I keep seeing comments like this on articles about the election. What is happening? Are liberals planning a revolution?
What the fuck is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
If this is their army then I will enlist in trumps body guard
No, they just like to talk big to make themselves feel like tough, self-sufficient human beans.
>middle aged white cunt and a spic
Both probably would faint at the sight of an actual firearm.
People with guns who don't know how to use guns are really only dangerous to themselves and people in immediate proximity
what's this from? hillarys fbook page?
Putting a polymer sight on a gas block? Has he never shot his rifle and felt how hot those fuckers get?
He could put 1000 BBs through the gun and it'd be fine.
Liberals are incapable of doing a revolution. They only want to do peaceful protests which is the most pointless form of protest. What are they going to do? Shout donald trump to death?
>Not pacifist
>Knowing how to use a gun
>Not giving up after trump gets in office
sure thing, i'll believe them once I see any protest besides monkeys raiding the cities
>Want a revolution
Good luck, lefties.
I'm not in the slightest bit concerned. Military, fbi, cia, nsa, ss, cops, etc all want Trump. I bet some possibly problematic electoral college have received visits from said groups warning of what would happen if they try anything too funny.
Yes, soft, sheltered nu-males and women like those two are going to start a revolution.
>Are liberals planning a revolution?
Yes. They're shit at it though because to them, it's not about winning, it's about virtue signalling. This is why they can't keep quiet about it or be in any way strategic.
With all those guns they don't have?
They're just parroting the socialist jew who ran.
Oh look, feminist women who are basically imagining enlisting their beta male orbiters in a revolution they themselves would never fight. That's so out of the ordinary for women.
How any "man" could still be a leftist is incomprehensible to me.
>women want to start a revolution
>they're all suburban housewives so obviously won't fight themselves
>they're just asking their husband's to die for them
And i will be the one to kill them.
Come on, shill. Take some pride in your work.
Sadly, this is how wars are always fought. Hopefully most of these men are alreafy redpilled.
>Are liberals planning a revolution?
They already planned one. We refer to it as Obongo. It was a failure. We won.
>Are liberals planning a revolution?
Nope, just menstruating. Give it a few more weeks.
They are all already divorced tho.
Just another good ol' Soros financed coup on the making, first step is shilling hard the illusory feel of revolution
Expect PMC brought upon the US so they can pretend to be armed revolutionaries on the next episode
Part of me wants them to try because another American civil war would be the ultimate kino happening. Itd be better than walking dead and all other tv shows combined in entertainment.
Then again if America goes to hell, a bunch of shitholes will start getting uppity and we dont have the nukes to keep them in check.
3.05 holy shit he got launched
I love how it's middle aged women calling for this shit
What are they going to do, shoot at you with the guns they don't own?
A liberal's idea of 'revolution' means protesting and rioting in the hope that their opponents will let them have their way. It's a tantrum.
>revolt because I'm told Trump is bad
Can't wait for Trump's media snub to put them on the level of Infowars.
Actually I take that back, AJ's had Trump on.
They'll be lower than his show.
Do you get free guns if you join the revolution?
Fuck dude you saw what Ulfric did to the high king. Then the fucking stormcloaks rebelled and it all went to shit
They're not planning anything. They're saying they want a revolution but they aren't going to do shit.
Also, didn't Hillary win the popular vote by 500,000 not 5,000,000?
>Are liberals planning a revolution?
With what guns?
Odds are if you take on Soros side of revolutionaries you'll be nothing more than another number of a riot on your local city, just another useful idiot
Weapons and fighting will be left for the professionals he bought
>Are liberals planning a revolution?
We can only hope
Women and a bunch of faggot hipsters are not a revolution
>lose democratic election
>start revolution
Jesus these people are the most authoritarian people you can get.
>Not Soros
They didn't even bother to vote, do you think they are motivated enough to take a shower, leave the house, and revolt?
All this talk about revolution but really, like their professors and celebrities (Katy Perry), there will be no action.
Useful idiots hoping lesser idiots will be doing the killing and dying for their cause.
Who'd fight it for them? They're all anti-gun pussies.
remember the Bernie revolution of 2016?
this one is going to be almost as big
I dont think these sheltered cake-eaters understand what revolution entails.
Well in their defense if you're looking strictly at a democratic voting system then Hillary won. However the voting system is only somewhat democratic, with certain states having more weight than others. Unluckily for popular vote fags the founders were weary of pure democracy.
>Useful idiots hoping lesser idiots will be doing the killing and dying for their cause.
The irony is that when the lesser idiots finally do revolt, those 'intellectuals' and social elite better hope their revolution fails, because the authorities they are looking for are going to crush the very people who perpetuated the revolution in the first place. If they fail at worst they're looking at prison, maybe.
>5 million.
>Rare if any of them are at all trained in the military.
