Quebec just prevented a no-go zone from happening after Quebec premier whose from the Liberal party is against it
It's like I'm living in a fucking bizzaro world
Quebec just prevented a no-go zone from happening after Quebec premier whose from the Liberal party is against it
It's like I'm living in a fucking bizzaro world
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wow i never knew canada was so racist. and i thought the us was bad... poor ignorant leafs :(
Sasuga hometwon
Live le quebec, tabarnak.
Proves once again, we're the stealth red pilled nation.
Maybe Quebec is worth keeping after all
What the fuck is a "muslim housing development"
>stopping muslims from building housing
Not bad but they are hardly the problem...We still have the Chinese laundering their dirty money here and practicing their version of colonialism on us.
The yellow menace must be removed.
This wtf
Is it like the Warsaw Ghetto?
yes, I find it interesting you have so many chineses
why there and not here I wonder?
Don't quebecians hate anyone who isn't from quebec and doesn't speak french?
>According to chatter on social media, a Syrian refugee component of Sunday’s Guelph Santa Claus Parade experienced an incident of booing at one point along the route.
>The incident has caused a uproar on Facebook, with many decrying the act as racist, sad, and extremely unfortunate.
Quebec is pretty fucking racists. Canada has no idea, they hate them because they are french but believe me that hate everyone more. Montreal is full of liberal cucks but that is absolutely it.
a gated Muslim community were they are aloud to practice sharia law regardless of state/federal law
Nobody in Quebec speaks French.
the asian menace stays
Muslim only housing
Sharia only housing.
There is lots of apartment complex's on the mainland that are run by Muslims. If you apply to live in one of these buildings, you won't get in as a non-Muslim. Some buildings are "sharia friendly" where the enforce sharia in whatever ways they can get away with.
Its sad that a Muslim has an easier time getting a roof over his head than a Canadian
This is pretty fucked up. Way to bend over backwards for the sand niggers. Can you not see what has happened in europe? Fucking idiots.
Québécois here.
Quebec is very much against self-segregation. The liberal party is merely trying to save its ass for the four partial elections which will happen shortly.
The «vivre ensemble» values of ostentatious secularism, real (including symbolic) equality between the sexes and french primacy have clashed head on in the past against this tendency of religious communities to self segregate and then ask for special treatment on their territory on dubious grounds. (both from muslim and hassidic communities btw)
So-called reasonable accomodations and the debate on whether or not to allow the wearing of religious symbols such as the veil while on government payroll have been at the forefront of the news in the past few years and there is a general consensus among the french majority that clear limits have to be officially set and that too many accomodations are unacceptable.
The liberal party is forced to take this position but it's a position that is mainly articulated by the two opposition parties who mainly represent french majority counties both full blown separatist or federalist-nationalist
Their Quebecois, they give a fuck. Every other relevant province is cucked hard.
Quebecois not quebecians
Man, if it wasn't for Quebec canadian history and politics would be a snoozer.
You're quebekian and you goddamn well like it!
>Quebecois don't want THIS in their province
Explain yourselves.
this. nothing enrages me more than the sight of a thick rimmed glasses wearing gook
I can't believe retards on Sup Forums think this is a good thing.
>quebec not pulling it's weight per usual
Literally shaking rn. Why is Canada so fucking racist? What am I doing to tell my wife's son?
If they tried to do this a hundred miles west it would have passed in a second.
You just can't do this in Quebec, because Quebec is already a "protected minority" part of Canada.
youd have to convert to a shitty backwards religion and be wealthy and manage a family before theyd let you hit it
Make it 60% browner and put a shitton of hair there.
Quebec isn't part of Canada though.
Quebec is always like this, very wary of Muslims. Nothing new here.
People have enough of sand nigger