This is the logo of the alt-right

This is the logo of the alt-right.

So can we get rid of this austistic piece of shit, please

I see the merchant.

>triangle logo

WE have become the jew.

Protip on making a logo:
Make sure it can't be turned around and made fun of

Do you guys think that if we put a bunch of occult symbolism, the jews will get mad and then try to denounce it? Then the jews will have to get rid of all their symbolism relating to stars, 6's, triangles.

Just like we associated N***** with Googles. :^)

Properly stilized=no merchant

Bullshit target invented by jews.


you can't put a logo on a movement that has no organizatio


Could be more subtle, but this has nazi influence, and the male gender symbol.
Win win

//Sup Forums// won a battle against (((jews)))

NPI and AmRen could fall into the denomination.
Either that or they eventually will
I fail to see the merchant in the one I propose



This is perfect


This is some pure kill yourself tier shit.

looks like GOP elephant!

Hey I'm a journalist for CNN would you mind if we used this for a piece we're doing tomorrow on Sup Forums and the alt-right?

That's a pretty dank meme, senpai

Use this logo

fuck off leaf I'll use whatever I want to use.


welcome shill.

What is this faggotry.

creative, but we still have to define alt right. are we the same exact thing as infowars fans, breitbart readers, stormfags, and all those center left "new skeptic" channels on youtube? cause all those motherfuckers are grouped in.


reminds me of the car manufacturer Radical


then why does it look like an anarchy symbol?

Are we being raided or something?
Ctrl+F gives 15 results that match "alt-right", 5 that match "alt right".

THIS is the official Alt Right Symbol

can the animal associated with the party be a frog?

Alt-right is already defined, it's essentially white nationalism, pro-traditionalism, anti-globalism.
No real economic ideals (aside from your country first) because a white country can work with basically anything.

The alt right is just conservative views expressed through memes. Trying to organize it would completely defeat the point

shut up goy

>we still have to define alt right

That is not how it works. Just because we can choose to call you all alt-burgers does not mean that YOU have to define it for us.
>using a label
>what is the next step of your master plan?

daily reminder that the massive increase in usage of the term "alt right" recently is subversion

by trying to define what Sup Forums is they can steer the narratives

I'm not defining what Sup Forums is, I'm saying what the alt-right definition is.
Sup Forums isn't alt-right, Sup Forums isn't a single person.


i like you

this seems the most fitting

This, also keep an eye out for the OP proxy hopping and posting the image in this screencap.

Spotting shills is half the battle.

It kinda looks like a flag that's falling but propped up with a stick


I also realize this forward the webpage in most browsers. Even more fitting.

This or OP's are best in this thread so far.

doubles comfirm alt right is a shit name and kek is our logo

This. So much.

>and kek is our logo
Blasphemy! Kek is our god, how dare you demote him to a logo.

No, this is.

Looks like that stick figure drawing of the guy on all fours with spaghetti falling out of his pockets.

This is

It's clearly a flawlessly drawn swastika.

>tfw I was the one that posted that exact post

I'm not a shill fuckhead, I posted it because its a fucking terrible symbol. Probably the worst idea for a symbol I have seen

so I shitpost it cause its fucking shit

Looks like RA to me.

Ra is not who we serve.

i thought our symbol was a poopstika

>literally a merchant silhouette


No, this is the new logo of the alt-right. The "H" stands for "Heil Hitler".

>failing to see country flag

of course a fucking leaf would do that

this is perfect


wtf im alt-hillary now

here's a better one


Is this
>naming the jew
>being the jew
>(((pure coincidence)))


Ok that's pretty funny



here you go. It's KEK green.

(((whatever makes me sweet circular metallic currency)))

This is our logo now

Ya, my vote counts for fifty votes and i vote Spaztika x 50.


Crappy tryhard nonsense. Go Spaztika

ITT: Autism

Nonono you are not fooling me sefardi merchant
Hiel Hotler 15/99!

Spaztika is magic, kek wills it, just accept it.

The last thing we want is for someone to actually take us seriously. Just in case someone actually does that, we want the most retarded, god awful bullshit logo imaginable. Spaztika FTW




Remember how idiotic the MSM looked when they went after Pepe? Grown men and women freaking out over cartoon frog. Make the logo something equally as silly and watch them make fools of themselves.


This. Winner!


I pressed alt and right on my keyboard, nothing happened.

You sure it's not shift?

>You sure it's not shift?
No, that would be Shift/left. It's literally the opposite [heavy breathing]

Fuck me, digits confirm!

I think you unwittingly renamed the left, the shift.

This is the symbol of the alt right.


I can dig it
[moar heavy breathing]

Best so far.

Too legit looking.

1. The Alt-Right is a catchall term and (((media))) invention for controlled opposition of any white straight male nationalist movements, and according to any news coverage it gets will always be lead by _____________ determined to promote godless degeneracy or paganistic hedonism. Without God as the foundation, any efforts to promote a traditional life will be uprooted as a passing fad.

A) Buttplay Skypes
B) POZ'ed Kikes
C) Sodomite Shylocks
D) Yaoi Yiddish

There is no alt-right. It's a controlled opposition term.

So we take control of it and make it a joke. Everyone is looking at Sup Forums right now as a bastion of the AltRight, so lets make it ours, and lets make it suck!

>failing to see country flag

of course a fucking Austrian would do that

I think the new Symbol should be of my face