Time to double down on identity politics, Sup Forums.
Time to double down on identity politics, Sup Forums
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>stars a skellington
>Everyone get's identity politics but white people
>also "whitness" and white people don't exist
>"Jewishness" does though because we've been persecuted so much oy vey how dare you say Jewishness doesn't exist
>oh you're addressing Jews as a group you filthy antisemite how dare you general a group of people who you've persecuted so and by you a mean "white people" who also don't exist
I'm not mad, I'm just laughing at how obviously bad it will be. Looking forward to seeing it flop.
>Give us money because the lead is a Jew and that makes Nazis mad! You'll spend a few bucks to piss off some Nazis right?
Jesus Christ, the greed of the hooknose has no limits.
i thought it took place in ww1?
This will always be the worst part of these movies
Such a massive fuck up on the part of casting
Didn't they already do this with magneto?
Oh nevermind, it's DC trash.
>Give us money to make White Men angry!
Yeah, worked out so well for Ghostbusters.
Why not just try to make the film decently watchable instead. Lazy bastards.
>people can't just ignore liberals but have to fight fire with fire and the future of politics is identity politics forever
shit, could be worse, I could be a non-white
ww1 germany was nazi as well according to the jews.
just look at battlefield 1.
So the same tactic as Ghostbusters.. "See this movie, not because it is good, but because it is a revolutionary act!" - Some big studio's PR firm.
Christ, I can't even hate leftists anymore. Theirs is a sorry lot.
>hurr I get my history from the electric jew
Lurk more, trump supporter.
>Failing to cast Alexandra Daddario.
Do not want.
>buy our product to influence electoral politics somehow
Fuck neoliberalism and fuck capitalism.
>Watch our movie because you are spiteful toward our strawman representation of a fictional nazi!
I cannot see how this will convince anyone to spend money to watch the movie.
Maybe the jews were right, and their suffering and trauma is passed down to their children genetically
How many actual Nazis exist? Like 2?
Looking forward to this movie honestly.
Ghostbusters was pretty funny what are you on about?
Why do they think that "nazis" care about what movies they watch?
>Looking forward to seeing it flop.
It's going to flop harder than Stephan Hawking falling off a diving board
Why is it that the Nazis were killing Jews on an industrial scale, yet you can't turn around without running into someone that survived or their children?
Feminism makes female superheroes pointless. They can never be portrayed as weak, defeated or submissive, so you can't have any actual fucking conflict in the stories.
Good, another stronk wominz movie thatll flop. Its almost like they dont give a shit about losing money anymore, as long as it shits on the one demographic proven to pay for things they like; the white males.
>I can't even hate leftists anymore.
Don't worry, I have enough to cover you. Traitors deserve nothing but hate.
She is so ablest, and obviously fatphobic. Are we really teaching our children that the only way to be super is through starvation and violence? I'm literally shaking.
This movie looks really shit
Maybe because normal people have sex and reproduce? Not that any Drumpfkins would know that feel.
This is edited right? This can't be real. I refuse to accept that identity politics have made it this far into society that a film can use it as a sales pitch.
The jews are revealing their control, its great. People don't realizes jews are only about 2% of the American population, their media presence is way out of proportion.
So much for German efficiency
That's cool. I'll just refuse to see it since they didn't use an American woman as Wonder Woman.
>Maybe because normal people have sex and reproduce? Not that any Drumpfkins would know that feel.
Sure, but how many were in the camps waiting to be killed and were not? Given that we are told that they went from train car to processing to the showers why is it that we have millions of survivors?
Shit like this don't even make me slightly annoyed. What really activates my almonds is when movies/games takes historical white figures and turns them black for no fucking reason whatsoever
I hear some retards on Tumblr are not seeing the movie because she is too much of a zionist. Could be a good opportunity to get leftists to bitch at each other.
Serious question - How many holocaust survivors are out there?
I lived in West Palm and you could legitimately find people claiming this all over the city
I dont exaggerate when I say every jewish person you meet down there claims to have a survivor in their family
Did they all come to America after or what?
This marketing strategy didn't work for Ghostbusters.
When will they learn?
Give five examples of this happening or forever be labeled a Zionist shitposter.
"reminder your feminist narrative approves of this feminine sexuality because (((we're))) against nazis ok"
Ah fem Ghostbusters all over again DCuck can't win.
It will inevitable have the highest RottenTomatoes rating of the DC movies, and feminists will use that as a springboard
>See! The best DC movie is the one centered around a woman! Misogynists BTFO!
When in reality it's the Ghostbusters effect of critics not wanting to give it a bad score to avoid angering people
But strictly speaking it might actually be the better of the DC movies because
>No Zack Snyder (Man of Murder/BvS)
>No studio meddling (Suicide Squad reshoots and edits)
except there is already a cartoon episode where wonder woman beats up nazi and is 100% better than the shit hollywood makes today.