>One or few might have guns.
>Most of those liberals are either way to fucking skinny, or fat as fuck.
>The rest of america. Plenty of trained military personell to go around.
>Guns everywhere.
>Most of those personell has been in life or death situations.
Kek, keep dreaming libtards. Oh and if you use guns you can add another hypocrisy to your aleady long list of double think and hypocrisy.
Well done.
No, they are useless morons and will do nothing.
Well the organizers are certainly in someones hire, probably his yes.
>in this economy?
Cuck squad
Look at the fat bitch in the back. Lol
>Hillary won
But do the guys that voted the Donald in not own all the guns?
They'll have twitter meltdowns at worse.
Bring back Tay!
>doing anything that requires long-term planning or decisive action
Well, there was 1917 and such. But I don't believe American liberals/marxists are capable of much beyond violence and general meanness. They are really mean people--bitter, angry, self-righteous, paranoid. It's funny because they say that is how conservatives are, but my experience in life has been that liberals are the nasty people. In the main. There are always exceptions but not really all that many.
Anyway....I'd like to see them try. The only dangers are Soros-backed loonies and their dirty money. They can kill quite a few cops with that financed crazy.
>mfw "revolution" begins and 5 people show up to fight while the rest spam hashtags on their goybooks
I was redpilled for years, but this election almost (a l m o s t) bluepilled me, and threads like this confirm it.
Remember when nearly everyone was fed up with government, libs and repubs alike? The government and world elite knew the end was near for the status quo, and hence their bank accounts if the population kept waking up.
Well, they did the only thing they can do. They installed a hard conservative to re-install divide and conquer. Now most people are back to "fuck libs" or "fuck republicans" instead of fighting to take a completely corrupt government down.
Do you see how you have all been cucked?
Stay cucked, friends.
They're talking about that petition. As if 5mil isn't a drop in the bucket of the entire US pop.
Something fishy is going on with the election
okay neo
>By so much
>Won by 200,000 people
>Between the two most populous cities the in the US, that's only 100,000
>Of two states that voted blue anyways
>there was 1917 and such
Maybe when these faggots actually start feeling real oppression, like the kind where your family is barely surviving because the aristocracy are complete cunts, maybe then they'll have something real to revolt over.
I never remember that. The Occupy movement had components of that, but they were quickly subverted by the identity politics wing of the left.
Electing Trump, the most anti-establishment candidate imaginable, is exactly keeping with our "fuck the establishment" credo.
so the same females who bleet about banning firearms are going to fight a revolution?
>be liberal
>be antigun
>start revolution
What will they fight with? Vintage assault spoons?
nobody fucking cares about this guy
Heh, I did notice the gun range and some gun stores were a bit more lively than usual this past weekend. And this was in the DC area.
ha, no they do not want trump.
> All these white people talking about white supremacy
>your to brown
Knowing liberals, they're probably fucking airshit toys.
Liberals are so fucking stupid, they seriously think they can pick a bone with the rednecks of this country.
I can go down to Uncle skeeter's house and grab one of his 150 fucking rifles and go to town with him and family.
Oh fuck yeah, family. New Lambright vid just dropped. What's good wit you, Wayne
open border, the Soros troops will fight the war and enjoy raping the liberals who enabled them.
I would like them to start a revolution already.
It would be over in about half an hour.
It is kek's will that a civil war starts.
nye kek is chaotic but peaceful
They will oust their own first
Barring african warlords and muslims, liberals are the most violent people in the world.
Kek says shut up faggot
This Account is annoying as fuck.
And its nothing but a bot now
wow these people really want a race and gender war.
Well, more blacks are moving back to the south in greater numbers. Just look at Atlanta they see that place as their "Black mecca"
20-30 years from now the southern states will end up purple.
>Electing Trump, the most anti-establishment candidate imaginable, is exactly keeping with our "fuck the establishment" credo
Not really. All righties are cucked again and lefties are all "fuck the world" now.
Should have said "inb4 liberal scum" or similar in my post, since I knew some unimaginative cuck like you would attack someone based on a presumption of their political leanings. By the way, I have none, nor did I vote. Stay divided and cucked, friend.
We are going to win so much, you will be tired of winning.
But they will woefully, and pitifully reject the victory, and their only place will be the trashcan of historical losers.
lol the no-guns want to start a war with the pro-guns. come at me you dumb cunts
There's no US Embassy in USA, revolution can't happen.
Hush burger mind your heart
it's ok they don't have guns
rare footage of the liberal revolutionaries practicing for the war youtube.com
Why did the CIA and NSA hijack Wikileaks then to distribute dirt on Hillary?
I thought the alt left are actual communists, mutualists and lefty-anarchists. Not mainstream libtard cuckery.
Literally all the actual lefty edgelords I met said that the democrats are still another branch of neoliberal capitalism.