Is Sup Forums the single best evidence for the Dunning-Kruger theory?

Is Sup Forums the single best evidence for the Dunning-Kruger theory?

Yep. And your (((one of us))).

I think Obama winning twice sad the best evidence. I think Clinton winning twice and bush sr winning at all was best evidence.

I actually like Sup Forums mostly because I'm too thoughtful and neurotic to have opinions about much. I like coming here and seeing people who know what they believe.

Dunning-Kruger might be true, but I don't know what's supposed to be smart about being lost in a void of uncertainty and never committing to anything. Feels like I've made a stupid mistake to be honest.

Sup Forums is the greatest gathering of intellectuals on the Internet, quite frankly. Nothing, no one, nowhere can stand up to its intellectual rigour and intensity, and with it, we've pierced through the media deception and hold up the light of truth for the whole world to follow.

>the Dunning–Kruger theory
Also know as every person feels. We are all looking for proof we are special. Some people die "famous" and it is very easy to believe the lie that some people are more special but ultimately no one is special.

wtf i believe the holocaust now

>not every celebrity, academic, talking head and politico that bet everything on a Clinton landslide
Has anyone been so criticized for being right, as Sup Forums?

>calling the people who got Trump elected stupid

We're pretty awesome desu fampai

Charles darwin would be more in line with Sup Forums politically than pretty much any other media platfrom these days.

bye rddit

10/10 take this bunda as a gift for the answer

The scariest part about Sup Forums is that it may be writing new theories.

Yep, and we're mostly autistic NEETs.

Y nigger

Pols a collection quit trying to pretend you know the world

>Implying Sup Forums is not just ironic shitposting

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company

Truth be told my friend, unfortunately due to the election quality has gone down the drain

A couple weeks/months after Trump's innauguration things will be more civil

>hurr great knowledge always makes one modest

Fuck off faggot. Humility is the virtue of those who have no other.

>t. Hirojewki "buy more passes to avert a nonexistent financial crisis goys" Nishitmura

Dunning Kruger is strong everywhere.
Sup Forums less so because if you post something dumb you get called a retard and debunked for your ignorance.
Whereas other places will socialize certain ideas and people will think they're clever for believing really basic concepts.
Cracked, reddit, and anyplace where sentence long factoids are the norm is where Dunning Kruger is strongest.

You're probably the most evidenced of the Dunning-Kruger effect here OP considering your love of quotes from famous people.