The Nazis that I know would have made a machine that you feed in kikes that shits out Jew Gold.
The funny part is how seriously they're taking it
They're going the guilt route to try and get people into theatres, looks like we have a bad movie on our hands here.
>a Jewish person is a celebrity
??? this is not special in any way.. in fact Jewish people are way over-represented in terms of fame and fortune if you consider things proportionally. it'd be like saying "look at this pretty white blonde girl, in a movie! take that racists"
thats a sign the movie will suck
see ghost busters, red tails, advertised as something to see for social reasons
Gorjillion Gorjillion said in Jew.
Ever heard of doublethink ?
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Hollywood has lost its creativity due to greed and corruption. People go to movies to be entertained. Not to be force fed propaganda. Movie sales are on the decline. Soon corporatization of the industry will give way and creative rennasance can occur.
You seem extremely upset, DK. Could it be because your country is being overtaken by the brown tide of Islam?
The fuck? I thought she was an Amazonian? Did they adopt her or some shit in the movie? Or did they just righteously fuck up Wonder Woman.
So far they've had identity politics for everyone but white men.
Let's see if they still think identity politics are a good idea when the group that invented everything, put a man on the moon, split the atom, and built gas chambers.
I'm ready.
Yes. Also Sup Forums being overtaken by obvious r/the_donald fedoralords.
How do you think 6 million of them dissapeared from Europe?
pro-tip: it's wasn't the holocaust
>Ever heard of doublethink ?
It's a meme to justify things to universalist cucks
To be fair
>Freedom is Slavery
>Ignorance is Strength
aren't wrong in so far that they could be justified or at least argued for. It still shit m8.
Pleb detected. Batman vs Superman is the deepest, most iconic movie of the last 30 years. Every scene has so much going on. It's dense with irony and iconography which I imagine retards like you didnt get what Zach was going for
Is that someone connected with the film?
They believe Nazis are real because of the NPI sperg out.
What I meant is in their sick minds they're always right even when constantly contradicting themselves. But at least some people finally see through the bullshit.
Show me a Jew that is NOT descended from a Holocaust survivor
Isn't the movie set in WW1, not 2? How do jews or nazis play into this?
Mary Sue the Jew ruins a comic IP.
This. She's have been the perfect choice but nope, need to cast the Israeli skeleton instead because yay nepotism
This is exactly why we were raised to believe Nixon was the worst President ever. For this reason alone. Watergate is jaywalking compared to what Clinton, Bush and Obama have done.
What do you think of St Peter in this new Mary Magdalene biopic then?
Aren't like over half the major actors in Hollywood Jewish now? Why do they think this one in particular will upset us? The problem is not that a Jew exists somewhere but that they have total control over our media.
post the image essay
I swear Sup Forums has the greatest autists, makes Sup Forums look like kids sometimes
Here's your (you) whore.
>Shut up, goy.
It doesn't matter. To the Marxist parasite: the future and present are inflexible, but the past -- however irrefutable the evidence -- is amorphous.
> photo of Russian soldiers prisoners of war
> their suffering turns into holohoax herp derp
1. Morgan freeman as red in shawshank redemption
2. Will smith playing james west in wild wild west.
3. Quvenzhané Wallis playing little orphan annie in annie.
Now we just need two more.
It's shit like this that makes me not want to see it. Why can't you just release it and talk about its actual merits.
I'll enjoy the losses it makes (((Hollywood))) far more
>A jew being involved in a movie is somehow groundbreaking
>industry pushing obnoxious political shit
>movie fails because people actually want a good movie
>"See! This is proof that everyone is still a regressive, sexist, homophobic, etc. Gotta push it harder next time!"
When will it end?
>jewish people involved with a movie
How is this supposed to make anyone mad that pays attention to these sorts of things?
Genetic memory might not be as far fetched as you think...
Who is this semen demon?
Morgan Freeman got the role because he was the best actor for the part
Rothschilds for one
When manchildren stop eating this shit up, so basically never
Hollywood missed their chance to make a decent Wonder Woman movie a decade ago by not getting Lucy Lawless to do it during her prime.
You mean 25 years ago?
(You) Thanks user.
I'm sure all the niggers and sjws will pay to see it.
> what happened to the Jews? They aren't what they used to be and getting dumber than even the white cucks by a minute
has it really been THAT long since Xena and Hercules?
they really didn't think this through did they.
wasnt wonder woman kinda... buff?
Why do niggers love Palestine so much? (You)
>historical white figures
>red in shawshank redemption
> james west in wild wild west.
>little orphan annie
>wonder woman is a skellington
>valkyrie will be a black skellington
>power girl will be a nappy headed sheboon with no breasts and michelle obama face with a voice as shrill as a turbocharger
Probably going to be shit. Most affirmative action movies are shit.
And no one is going to get offended by seeing a jew in a movie. It's hard to name one big movie without a jew...