It is time to purfe brothers. This has always been a NatSoc board. Normies, reddit and newfags FUCK OFF
It is time to purfe brothers. This has always been a NatSoc board. Normies, reddit and newfags FUCK OFF
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Shut up retarded cocksock.
Sup Forums is Libertarian.
Yup. Pay ur allegiance or gtfo
Uncle Adolf wild card is played.
naw dawg you just haven't realized most of the people you thought were your freinds are just a fucking botnet
I fucking wish it was
How do I purfe?
>Gary "Just gimme 5%" Aleppo
Yeah nah m8
>I fucking wish I was a loser and a cuck
>Man I sure hate those violent niggers, spics and sandies.
>acts like a violent nigger, spic and sandy.
Good work
Nazi's were reactionary. So are we. We are the Lord's judgement.
>that mound
Natsoc is a meme and for cucks
>oh please step on me more with your jackboots you big strong man i am so weak i need my life to be dictated to me.
>Thinking the Libertarian Party represents libertarian ideals
Sup Forums is freedom.
>t. Trump voter
Like his entire sell wasnt that he was a /big guy/
>Reddit go
You first
They really weren't. Hitler even styled himself as a progressive.
>advocating tradional national and cultural values is progressive
Amazing meme lad
>This has always been a NatSoc board
nah it had a mostly libertarian slant a long time ago
welcome to Sup Forums though
It was a balance. OP is right about the normies tho
Kek has spoken
Friendly reminder that Nazi's aren't racist.
Everyone has a right to be proud of their heritage no matter how inferior it is to your own.
>this has always been a Natsoc board.
>A Nazi Russian
Stalin would be disappointed in you ivan
The point is we have always been a bastion of free speech. NatSoc generals were daily until just about 6 months ago.
Reddit is now calling us racists and telling everyone we aren't literally nazis. They are transplants. Any real polack at least sympathizes with the struggle.
I need a fucking tl;dr about this whole mess with Spencer.
It looks like we don't have consensus about it even among ourselves. One side tells one thing, the other tells another thing. And im not talking about this Sup Forums. It's fucking retarded.
I understand need to constantly push right, but roman salute and hail Trump in the normies faces? comeon, wtf is going on?
>admits to being reddit
>welcome to Sup Forums though
Freedom of expression is freedom of expression.
We are getting hit with concern trolls and reddit white knights calling Nazi's leftist. It's quite funny desu
>Sup Forums civil war right after great meme war
The normies will leave and go back to polishing my Mauser.
Fair enough
Until winds subside
why are u using a photo of our saviour and leader you damn filthy blooded slav
Nah. I like it here. Hitler was a failed painter and socialism is for the lazy. Nationalism is ok though.
kikes btfo
Unfortunately during the presidential campaign this board became infested with bluepilled normalfag plebbitors with shit music taste who have a hard on for BASED BLACK MEN and think this utter baboon is some kind of musical genius and saviour.
Falangism was fairly popular among russian nationalists, at least with those to whom i've been aqcauinted with.
Though not with me. Back then I was just cultural nationalist. And now I still dont prefer any aestics, nor any ideologies of 19-20th centuries, leaving for myself only anti-islamism(culture) and white nationalism(14).
>progressive in 1933 is the same thing as progressive in 2016
wew fuckin lad thats some literal autism
Would someone mind telling me what this is.
Kek approve.
NAT SOC booaaard
nazis r gay
Sup Forums is a board for the superior race, blacks.
Or else what nazi fuck?
>implying anyone cares what you do
I appreciate this thread OP.
>gas backpacks
Is this what the jews were talking about when they said they were gassed on the spot after being captured?
Is this finally the real socialism I've heard so much about?