Niggers have no culture

>niggers have no culture
>niggers are responsible for one of the only truly unique American art forms


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i suppose that trumpet magically appeared out of no where

>American art forms

Rhyming words together?

>Greatest black pop-singer, King of Pop
>Tons of awards
>Platinum albums
>Still wanted to become white.

his music lessons also based on ancient kenyan tribal music

Nice strawman Democuck.

Free-form jazz is awful and scat is such shit that they named that fetish after it.

And the trumpet is a symphonic band instrument and sounds like shit played by itself

Jazz is a stolen form of Irish style, back when the paddies were enslaved like wogs

Who the fuck gave this flag ?

Literally 90% of music you here today was influenced or exists because of black musicians. Unless it's folk or classical, there was a black man behind it at some point in history.

>a b-b-black man didnt invent the i-instrument though!!1

mental gymnastics

Scientific fack: Black people communicate telepathically by using the bongo drums.

literally 100 percent of "influential black musicians" were influenced by white musicians before them

niggers never invented a damn thing worthwhile by themselves

Who gives a shit? Niggers have been slacking so long the only photo OP could find of one doing something is black and white.

Dark continent rhythms + Civilized instruments and music structure = hurr durr wow so unique and beautiful

I was a jazz musician in school. I was first chair. I won awards for how good of jazz musician I was.

I was so grateful to quit that shit when I could. Most pointless, ugly fucking music on the earth. It was a thing I had to suffer through. Fuck Jazz.


^Not even kidding that niggers think this is one of their songs.

So even wogs are now plastic-paddies?

Disgraceful. Irish culture can't catch a break.

You should have said rap. No one gives a shit about jazz.

Don't try

White people apparently made literally everything of value on this earth.
If Sup Forums acknowledged that black people accomplished something of value they would have to confront their laughably retarded beliefs that they've based an identity off of.

It's fittingly ironic that people who's only accomplishment is shitposting on Sup Forums feel the need to discredit others' work, simply because they are black.

I actually agree and think nogs were on there way to a decent cultural renaissance

Then they miffed it

wat the flag... where do you live, desu?

really makes you think

Pretentious libcucks, especially across the pond, think its just fantastic.

I do admit one thing, I like polyrythms. Its in classical pieces rarely, but in jazz all the time. Its how I was able to get jazz.

But what a piece of shit form of music. Makes me want to die when I hear it, I'm so fucking sick of it.

you mean those mixed french/black babies sent to private/military schools and educated in music in new orleans around the time jazz appeared?

Its not because they are black, its because jazz is trash. Any white person who says they legitimately enjoy it has at least one ulterior motive for LARPing like they enjoy it. Because they really don't. Just telling you this for your own safety.


>tfw the best music all came out from German and italian NEETS and African Americans junkies

I'm white and I legitimately like this pic related most jazz is forgettable though



>the best music

Surpass this:

Protip: you can't.

Percussion isn't even utilized. Pure harmony. The antithesis of Jazz. And its as close to musical perfection as anyone has ever gotten.

as opposed to your laughably retard belief that "black people invented modern music"?

>well,golly gee,niggers must have came up with something of value,lets just give them music

is this how you rationalize not being "Racist"?

american music without blacks would be a literal tragedy

Who are the german and italian NEETS you're alluding to here?

kikes really did a number on white people

Uhh you're wrong nigger sympathizer, heard of a thing called rape?

>musical perfection
>not meme composers who were literally perfect, consistently thorough their whole life, such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Wagner, Mahler

I will give you that the best music that came out from classical and baroque is still better than the best that came out from jazz.

Jazz is great and all, but the white man has made it greater. Blues was an overrated fad that has persisted. Anyways, blacks have no culture now, Jazz isn't prominent in their communities, and is not something many try to pursue and create. Its all empty hip-hop now. I wasn't saying blues doesn't signify culture, it was a huge part of black culture, sadly it is no longer, i just have a distaste for it, and its growth into the mainstream has had many great positives, but now its gone from them. Their art sucks aside from music, and now they don't even make music. I don't hate blacks as a whole, their existence is pretty tragic to me, but boy do i hate niggers. I love classical music though, renaissance, baroque, classical, and romantic eras, impressionist music is great too. Even some modernist/post-modernist stuff is ok, kind of a weird flavor. Certainly europeans and where they've colonized have contributed far more to music than blacks. Their system of music was predominately in the realm of percussive rhythm, they did have pitched instruments though. Our system was far more thought out and advanced though, The merging of our two musical approaches has resulted in great music, but ultimately has obscured our past culture and made it essentially irrelevant today. It is a good analogy to compare what happened to classical european music to what will happen to the european man.

animals invented rape

so,not even that

hip hop is just modern blues music.

listen to (real) trap and it's the same themes people were singing about 80 years ago.

