Take that you stupid faggot house
Take that you stupid faggot house
Other urls found in this thread:
>if you burn your enemies house they win
You lost, your enemies were killed.
fuck america
oh no they got the swamp capitol
that's the most important city and wasn't just put there cus it was in the middle
US eternally BTFO
Wasn't it burned down by British troops from Britain
Fuck em eh bud, cut off their maple syrup supply.
You were British at the time, Chow Ming, but nice attempt at bantz.
If you burn their capitol, they win
>taking credit for a British victory
Typical chink, stealing everything.
>what do you think your doing stupid leaf.
Fucking day of the burger flipper soon...
It was.
Woah... I hope we never have to go to war with Canada, they're vicious!
WTFF imm sshjking so baddx smboby deelte tthiis poleass Hbelp
shut the fuck up canada look at your queen trudeau vs pres real donald j trump
we are cucked oh canadian values always polite eh fuck if only we got rid of all these brownies and went back to being small white town lumberjacks christ those were the days
This thread is inarguable proof that Canadians are more American than British
Looked like a case of beer or maybe barbeque sauce from the thumbnail
i am disappoint
>being small white town
I remember when I thought they sucked. At least I was never a commie.
Do it a second time and Trump can rebuild it. bigger, better, under budget, ahead of schedule, and, finally, fireproof. But wait, there's more; burn within the next 60 days and you get one fried King Nigger, free of charge! Thanks, Trudeau.
Who do you think Canadians are? theyre descendants of those same british you mong. Its the same people we just got independence
Fuck off maplenigger