Why is home ownership amongst millennials at an all time low?
Why is home ownership amongst millennials at an all time low?
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Because it's expensive.
because bush did 9/11
Jews make more from rent.
Cost of housing has risen
Average citizen income has declined
Job availablity has declined
More apartments/flats have been built and seem more appealing
>t. less than 40k a year
The thought of buying property makes them literally shake.
They spend all their money on weed and meme shirts. If they put all the shirts in a pile it might make a nice autism fort.
You can no longer simply pull yourself up from the bootstraps.
most millennials don't understand wealth
Why would I buy stolen land?
>More apartments/flats have been built and seem more appealing
Disputing that.
More like builders can put 5-10 flats in the same space as one house and sell them each for the same price as a house.
Keep in mind that in the 1980s the interest rates to get a mortage were 17-25%. Nobody could afford a house then either unless they paid a huge down payment.
Section 8 ruined all the good neighborhoods.
Because housing markets are fucking retarded. At least here in Canada.
Also millennials are underemployed so they can't afford anything.
Just because you live in a country full of fucking cheap shit slavshacks doesn't mean we all do. Don't you have some tulips to fucking send us you fucking war losers?
>200 posts later
Why do you keep posting this effeminate man?
>property tax
Good goy, you will never own anything.
I bought a house, had to pay more for property tax than I had for rent.
Fuck me man.
Buying land is an investment for you children and grand children. I don't particularly plan on having any of those.
Tiffany Oling > Soe
MIllenials don't have jobs because they're all NEETs that are too busy shitposting and crying that they dont have jobs instead of going out and working.
Fuck "homes." If you don't live in some fucking British manor house, don't tell me you own a home. You own a gingerbread house with litterboxes in the front and back.
The worst, most generic townhouses are infinitely more communal and prestigious than urban sprawl decay.
because the fuckers forced everyone into rentals and now they expect us to fucking go through banks to get a 40 year loan with high interest rate after 5-10 years
Investors putting billions of dollars into the housing market to artificially inflate the prices.
The bubble will pop sooner or later and they will be left with nothing but worthless real estate.
>born in '93
>working part time since I was 13
>now working 280 hours a month saving up for a backpacking trip around the globe
Go fuck yourself.
>don't want the commitment
>don't want to fill it up with worthless possessions
>value my freedom
Any more questions gramps?
Why is Soe not my gf?
Blaming problems on everyone but yourself? Must be the alt-right!
This is closer to the truth.
I don't know, why do you keep posting the same questions, avatarfag?
I dunno dad....maybe it's the
>small loan of 40k that totally didn't come from your parents
Or the fact you made 12 bucks an hour (in 80's money, so what like 30 today?) to do office janitorial work
>a job the illegals you let in now do for 5 an hour
Maybe it's just that you and the jew boomers have inflated home values by 500+%
People don't have jobs sempai.
They don't count homes in the inflation index because it's not a 'major common expense'
Middle class adjusted Real wages have been flat sense the 70s.
Middle class adjusted Real wages have been flat sense the 70s.
and that's NOT adjusting for housing costs.
The more you learn about real ecomnics, not what they teach you in school, that all those numbers are just propaganda scams
Lazy, bad decisions, spend money they don't have, expect things handed to them.
Graduated with a Pharm.D at age 24.
Just bought my first home, gorgeous colonial in a 99% white suburban community at 29.
Thank god I had a dad that kicked my ass and kept me in line. I have former friends my age that still unironically live with their parents "to save up" but they go and drop 5k in Vegas twice a year.
The Chinese.
Also boomers won't die.
fuck off you creepy retard,
no wonder that you dont have a girlfriend
And then you saw her not doing her usual one pose from every other photo
>it's another 'why don't millenials do x' episode
>"backpacking trip around the globe"
>returns home after epic adventures
>realizes he has no bankable experience and has just created an employment gap
Because home prices are at a all time high combined with all time high tuition rates and youth unemployment.
This true. Nobody can fuck up a neighborhood better than HUD. They've fuked up 2 neighborhoods I've lived in and now they are destroying the one I'm in now.
