Did ya'll guys have to read these books too?
Did ya'll guys have to read these books too?
Yes, plus several others
Yes and Ellie Wiesel has been announced as a fake too
also what this guy said
Sadly yes.
I had to read Night.
Yeah both of them. We had to read Night in like 4th grade and i remember the scene where he describes his first sexual encounter creeping me out.
Wish I had video recordings of all of the evil shit the guidance counselor used to teach us. All I can really remember is warm fuzzies and cold pricklies and them tricking some boy in my class to tell the teacher that his dad was growing a pot plant.
my teacher would break out in tears while reading it to us in 5th grade, kek. I always thought the Nazis were bad ass and im not even white. Then I got redpilled and realized the Nazis were cucks.
Yep this was the other one I was thinking of. I remember crying in 5th grade while reading it.
>(((they))) sure did condition us from a young age
Yes, my (((middle school))) only assigned Holocaust books for reading. I never got to read anything but muh six million.
By the time we got to the Diary of Anne Frank I was edgier than Sup Forums, probably because most of my classmates were Jews and were prejudiced as fuck if you weren't Jewish as well. Being Catholic and not shedding a tear at these shitty meme books made me an outcast. Anyway I wonder what makes someone predisposed to not buying the shit in these books.
the blatant lie that 6 million people were gassed and cremated in 3 years
No, I had to read stuff like Where the Red Fern Grows, not this Jew bullshit.
No, I had to read Brave New World
neither of those books is the bible
I've always wondered why you would bother gassing them, just put the mall in a pit douse them with gasoline and light a match, once the flames die down just cover them with dirt.
MFw I went to a catholic school and they shoved this down our throats and conditioned us to feel bad for (((them))) I remember doing my heritage report in Germany and being accused of being related to hitler in fucking 6th grade. Same with blacks. Muh your ancestors hung mine from trees now bow down to us. They start the white hate from birth now
No. Teachings about holocaust were one lesson with pictures of dead jews and oh vey weren't that Mengele horrible.
that was a good book and we got to read it as well.
>Schindler's List
They have a scene of them doing this
Okay, I'm tired of this shit, Sup Forums. Either the holocaust was a lie, and it never happened, or it happened and they deserved it. We can't have both, guys. We need some consistency.
read Night, Ann Frank, Then, and probably read a few others i'm forgetting
then we watched movies about it and the rawandan genocide
then we saw an old survivor talk about it
It didn't happen but it should have.
you cant handle the truth
They had me buy Night but luckily never had us read that propaganda.
We read Alas Babylon, still my favourite book. The make believe town of Fort Repose is where I grew up. I had mostly male teachers.
holy shit, i forgot about that number the stars book. yes, in middle school, along with diary of ann frank, and learning about the holocaust in history every year
The math really doesn't make any sense. Also, a problem with having us read like 20 Holocaust books is that there are discrepancies between them. It's pretty hard to believe literally all these "survivors" met Mengele personally.
Funny, I went to a Catholic high school and I thank it every day for not being cucked. It was an extremely pro-German, Polish, and Irish place, and I remember doing a reading in 10th grade about Ignatius of Antioch saying "It is hateful to be a Jew and follow Christ," and something by Paul about "judaizers" (today I'd call Christians who shill for Jews that) being the worst thing ever.
I'm in a Catholic uni now and it's run by communists who are enforcing safety pins and protecting "undocumented immigrants." I'm getting shit now for refusing to sign a petition to protect illegals. The white hate is ridiculous, too.
~40,000 died from actually being shot or whatnot
the rest died of typhus or starvation
Jews were put in camps but there were no death camps. The only "death camps" were "investigated by the Soviets." US-inspected camps were found to be simply holding places - which is the truth.
It didn't happen, but it should have.
I think I had to read Number the Stars, but I don't remember it.
didn't have to read Night, which is good because Wiesel is a fraud.
I did and I found it strange that Elie Wiesel never saw any mass murders, he just remembered eating poorly and his father getting sick.
i could believe the mangele part the dude was a wizard and probably had illusion spells
Yes i had to along with many books on the Holocaust. God i hate hitler so much. Those poor innocent jews.
Night was actually a very engaging read because it was surprisingly well-written for a translated text. You can't deny that Elie had some talent.
i think we read some chunk of anne franke back in the 80s, but the books that left enough impression that I still recall them:
The Giver
Fahrenheit 451
animal farm
grapes of wrath
the good earth
and those were all kinda the opposite of what you ask about
every kike met Hitler, was experimented on by Mengele, and survived the gas chamber
>help me with this homework guize
underage detected
History textbook.
