Black Pigeon Speaks exposed as a beta low test manlet weeb.
Suprise suprise. Most of the racist fascist anti-feminists are all insecure losers.
Black Pigeon Speaks exposed as a beta low test manlet weeb.
Suprise suprise. Most of the racist fascist anti-feminists are all insecure losers.
This guy isn't even racist lmao
Always thought this fucker sounded like a fat jew. Now visually confirmed.
This guy's level of projection is reaching unreal levels.
Of course he would tweet something like this out when he's an ugly manlet dweeb
Post yourself so we can compare and contrast.
nice ad hominem
He fucking rehabilitates injured pigeons and you expected him to be Chad? Australia, this is retarded. Cum on step it up.
>"European men are degenerate betas!"
>Is Canadian
this guy HAS to be a paedophile
>all these foreigners in Tokyo
taking off a surgical mask to smoke a cigarette
Have i had a stroke? I watched your entire video and at no point is there any evidence for this guy being BPS.
The faggot cucknadian accent didn't tip you off?
This is why people laugh at the alt-right.
>Its another "overdone central Tokyo districts tour" episode
Goddamn it at least go to places like Sugamo shopping district if you are going to do another breathtaking fucking tour of the Yamanote line.
I hope he talks about Harajuku and the KOOKY fashion next time.
Where is the connection then?
The voice. His channel graphics. The fact that he admits he is from Canada.
This guy is BPS.
It's his voice you retard.
Well, fuck me, it is him.
Close your eyes and adjust for outdoor audio, and bang, gotcha. I had high hopes for BPS. Such a shame.
Dude has literally NO forearms, looks like he's never lifted a newspaper let alone weights
not an argument
>is not black
>wears black clothes
>his body is built like a pigeon
>it all makes sense now
Holy shit you're right.
That being said, it doesn't change a thing. What he says is still right.
>is built like a pigeon
Attention White Men:
Do not associate with Asian women. You are not welcome here.
You're clearly a moron, There were not even any graphics in the damn clip. What's wrong with you?
it is extremely close, vocal wise. never ever listened to this guy, and they sound the same in ops vid and one i went to on its channel
Lol, if you're blonde and blue-eyed it's hard to dodge away from the side-ways pussy that keeps falling on your dick.
I guess it shouldn't be taken as a invitation...
>be me
>do swimming and krav maga 4 evenings per week
>do about 40km of biking every week
>do all the little things like walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, commute by bike and on foot, etc
>still 63kg, probably thinner than BPS
>everyone's shitting on BPS for being thin and not working out
>BPS is kind of a dork, a weeb, and marginally out of his optimal BMI range
now post another animu reaction image
U first
>faggot youtubers
So what, faggot. He speaks truth.
I'm already here and don't want your women, too much cutesy shit. I'll stick to my white girls, you can have the jap bitches
I understand now leftists/communist leaders ruled from the shadows, and put their handsome people in front.
He isnt even racist. He makes some good videos though and seems like a decent guy.
kys OP
>racist or fascist
>What someone looks like invalidates everything they say.
He speaks the truth in an entertaining fashion.
quads confirm BPS is an alright guy.
thread is over.
polite sage.
KYS for being this thick
Wow, Japan is so nice and clean.
Must be nice to not have blacks and Hispanics shitting up your country.
Those digits, what a nice end to a shite thread.
>does cardio as the majority of his exercise
>complains about being small
Not saying to stop doing cardio but start lifting heavy weight and eating more.
Who cares? Even if this is true, it has nothing to do with his message.
good work internet
Bro im mulatto and half your women look at me with disgust and the other half stare at me lustily with weird make-up, what the fuck is up with that.
He looks about as cool as you can expect from a youtuber. If anything, he looks better than I expected. Assuming it's him.
Found this on the channel of the fat pigeon linked on op's video. This is definitely BPS
wow racist
Literary who?
How about mexican? Is that half-breed meme true? Do your anime girls crave our seed?
wow you must be one ugly motherfucker if you think that looks 'cool'. You can see his droppy moobs mate..
