Trump endorses Nigel Farage for US Ambassador
>Former UK Independence Party leader, Nigel Farage, has Donald Trump’s backing as a potential Ambassador to the United States. The President-elect has tweeted that Farage would do a "great job"
Trump endorses Nigel Farage for US Ambassador
>Former UK Independence Party leader, Nigel Farage, has Donald Trump’s backing as a potential Ambassador to the United States. The President-elect has tweeted that Farage would do a "great job"
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Can you imagine him as UN embassador ?
Cant barrage the farage
>picking other nation's ambassadors
She is not going to be happy.
Oh well, that's what happens when you shit your pants on an international stage and become irrelevant overnight.
What did she do?
No we need to steal him away and make him the ambassador from us to the UK. We need somebody to properly translate from American to limey cunt.
There's a reason why Theresa May gets put on hold but Angela Merkel is on speed dial.
Make him Trump's ambassador to the EU
>Eurocrats' faces when they have to deal with Farage every day
>and he's in a position of ultimate strength
we are memeing ways we should not be memeing
>UN ambassador Farage
Leaving nato when?
Watching the EU get swallowed up by muslim hordes when?
Watching the US and Russia go in to pick up the leftovers....
Were gonna make the world great again!
I want Farage to be our Secretary of State SO BADLY. Do you have to be a citizen to serve in that capacity? I know being born in America isn't an issue, or Kissinger wouldn't have held the office
>Leaving nato when?
>Watching the US and Russia go in to pick up the leftovers....
What do you think "NATO" is exactly?
Of course you have to be a fucking citizen.
barrage can just buy a house here and do shit easily.
I'll marry him then, problem solved
If he wanted to, yes. I don't know if he would.
I'm all for embassador N. Farage but I think perhaps Trump is sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. British people may not take kindly to a US prez having opinions on their politics.
>mfw mommy may played the 'no comment' card when asked if Farrage was going to be made an official attache during parliament
Pretty neat of Trump, desu. Farage is basically persona non grata in the British political and media establishment - the same way Trump was before he won. It puts our government in a difficult position. They're desperate for a good relationship with America, but their President is endorsing someone they shun and despise.
We're doing exactly what we should be doing.
If anything, we aren't memeing enough
2016 will forever be remembered as the year when memes became real
Nigel needs to stay and work in the UK, his home. Having great relations with the US doesn't mean he should abandon everything and come over here.
The President doesn't "endorse." He appoints. You dumb nigger. take him
t. shitskin.
>wanting to be a eurocuck
Where does one actually have to be to get the EU flag?
This is so fucking brilliant. Now if anyone else is UK ambassador to the USA it will be viewed as a sleight to Trump since he publicly asked for it to be Farage on Twitter.
Diplomacy by Twitter is fucking hilarious. If it was anyone but Trump doing it I would be appalled.
The guy with the EU flag won't tell us.
There's a few places with wifi in Brussels that counts as EU flag.
except Farage wouldnt be working for Trump you dumb biscuit cunt. He is sayig hey Britbong cuck government we would like nigey as British ambassador to the US.
>the American President appoints ambassadors to the United States from other countries
Stupidest thing I've read in months.
Trump wants his legacy to be the saviour of all the West. That union will dissolve alot quicker with Trump putting the American boot to the EU throat.
Trump and Farage having fireside chats, smoking cigars and discussing the take down of the EU.
we appoint whether or not other countries even exist lad.
Usually, the ambassador is an american that goes to other countries to soften them up for our star spangled donger, but we love Uncle Nigey so much, that we want him to be our ambassador when representing the US.
I can't say much on the topic of how many "none american born" US lead ambassadors we have or had in service up to this point in time but since Nigey is being given the honor, it must not be so unusual.
No you fucking idiot, Trump is saying Farage should be the UK's ambassador to the United States.