Yeah I had to read Night in highschool. I was a little bit suspicious of the book when I read it... Especially the part where the guards chuck the babies into the air and shoot them lmao. I mean, c'mon, that's just unprofessional and downright dangerous to the other guards.
I had a good kek when I figured out it was actually fake.
all kikes make shut up in their memoirs.
remember, it's a crime to question their account.
I had to read number the stars. Made me think all Nazis were evil while the Russians that raped and decimated Europe were ok.
And then lived to tell the world their story until the age of 102.
Really makes you think.
It's literally just negative postmodernism applied to historical setting.
Went to a Catholic uni as well and it pure liberal propaganda. Agree with you on the white hat as well
Holy shit, did this guy also write for Berserk or something? That sounds fucking metal. Also, yeah, a good way to shoot another soldier on accident. And a waste of a bullet. But the imagery is hilariously over-the-top.
>mfw didn't know Night was faked until 10 years later while browsing Sup Forums
I read night in high school but the diary of Anne Frank was not required. My class was also taken to the Holocaust museum on a DC trip in middle school. And we had to watch the boy in the striped pajamas
t. Indianafag
The Diary of Anne Frank during middle school.
Night during high school.
I read various WWII & Holocaust stuff during HS as well.
Technically, no one specifically said they were all gassed. I mean that's not even implied in the books and films. Most deaths shown were either by starvation, overworked, shot, forced into death marches etc.
To be fair to the Jews, a lot of the propaganda comes directly from US psyops as part of the denazification program, to my knowledge the heads of these programs weren't Jewish.
My view is that it was in pretty much everyone's best interest to pretend the holocaust was special compared to all the other shit happening at the time. It was good for the USSR, good for the US and the rest of the allies, good for the jews, good for the creation of Israel, etc. The only people who lost out were the germans, but they obviously didn't have a say.
Ahh yes forgot about the elementary school feild trips to the Museum of Tolerance in LA.
The death march scene bothered me. I mean why would they bother relocating prisoners?
Mengele experiments extend your lifespan :^)
I've not had the misfortune of reading these. I'd appreciate a Sup Forums summary.
No, but we do pretty much worship Anne Frank in primary schools here.
There's no possible way that would actually work.
Yes, was the one on the right ever discredited?
Do you know what a death march is supposed to achieve?
Nazis weren't the only people to organise them in WWII
Elie Weasel admitted he made up pretty much everything in 'Night' and they still talk about it in high schools as if it's true.
((I wonder why))
Pretty much 6-9th grade were all about the horrors of the Holocaust. Fucking awful.
Right one along with Diary of Anne Frank in middle school.
But holocaust teaching lasts fucking years.
Pretty sure it's fiction to begin with.
>We need some consistency.
No we don't, not agreeing is what makes Sup Forums what it is.
Could have just been anti-German. Same as in WWI when they called then "huns" and "rapists". Today we have an industry of taking advantage of the disenfranchised. There is great political and financial interest in keeping up the narrative. Just like for the poor, the blacks, the Hispanics, etc.
Jesus, I never thought about that, before. I mean WE worship Anne Frank in OUR primary schools, so in the Netherlands it must be turned to eleven.
I read the sparknotes to Night and thought it was fiction
turned out i was right
The entire book of Devil's Arthritis is a kike flashback and recounting that put's the reader in first person through the eyes of her niece who time travels through astral projection.
I didn't lol
>devil's arthritis
We had to read To kill a Mockingbird, not sure how a story about a black rapist in the 20's or whenever the fuck it was relates to 21st century England but there we are. BTW, in real life, the guy that the book is based on was tried again found guilty and hanged.
I will say, while we discuss this here, its basically useless knowledge, because if 99% of people agree to believe it, thats it.
Someone asks you, you just say yes, because if you fall into the holocaust denial trap (even saying well maybe less people died), that will be used to descredit any other good points you make.
It makes no difference whether it happened or not now. It wont change public policy one way or another. Its only used as a way to identify people who think "too" critically.
Jews are fucked in the head. They come up with this shit, not us. They think up these horror stories like nobody else can.
How much of that is just due to niggers?
...that's not the image that I posted.
god damn it moot
(((they))) made us read it
100 years from now pic related will be canon and will be shitposted about irl and passed off as true
My freshman year in high school (over a decade ago) we had to read Night in my English class. The story seemed like bullshit at the time but I knew better than to say that in class. Glad I have been proven right.