TRUMP TRUMP W-WHAT YOU THOUGHT THAT BERNIE STICKER AND PRO HILLARY MUG WAS SINCERE LOL I WAS JUST MESSING WITH YOU BRAH LOOOOL XDDDDD"
He's a total faggot and just what you'd expect from a person who discovered Sup Forums yesterday. I'm really glad he didn't buy Sup Forums, he doesn't understand the culture and would of probably made it facebook.
Just had to pay $300 for an epi-pen after discovering I'm allergic to wasp stings.
I'm willing to forgive him if he releases some Nirvana.
Not familiar with epi-pens, is the device itself $300 and filled with some kind of medicine?
Not sure if $300 for a life-saving device is unreasonable. Also Martin had nothing to do with that and only voiced his approval.
What's the deal with him? From what I've seen he puts work into making cures for diseases and such, yet he also proclaims to be proud of being the biggest "pharmaceutical scam artist" or something. Then there's that thing where that one drug got its prices jacked up massively which made a lot of people hate him. Is he a good guy or no?
He put some of it up on the site he is programing
Sup Forums personified
The pharmacist gave me a coupon because my insurance wouldn't pay for it
Underrated post
piece of shit
this is objective fact
He disrespected Gowdy, too smug for me.
What have you done for the world?
Can someone redpill me on the whole HIV vaccine thing, and how what he did was good in the long run? MSM paints him as Satan incarnate of course.
It isn't a treatment for HIV. He owns the licensing(IN SOME COUNTRIES) for a drug that treats some obscure condition very few people even have and uses the price to screw insurance companies.
The drug is daraprim and it's for toxoplasmosis, side effect of rare cancer i think.
Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. It's normally not fatal to humans, and typically isn't a problem. Unless you have AIDS, that's when you need the drug.
There hasn't been research on this parasite in like 60 or 70 years because there's "no money in it." he bought the rights, threw the price through the roof, and is funding research into new meds for the condition.
if you don't have insurance and you can't afford the medication you should call the company and they'll give it to you for a few bucks (it might be free, I can't recall.)
He's your typical hipster liberal who presents himself as a conservative.