So, what's her deal? She /ourgirl/ or nah?
So, what's her deal? She /ourgirl/ or nah?
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I haven't heard of her. What has she done?
Grab her by the pussy
oh yeah
An above average Lesbian porn
I would nut inside this crazy bitch desu
she was in paradise hotel and fucked a bunch of men and women.
isnt she into david icke now?
Reality TV and porn
No. She's just trying to ride the wave of current public sentiment in a desperate bid to revive her """career"""
She did 1 porn too. It was ok. I just want to anally fuck Tila
If I'm gonna watch porn at all, is it better if I only watch her porn?
vapid cunt, attention whore, famous for nothing, not even attractive
I'd fuck her
source on that porno?
How old are you?
That dumb whore has always done shit like this to get white man's attention.
One thing nearly all SEAnigger females know is their inferiority to white men.
>isnt she into david icke now?
Source, please. David Icke is the real deal. Daily reminder that David Icke was right about former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath being a child molester SEVENTEEN YEARS before the London Police were investigating claims that Ted Heath molested children in August of last year. If Icke was right about that (and he WAS, of course), he's right about interdimensional shapeshifting lizard-people. Truth is stranger than fiction.
The worst part is it's working. I think Tila Tequila is someone immensely retarded with a brain, by chance from some strange instinct, designed to follow social ebbs to incredible success in the modern media era.
There is no reason why we would want to identify with her or vice versa. She is batshit insane
She got in a car crash and got brain damage. Then she started browsing all this conspiracy stuff and then found Sup Forums in 2013 and started saying all this Nazi stuff openly, shopping herself into Nazi costumes etc. It was a huge meme at the time.
Wait I thought Sup Forums hated trannies
Nationalism and new right-wing politics have been so marginalized that political illiterates who try to appear "edgy" mimic them to rebel against their parents or society at large.
This is to be welcomed. The counterculture of the 1960s led to the current hellish SJW-infestation, while at the time being reviled by society at large. This means that nationalism and right-wing politics can be taken to hitherto unimaginable heights by growing roots among youth who try to appear "cool".
ping pong ling long
>tila is insane/wants attention
>tila is immensely entertaining
Both can be true at the same time
she wised up to the fact that yellow fever fetishists are lonely white males, the exact demographic that would appreciate unironic racism from a Jungle Gook
like all degenerate Asian woman in the West, she is an opportunist
Lizard People are just a metaphor for (((them)))
Search: TILA TEQUILA DOES HARDCORE FOR THE FIRST TIME! that's the title. Have a good time masturbating user.
fuock ouff svede
She's legit mentally ill
>pic related
>current public sentiment
she's been nazi as fuck for a long time kiddo
No, he LITERALLY means lizard people and he's actually talked about how it's not anti-Semitic to question why Jews are so over-represented in the mainstream media, corporations, the banking industry, etc. So he's not avoiding the issue of Jewish dominance in global affairs, he's just pointing out that even the Jews are ultimately just pawns of an even greater force. Who do you think the Elite Jews worship in exchange for power? It's these lizard-like beings.
Sup Forums is about the only group of people that still gives her attention.
She has been queen of Sup Forums for years. She's been on Sup Forums since fucking /new/ on 4ch()n.
She was the queen of MySpace when it was a thing.
She's been doing this shit for atleast 4 or 5 years. It even got her kicked off of TV.
everything is a metaphor for (them))) to you stupid nazi faggots
she believes that the earth is flat among other things
she is dumb so no we don't claim her.
Let's not spit on a fellow traveler. Is she doing this all for attention? Sure, but its funny... She is a weak draft, but we need all the players we can get.
No, she has brain damage and she made a porno movie where she did anal with a negro
Desperate for attention, latched on to a "controversial" opinion to try and put her in the spotlight.
Being overtly "edgy" will drive away actual people who would support the position while being branded as a poster child of the
"movement" by the media.
She's a plant.
She's been like this for fucking years now, and she's never hid it from anyone. Looks like her twatter got shut down though
shes mentally fucking ill
no fucking way
That image itself is just pretty great in terms of creative value. Don't know if she made it herself, but whoever did it is pretty based.
Those are not cowboy boots. They are hooker boots.
t. Texan
She literally had a stroke.
Not the kind of stroke that you do with your dick wen you watch anime, the kind of stroke where a part of your brain dies
The inside of her head is now literally part empty space because the body absorbs the dead tissue
She takes care of herself pretty well in terms of appearance for someone who's mentally ill though.
>Not the kind of stroke that you do with your dick wen you watch anime, the kind of stroke where a part of your brain dies
she tweeted some stuff about interdimensional archons or something and hinted that she was woke, idk i dont follow her
Damn, I assumed she disappeared after her reality show died and only recently started spouting off like this.
Reading her wiki page, I actually respect her a little bit.
Eh. no one's perfect.
But I'm sure you're just some illegal trying to dismiss tila.
this isnt real
>cock hungry mongoloid
She's a whore who just wants attention
hol up
did she call for the extinction of the white race?
I saw her at a few parties. Mid 2000s. She was a massive whore. I wish I tried.
Back in 2013, a guy claiming to be one of her publicists came on here. He's apparently a long-time /n/ewsman and came up with the idea of making this her gimmick.
So nah, she's a phony.
our girl.
She's an attention whore. As mentioned by others, she got famous from MySpace for being hot, which got her a show on MTV (Shot of Love with Tila Tequila). She's always been an attention whore and has been trying to reclaim the limelight once more.
She's a stupid whore who has literally done hardcore porn.
She had a reality show that contributes to the degeneration of society.
She's a moron and a slut.
She's only there for amusement at best.
She got the baby brain syndrome. She's all kinds of messed up now.
>preservation of the white race
Nigger, you should learn to read.
> Tila Tequila