>Gets red pilled
>endorses Trump
>goes insane
Really makes you think
>Gets red pilled
>endorses Trump
>goes insane
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>goes insane
>starts supporting Trump
really makes you think
What did he mean by this?
I'm.... really.. thinking... now..
I dont think blacks handle the red pill well. the same thing happened with Marvin Gaye, thats why his dad killed him.
I think their entire victim/the world is racist mentality that they've had since as far back as they remember is shattered thats why they fully flip out.
Whites already know some things are bullshit but they intentionally blue pill themselves to keep from hurting, so its only 50%-75% changes when they go all in.
Kanye is too based to be sane
But is being ill adapted to live in such a sick society really an illness ?
Kanye would probably be a king a prophet or maybe even a wizard in africa.
But alas...
he didn't even vote. kys if you didn't vote
I couldn't vote because I got a ticket.
I just want to know what the fuck he did to have his friends call for him to be locked up because he is a danger to himself or others.
Everyone knows that it would really hurt if not destroy his career/personal life.
What the fuck did you Kanye? Start babbling about space aliens while naked shooting a gun in air?
>Discover Clinton plans on rigging polls
>Gets ready to expose it
>Gets executed in a failed "mugging"
Maybe you should be the one thinking, will HRC and her puppeteers be so gentle to people like you?
Not voting is the most american thing you can do
I kanye, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Oh course he went insane. What were you like when you too the red pill, finding out that all the people would claim to fight for "diversity" and "inclusiveness" actually act like a Sup Forums shit poster when they think no one is looking?
I feel bad for Kanye. Imagine finding out that a majority of the people around you have actually been treating you like a Circus monkey instead of a musician.
>What were you like when you too the red pill
I flung copious amounts of my own feces around my room in some primal effort of making sense of it all.
Supporting Trump is a mental illness. He had to be taken in.
>goes insane
he was hospitalized by his "management" team
Makes you wonder.
Is this what happened to Dave Chappelle, when he lost his shit, quit his successful show, and moved to Africa for a bit? Did he wake up?
Got 5150ed. I have a feeling that they will regret it, although it does sound like someone had to pull the plug and get him to sleep. I think they can only hold him for 72 or 96 hours. With all his money and lawyers, he'll be out soon. It remains to be seen whether he will be grateful or furious.
I bet that it was when Trump said that he didn't need Jay-z to get large crowds that that was really put the zap on Kanye's head.
are they about to pull a MJ on him?
Red pill is to strong for the nigger brain.
What if they accidentally give Kanye an experimental drug that gives him an IQ of 500
>Kanye would probably be a king a prophet or maybe even a wizard in africa.
>starts supporting Trump
>is declared "insane" by (((psychiatrists)))
really activates those almonds
Blacks are victimized. It's just that the liberals and (((them))) are the ones doing the victimizing and have conjured some Stockholm syndrome among their charges.
You Sup Forumstards really hit a new low by shilling this attention whore. Did TMZ invade or some shit?
Dave was battling a the war through comedy, and Kanye is the hero through music
Can any of us even imagine how fucking blackpilling it must be to be a redpilled nigger? To learn that there might be literally no hope for your race, and to know that your children will regress to the mean?
Is it like Autism? Do they get smarter than they're supposed to be and just stop working right?
He clearly called the globalists out.
First Trump, now Kanye.
The globalists saw the threat and removed it.
If he went public with this, then a whole bunch of niggers would start to say "Hmmm... HMMMMM maybe they're right....".
>Redpilled black guy reporting
It sucks man, it really does. We're not only stubborn by ignoring an opinion, but we're violent against them.
Had a family member admit to supporting Trump over Facebook months back and has since been shunned.
>Career starting to tank and heavily in debt
>Goes insane
>Starts supporting Trump after Trump wins
What do you think he knows about on the inside guys?
This a reason why black men and black women tend not to associate with niggers. Really makes you think.