>resorting to personal attacks to try and discredit his BPS arguments
>He looks like Matthew Heimbach, who also looks like Turkankerikano
>Dude has literally NO forearms, looks like he's never lifted a newspaper let alone weights
you /fit/izens are the biggest faggots in the world
Your a fucking white male in Japan.
As a man that has been to Japan. I have nothing but admiration for them.
>Children clean their schools.
>There no graffiti, marker, cut in names and vandalized public transport.
>Everyone knows their place
>Everyone is super polite
>Everyone is friendly and respects other cultures but also knows that their culture superior and will not bow down to any shitty globalist agendas of immigration and culture mixing
>Even the closest culture to them Koreans are treated as shit
>Everything is neat, orderly, clean
>You can buy something to drink every few meters thanks to vending machines
>Minumum wage is 1200$
>Yet vending machine drink still cost only 1$
>You can get a nice meal in Sukiya or Yoshinoya for less then 5$
>Kombini meals are so cheap you never need to cook again
For anyone wanting to experience an actually fascist culture that values their race, tradition and order together with a rigorous work ethic. Japans the place to go.
I loved it.
He is a fucking vegan.
BPS still spreads a message we can all agree in concerning foreigners and nationalism.
Threads like these are psyops to encourage throwing our allies under the bus based on physical appearance
Its never been about how BPS looked, its been about the message he sends.
TLDR, ignore this thread
also sage in all fields
Holy fuck he must have had a shit time in Japan.
Vegetarian food in Japan is hard to come by. Vegan food is... I don't know what he ate in Japan.
This is your average kombini food.
Everything here has animal products in it. Eggs, Chicken meat, Cheese etc...
Heimbach could easily pass as Lebanese
manlets btfo
dang. looks like a faggot. lift weights mate.
he is from Vancouver and spends all his time in Asian. he has the yellow fever and is probably fucking 13 year olds
Just because he might say somet hings that resonate with people, doesn't mean he shouldn't kept in check. He is trying to milk this for every patreon shekel he can.
Is that shibuya ?
I went once on 2012 and again this year and there is noticeably a lot more tourists.
who literally gives a shit how he looks like as long as his theories are spot on and he spreads the message?
i swear when the clean-up in europe starts we will just ship all degenerates to australia again.
>who literally gives a shit how he looks like as long as his theories are spot on and he spreads the message?
But they are not. Whenever he researches something, he shows a very firm confirmation bias towards his source material.
Looks like we have another thing in common then, CTR.
When was the last time you had a date, buddy? Graveyard shift tonight?
t. Expat English teacher
BPS isn't Canadian.
Also fuck krav Mata
Do a real combative art
Bjj judo wrestling sambo boxing and muy Thai are all acceptable
T amateur mms fighter aka internet tough guy
But seriously you are probably just wasting you shekels
I've been looking for the video for a while. The guy makes good videos, but his production quality raises questions, as well as this video shilling for WMAF nonsense. Like I say, all "le e-celeb redpillers" distribute kosher redpills so they can e-beg for retards who jump on bandwagons so they can be contrarians for a day. Either that or they're literal kikes like Molymeme.
He is.. a normal looking dude? Seriously, there's no deformities or anything. He looks normal.
its the dude from steely dan
>going to the big cities where foreigners are common
kek, go out to the boonies where they will look at you with amazement
There is literally nothing wrong with being a manlet.
kys lanklet virgin
>see flag
>no leaf
nice proxy faggot
are you autistic? he looks like your average middle aged man. you're delusional if you can extract that many buzzwords from a harmless travel video.
Fuck all ya'll I like BPS.
>inb4 'hey navyhato'
I'm just a fan, and nothing you fags can say will change my mind.
So there.
>ray ciss
>muh feminism
>uses the female ranking system
>judges men by their height
The average liberal male has the mind of a teenage girl.
why does that fucking bother you? not everyone can be fucking perfect jesus christ i hate you people. WHY DON'T you post some pictures of yourself?
>in japan
Well now I've seen everything.
>He is trying to milk this for every patreon shekel he can.
Oh no somebody trying to make money, how terrible!
You're not fooling anyone btw.
Goofy please