>Sup Forums is diverse af
>Sup Forums hates diversity
And you fuckers call yourself alt-right faggots?
>Sup Forums is diverse af
>Sup Forums hates diversity
And you fuckers call yourself alt-right faggots?
Sup Forums is not alt-right.
I just like to pretend
I thought this place was satirical?
Depends on who you speak to.
>somebody actually took the time to come up with this
>Finland is Asian
>Finland hates Asian invaders
Surely you understand our quandary.
Fuck you, you fishfucker with oilmoney.
>be norway
>oil runs out
>die of starvation
Yeah this board should be a model of nations. Everyone here gets along so well.
part 2?
What the fuck is with all of the alt-right shit tonight?
I'm going to sleep, hopefully this shilling is finished tomorrow. Nobody here would call themselves alt-right.
Define Alt-Right.
No we don't.
>every native is inside their fucking nation
>Hundreds,thousands of km far from each other.
>We are from all races and cultures
>But we are united by a single ideal
>Waifus,digits and dank memes.
This is true diversity, where we respect each others place ,yet contributing to a goal.
(((Diversity))) for the sake of Diversity is nothing more than white genocide.
Compare us to a color pallet, every single soul in their little compartment, sometimes joined together for a greater goal.
Meanwhile (((Diversity))) Throws the entire black paint into the pallet to fuck you up.
Hate is the strongest binding agent of man.
Hate Trumps Love.
Separate but equal
We get along by not getting along.
Sup Forums is the perfect example of why pc culture is so useless and toxic.
we are diversity done right
we mutually hate everyone and everything
Go back to Sudan.
I'm perfectly fucking happy with you being Finnish over in Finland.
And this guy, I'm sure he's doing a great job being Norwegian in Norway.
I'd love to discuss Romanian culture with , and wish him all the best in his homeland of Romania.
Do you understand?