Post Nigger Hate (truth) here.
Lynch shit skins forever
Post All Nigger Hate here
Post Nigger Hate (truth) here.
Lynch shit skins forever
Post All Nigger Hate here
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Race is a concept invented by the Jews to divide the public masses. Fuck of Soros Shill!.
Niggers arent even same species faggot
do white people hate asian?
>2 nigger hate threads at once
wow...shaking my darn head families
Yes, we do, gook.
here's your (You)
How much scheckles do you get per (You)?
but gook is korean
japanese do not eat dog and drink shit like korean or chinese
What's up with forcing this Assclown United videos, are you paid to shill?
Some not all of us Kojima.
yeah you just buy dirty panties from vending machines
He is a shill, for the Jew.
This year's bloodiest events were fueled by "race". There is no race, the Jews want blood.
I spread truth to the people for no shekels although I may be a jew
I don't like Koreans. I rather fuck a Japanese woman than a Korean because all Koreans need plastic surgery to look good while Japanese are good without plastic surgery. Oh and I like your food more than Koreans that too.
Hi CNN!!!!!!
That's in the Shill book.
>I shall not deny the holy denomination
>Being Jewish is a privilege
You cuck, we want to lynch anderson coooper and rape him with hot iron rod
Niggers are more similar to apes than a German is to a Russian.
Less than we hate any other non-whites. Now stop asking your dumbass nip questions and go program me a video game.
We must lynch all niggers
You japs Gave us Dark Souls, you are all infallible in my eyes.
Please don't commit sudoku
I made my friend pre order dark souls cause I thought it would be shittiest game ever....
They wouldn't have made Dark Souls if we hadn't given them Dungeons and Dragons, though.
...well, if they hadn't taken Dungeons and Dragons, they had a fan-translation floating around years before TSR released an official translation. It was a massive labor of love, all pre-internet. I don't think we have a decent English translation of Sword World to date, and we have computers helping us.
Asians, especially japs, hans and koreans, are honorary whites
tfw China is less cucked than the west