>government lets chinks buy the country
>Chinks start to fire everyone and replace them with pajeets
>Pajeets move all their family over and buy up the suburbs
>can't get job, can't get money for loan, can't get house
>literally die in a rental
Mass immigration:
Depresses wages.
Increases the cost of housing.
Thanks boomers you fucking cunts.
I was lucky enough to get my foot in the door in a business that have given me 4 years of marketable experience.
But even then, when I return I can just start studying again.
>the rules of my retarded american system made to fuck workers over in every way applies universally (but maybe you could be the rich person at some point??)
Millenial here. It's not that hard depending on the state you live in and your debt to income ratio. I obtained good credit standing and saved like 6 grand. That's all it took and they let me get a house. They will give you the mortgage based on risk assessment. Will you be able to pay, will you keep your job, will you take care of their asset etc. You are a liability, but you will pay them interest so it balances out. Also if you don't pay up they can just take it away.
It really wasn't that hard honestly. I recommend anyone who makes 30-40k a year to just schedule a meeting with a mortgage officer to see what your options are. You might be surprised by the results.
Inflated markets and a very likely crash coming. With Trump this could possibly change. The direction of the western world the last 16 years has been fucked though. Real estate tripled in most area, sky rocketed in others. The shit never became worth more than it was, the market inflated. We have had o e economic disagree because of it and just slapped a band aid on it. When the real estate market corrects it's self, we are in for the greatest happening man has ever known.
unemployment gap is ironically why I don't own a home and make six figures anymore.
Why make large sums of money if you're expected to WANT to work 60 hours a week until you're fucking retired?
I'll take free and mild poverty over shit loads of cash, a cheating trophy wife, ungrateful children, and hobbies I haven't touched in years because "work comes first."
Don't know what you're talking about. My wife and I own a home and we work very hard to have it. We find it more worthwhile than blowing money on rent. At least it's ours and we have that equity to use later in life. And surprisingly our house was around 130k and is now upwards of 170k because we just live in a very great spot in northern Phoenix/paradise valley.
Y'all need to find yourselves some decent women, start saving and look into the first time homeowner programs being provided by the government.
Because they were told to go into massive debt to get a degree so they could get a high paying job that didn't exist by the time they finished so they ended up working a shitty entry level job trying to pay off the massive debt they have.
That and most of them don't understand the value of a trade school.
It's not that hard because you have predatory banks that will literally give anyone with or without collateral a loan.
>tfw millenial
>tfw got my first real job
>tfw single
>tfw I make too little on my own to get a mortgage on a normal house in my area
>tfw I make too much too rent a house
>tfw every sandnigger family gets a house for free and Im still living with my parents
>actually having some real life experience
>"ahah no that's dumb! Just keep tour shitty job! If you do so finding another shitty job will be easier!"
What a tool
>implying living a life full of adventure and seeing a world that most only see in pictures creates an employment gap.
Maybe true but fuck it. Travel the world and write about it. Do photography. Sell rare items and meet new people. Then sudoku. Tis the dream
I live in a rural town of 2000. Average modest 2 bedroom home are listed for $350,000. Who can afford this? Adjust that for the city and a similar home is probably $550,000 or more.
Seems like a good system. People get to work jobs while you backpack all over then return and continue to avoid work by "studying". Neat.
Afraid of a little hard work, Eurotrash? It's OK, Putin will soon provide for all of you :)
>thread about millennials
>soembie image
>1 post by this ID
i don't really understand this meme
lazy so wanna be near shitty so prices are steep and land is scarce and you're balls next to neighbor
no (stable) jobs so no (stable) income
no willpower to save
all money goes to petrol, overpriced bullshit A, spontaneous purchase B, $17 meal, $6 shit coffee
This desu, you can't buy your time back and the number 1 regret of the dying is working to much for a reason.
because we probably have the most debt. credit card debt, car debt, medical bill debt, school loan debt, cell phone contract debt. We also spend all our money partying and buying starbucks that we'd be lucky to have anything left over for a down payment.