Give it time user. You will learn to hate the intellectual and spiritual void that is Jazz if you give honest effort understanding it. There was this book I read, it was printed before sociology went full Zog called "The Social Psychology of Music". It gave Jazz an honest shake, and once I understood it, I realized why I always looked at it as more of a chore. I can at times find it somewhat tolerable in older movies, but most of the time I just look back at all the time I wasted practicing it, instead of doing something better. I had shit mentors and it makes me sick.

I think black people can be excellent musicians, as can anyone of any background I'm sure. But this bloated and undeserving legacy needs to die.

this is retarded, white men made far greater and grander music than what we hear because of black influence.

Homosexuality also occurs in nature. Checkmate

So it's okay when whites build cultures off of elements of others, but not when others do it?


of course it's ok

it's ok when non-whites do it to

but don't try to sell me this NIGGERZ R MUSIC N SHEIT

it's fucking retarded

imo, des Prez was more advanced. He was restricted in a technical sense by the church, who were actually trying to phase out rhythm entirely from music. Too carnal, I suppose?

He wasn't standing on the shoulders of the greats that came after him. And that's why he's not a meme composer. He's more esoteric and gets back to that, European spirit of music. Polyharmony is like the antithesis of jazz, so I wanted to use it to rebuttal your jazz shilling.

If musical perfection could be a thing, I think des Prez was closer than anyone.

>I will give you that the best music that came out from classical and baroque is still better than the best that came out from jazz.

I agree user. If you spent more time around jazz musicians, you would see why you should take a hard line on this. Their pretension is stomach churning.

Just don't come here then. Literally everywhere else in society blacks are worshipped for fucking everything this is the one place where its okay to be white.

>blacks have no culture now

Thank the Jews for making rap centered only around gangsta rap and morally bankrupting them. I think rap honestly had more promise as an art form in the beginning but the state it's in makes anybody with different voices to be heard.

Stop being so fucking dramatic

>nigger detected

You mean (((they))) miffed it

Nah I'm definitely white

Waylon Jennings wrote a song "outlaw shit" talking about how all of this tough guy imagery in music was irreversibly fucking stupid and degenerate. Of course, he was referring to the contributions of men like himself and Cash and etc... How it was inspiring the next generations to be shitty people. But I think it applies to rap and all other pop music that utilizes "i'm such a fucking renegade" marketing.

This country boxes up and commercializes its renegades, literally and figuratively. What isn't "renegade", tends to be pure shit anyway. Modern pop music is basically just marketing with baked in volume and a hook.


he had a skin condition and his nog family bullied him for having a big nigger nose

All races have culture.
Which is the fucking point of recognizing racial differences.
Literally Hitler recognized this and is why he didnt hate japs. He saw their culture, understood it, appreciated it, and loved it. He called them "honorary aryans", in that he still thought they were genetically inferior but respected them for their differences.

The thing is that niggers have no culture OUTSIDE of jazz.

>piggybacking off anothers culture is somehow making one out of their own country
They deserved it from being oppressed in the US, but put them in their own land and nothing will be accomplished that hasn't already been around for thousands of years

Not everything just 98% of everything.

>white songwriters
>white producers
>white marketers
how's that shitposting going, Merkel?

>1 post of AIDS by this ID
>OP is a faggot
>and will never understand art

Daily reminder that the best jazz is improvisational

I didn't know Gershwin was black

>I agree user. If you spent more time around jazz musicians, you would see why you should take a hard line on this. Their pretension is stomach churning.

i don't really care for modern jazz. I didn't like it enough in the first place to be academized that much. Still, jazz is filled with actually original and groundbreaking works and they should be celebrated as much as most classical music classics.
I don't hold the same opinion with any other 20-21th century genre.

>The thing is that niggers have no culture OUTSIDE of jazz.

I wonder why African American did not have any specific culture until the early years of the 20th century.

Jesus Christ.

>modern music
>not utter trash
Ashiggydiggy Diggerreroo

Jazz is not an art form.
Music is an art form.
Jazz is a style.

german and austrian classical composers most likely

i dunno about many italian musicians though

Corelli, Palestrina, the Scarlattis, Vivaldi, Cherubini, Pergolesi, Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, just to name the more relevant.