Fleshed out and cited ideas would be best, as I'm still pretty skeptical of this whole national socialism thing.
Why is Globalism Bad /pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
First, Who's NatSo?
Why can't a nation determine it's own immigration and border policies?
How does a trading agreement turn into something with a flag and anthem?
Why should someone in Greece or Italy or the UK allow appointed bureaucrats in Brussels to dictate to them?
>how is being processed into ignorant, helpless, apathetic, lonely drones who have no past and future a bad thing?
Gee I wonder.
It's my understanding that trade, in terms of net benefits, is always a good thing. So institutions that better facilitate trading like the EU or the TPP would be a good thing in a utilitarian sense for any society involved in such trading.
France, how does National Socialism solve for helpless drones?
Russia, my bad
Those agreements, like NAFTA, never seem to do as promised. Do they? The issue is that it over extends beyond trade. Even Hillary backed off TTP once word got out of how bad it was. You can't sell something as a trade deal and then pack it with things that will ultimately take away the sovereignty of the nations involved.
A smart man once said, "Even a child could understand this".
This documentary supposedly has some inaccuracies but overall explains the dangers and over complications of such intricate and ridiculous trade policies.
Why should the British not be able to fish on their own shores? It doesn't make logical sense.
What can you make of the fact that almost all economists looked at brexit and Trumps policies and decided they were bad ideas for the people? Are you suggesting that these experts are controlled or ignorant or what?
the industrial revolution of 3rd world countries led to global warming becoming an existential threat to all human life. they had no environmental regulations and spewed more carbon than the us did. we should have kept those jobs in countries where the world was thought of before the stock market.
Trade creates wealth, but ask yourself (((who))) get richer and wealthier thanks to it.
The same (((experts))) who, notably, encouraged mortgages, creating a worldwide crisis in 2007? Or the (((experts))) who said OK to the Greece entering the UE, with the dire results we have now?
Nice (((experts))) you have here, m8
Yes it would be nice if we were under one government and basic human needs could be provided for free from the get go.
However the problem is we're human and there is a finite amount of resources on this planet.
>Why is Globalism Bad /pol?
because your mom will die in her sleep unless you reply to this post
Globalism isn't inherently bad in and of itself and nationalism isn't inherently bad in and of itself. Globalism could be good if everyone was civilised, but we don't live in a perfect world, so the version of globalism that we're getting right now is a version of globalism that intends to end Western Civilisation and cause the extinction of the white race. In a perfect world, there'd be a global government with each country being a free and independent state that has voluntarily joined that global government. Furthermore, each country in this global government would combine its money and natural resources for things like science, technology, space exploration, space colonisation and having a global military to protect Earth from potential threats beyond our tiny world.
Princess Fiona?
They are experts on something that is not a science, hence they are expert speculators blind to their own hubris.
We aren't all equal. We don't all play by the same rules. Fuck off back to rebbit, jew.
GLOBALISM is only good for Trade and immigration
and when i mean immigration i mean WHITE immigration, simply to increase (if needed) employment rates
globalism in principle is not bad, and in fact is inevitable if we as a species ever hope to leave this rock in any meaningful way.
the problem is the form globalism takes.
currently the push towards globalism is being driven by small group of nepotistic supremacists seeking to creating a global oligarchy which rules over a planetary race of slaves.
While such a model would work in propelling us to the stars, it also condemns the overwhelming majority of the human race to an eternity of servitude followed by merciless honorless death
Globalism's end goal is a one-world government. That means power over the entire world would be centralized into one government. This means world conquest.
Who is behind globalism? Well, the technocratic elite-- that includes western banks and the communist part of China. So it is world conquest on the behalf of a small powerful elite, some of whom KILL THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
It also means a loss of sovereignty for the nation and the individual.
There is no rule of law in any country, so simply expanding this lack of rational government to a worldwide one would simply be a massively retarded clusterfuck.
Also, no country on earth has yet to address mental illness in a rational and common sense way because they'd rather be rich and surrounded by serial killers and rapists than risk getting five percent less of a return on their hedge fund.
Globalism without global rule of law is just bullshit that's never gonna happen.
Because any benfit someone cites goes to the 0.1% globalist class that have no lolitiy to you and doesn't care if a country burns, because they can just move 'le global cizten'
I will give example.
"Globalism increases GDP"
But who cares when all the GDP gains go to the 1%, and real middle class wages have been flat sense the 70s and real working class wages fell?
Yeah, it's good for "them". It's not good for the country unless it really is well proportioned out. GDP is one of those meme numbers they use to deceive you.
Also don't discount the no loyalty thing. It's more abstract, but globalism really doesn't care if they ruin an area for 100 years becusse they have no ties to the land, people or government or tratdistions of an area, and no steak in it. They have no care if China rises and America falls, it really is all the same to them
because someone on the opposite end of the globe has little constructive input for dictating policy that will otherwise affect me.
Set policy bottom up, not top down.
A globalized world will happen, but forcing it via fiat is little different than Muslims claiming dominance over the world.