>white privilege
You must save Geert first
You don't own it until you pay it off.
I pay 40% taxes. It's not like it's fucking free, your moron.
No. It's because we don't have jobs
>it's not that hard
>40 years loan
>if an economic crisis happens you're fucked
You've got scammed mate
Agree. Saw a mansion, 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 3 acres, brick fence for sale in Detroit for $30,000. But it's near the ghetto. Listing was 3 years old.
>Implying hard work inextricably comes with "cheating trophy wife, ungrateful children, and hobbies I haven't touched in years"
Work-life balance, fool. Work smarter, not harder.
>Hey Mr. Bankerman, I would like to buy a home. Do you accept "awesome life experience" as currency?
Sure, that's a fine life for some but don't try to act like it's compatible with purchasing a home and land because it simply isn't for the overwhelming masses.
some do, and debt is why they stay home.
I got a job in londonstan for a big company
graduating in spring
how fucked am i?
"hey everyone, let's have a financial crisis so there are no jobs, then stop building houses, then let a load of sand niggers in to your country so you can compete with them for jobs and houses."
t. the last decade.
is this Kreayshawn?
The economy is fucked and banks won't give people a mortgage if they don't have a stable job.
I cannot talk on behalf of "millennials" (starting when are you a millennial anyway? I was born in '92), but me I never have and don't intend to own a home for the time being because I move around a lot.
I change countries every few years and cities once in a while.
But most people don't do like me because they're lazy/afraid, so I don't know about normies.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
While I agree the banks in America are primarily predatory. I think it is up to individual to make their own way. If you rely on just yourself to get a house you'd probably never get one, or you might be old by the time you do. You have to take a leap of faith on the shitty banks and mortgage companies because they will pay up. How else is a normal low to middle income user going to be able to save up and get a house? I'd rather have debt to a bank then rent and throw away money every month with no promise of equity to be gained.
Free? No, but it damn sure is subsidized by the people who will continue working in your homeland as you trek about foreign lands having your awesome experience.
What if EVERYONE wanted to trek the globe like you, hmmmm?
I personally am afraid of committing to a particular area when I currently make money remotely and am not forced to live in any one place.
If I dish out the money for a home, I am buying the land and building it all myself because I don't trust (((modern construction))) since my grandfather and great-grandfather built real houses so I know the difference.
That kind of commitment of money, time, and heart is not something I am likely to do more than once so I want to be absolutely sure I am in the right state, in the right town.
Thank God Trump won, was seriously considering being a coward and fleeing to some red-pilled bastion of white society.
The homes is the collateral, bud.
If you can't make the payments you lose the home. Simple as that. I work a shitty and degrading job but it pays the bills and I have job security.
So if you can't make the payments not only does the bank get the home they still withhold all the money and equity you have built up.
this fucking nigger has been making this thread every few days for months and i don't understand his end game
because gooks buy the property and dont use it, and wait for the price to go up to profit.
fuck off with your homework questions you underage lazy fuck
Are you saying they owned more houses when they were children?
Because Asians bought all the houses
> 20161113_100756.jpg
Are you saying my fellow countrymen are paying for it?
Because they sure as fuck aren't.
Waste of quads
Traveling and backpacking around the world is the most normie of "dreams" to have.
Just build your company already and become a millionaire.
>people in 2007 had job security
One little bump in the economy between now ans 2056 and you will lose everything.
How is his trip subsidized by the Danish tax payer?
The danish government doesn't fucking give out globe trips.
Me neither. It's a legitimate question though.
The financial part is not the only reason, and I would be curious of the real ramifications (social or not) that led to this situation.
Fucking boomers.
Because homes are expensive and millennials are broke. That's literally it.
because it is at the centre of the boomer exit scam.
why do you do this
Why don't Nigerians buy Ferraris?
>owning a home
Good equity builder, but also a money sink. There are better ways to build wealth.
Please tell me how to work smarter and not harder? I seem to of completely over looked the good paying careers that don't expect you to want to work 60+ hours a week.