CNN is here again. put on your cool face

CNN is here again. put on your cool face












>ywn be this cool















Don't those faggots and cunts at CNN have fucking HOMES to go back to? Why do they keep coming here?


Hey CNN, fuck you and fuck everything you stand for.




Neo Nazi Sanic







hola cnn



fuck CNN







Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Do not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch!

>not putting on a big guy face instead

How does it feel to be part of a dying industry?





All we wanted was to be left alone with our shitposts, anime and vidya, CNN. That's all we wanted. More and more the left encroached upon our territory and demanded we make changes, speak more politically correct, represent women and people of colour, and slowly deprived us of our joy. We're not bad people, CNN, but you left us with no choice.








WE aren't racist pham
We are a board of peace accepting of all races, cultures, and creeds as long as they want to Make America Great Again.




No. You're disgraceful, CNN.










How does it feel to be made irrelevant by literal autists on a czechoslovakian hide tanning commune?




nothing to see here

board of peace










what yall need to be dumping is redpills infographics







Make a thread