Hello, Normies!
Redpill the Normies
Am I reading this wrong or does it say that only 18% of white women with multiple children have those children to the same father?
We're so fucked, goddamnit.
With black fathers. So only white women who have kids with black guys. Reread the info now that you understand who the survey was on.
Oh I see.
Yeah that makes way more sense. No one cares about coalburners.
Can someone post the one about Anne Frank?
Can someone explain redpilling in the Sup Forums context? I'm familiar with the concept of a red pill and a blue one, but every time I try to seek out what it means in this sense, I'm told it's white supremicy and misogyny and I don't trust like that.
It is used to mean not commonly recognized hard truths. So fact about race are redpills because they are basically censored by the media and are actively suppressed by liberals. This is also a redpill. POWs in Vietnam were left to die and the MSM have helped cover it up multiple times. Despite that being an excellent source, one of the greatest journalists of his generation who absolutely had access to high level CIA agents, most mainstream sources will scoff without looking at the facts.
Jewish Affirmative Action is also a redpill. It is as mathematically proven as these things get. Jews have both lower standards and higher admission rates at every school after adjusting for test scores and grades. Most people scoff because "jew are smart" without looking at the math. After you control for how smart jews are, it becomes crystal clear that jewish nepotism and affirmative action exist to an absurd degree.
I think I understand, user. Thanks.
Would another example be that there are differences between races? Like average IQ? Every single time I've searched for an answer its always the same thing: "men acting entitled and acting superior to others", when this is not what I see at all.
A thirst for truth, even if it's hard to swallow.
Thanks user.
Predictably, once jews get unfairly admitted to Ivy League and other prestigious schools, they underperform their white and asian peers substantially.
Yes, IQ differences would count as a redpill, and the fact that liberal excuses about IQ differences are all bunk is also a redpill.
Poverty explains it!
Culturally biased tests!
The Flynn Effect will have them catch up!
Knowing Jews, this is probably cause for some new jew scheme, like getting special recognition because they 'aren't graded fairly' or some bullshit. Although honestly, I didn't know that 'the smart Jew' was even a stereotype.
They promote the notion they are racially superior.