India plans on releasing a toilet locating app in an effort to combat public shitting in their streets. I wonder if any of our Sup Forums Indiabros have downloaded this app to avoid having to go to the designated shitting streets.

>The Poo2Loo campaign has since ended, but the launch of the Toilet Locator indicates that sanitation progress is being made.

>Nearly 620 million people in India defecate in the open, which has significantly contributed to water contamination, causing an ongoing public health crisis.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can afford smartphones and Data/wifi
>Can't poo in loo

hahahaha finally they can poo in a loo

I wonder. Did they seriously mark the location of every known toilet within a given area?

Won't work. Those degenerates will continue to shit on the streets, app or no app.

So their streets will always remain shitty?

Looking at that pic sends chills down my spine. I could take 100 showers after wading in that and I'd never be able to get rid of that shit scent.

Hopefully they call it Poober


rip me

Or the LOOcator

Lads, I think I fixed India




But they already have google street view

Pretty much yes. The whole street shitting thingy is what defines them and without it they would loose their national identity and also probably their sanity.

What happened to Pakistan m8?



Fixed it too

You're telling you have people who can afford a smartphone, yet still shit in the streets?


Is this damage control from when the girl fell into a septic tank the other day?


holy shit

Is George Costanza India's Secretary of State?

THESE are the people shilling android smartphones in every text field on the fucking internet, remember that


The Poos can into the Loos

Meme magic really does work

Yes, there are about 6 billion active cellphones on the planet and about 2.5 billion people with no toilets

>Walk around with Multi-Dimensional iPhones Nano
>Still shit on streets like dirty smelly animals

Oh I see what you did there user.

This is exactly the thread I imagined when I read about the Toilet locater app in the news.

Noice. Even kek approves.

fookin savage moite

Download it and tell us how far the nearest loo is.


it's official.

thisdo it pajeet

Do you guys even wipe?



Well maybe if you pooed in the loo you wouldn't have to expect this kind of thread.

least their women are hot in pantyhose


Makes me wonder why Sup Forums rarely calls Vatican out on secretly building a Crusader Army

Jews are a distraction


>download poo app
>nearest loo is miles away
>travel holding your poo inside
>pass through multiple perfectly fine designated shitting streets
>finally arrive
>Loo has been turned into a hindu shrine






It's not out yet. All I get is news sites telling me that its going to be out. And that it works with Google maps.

This is what kickstarts them to becoming a superpower in 2060.

That country to the far lower right...could it be? The place the prophesies spoke of?

The country of....



>least their women are hot in pantyhose
You are not quite right in the head, now are you?


Have you been here more than five minutes? We love a good crusade.


Best thread all day. I'm shitting myself.


beautiful ads

>implying lack of toilets is the real problem

>be pajeet
>debilitating gut pain signals my 6th shit that day
>pull out my smartphone
>use app to find loo nearby
>just shows a big red dot covering all of india

So for now at least it would seem that you are being able to hold on to your identity a bit more longer. Cum in mum while you are at it.

It's part of the problem.

You on the right
Poo-in-loo on the left

>tfw I'd fuck them

>god of toilets

They use some kind of container with water, like a jug. Then they pour it down their ass crack while they clean their anus with their hand. This is supposedly okay because they wash their hands afterwards.

Poos cannot even abandon this tradition when they immigrate. Just recently I was walking behind an Indian gentleman on my way to the washroom who was carrying a styrofoam KFC container (like for macaroni salad) on his way to the loo. Sure enough, he filled it up in the sink and carried it to the stall with him.


They look like they smell like poo.

>The itoilet! It was brilliant jerry! Brilliant!

kek. Premium bantz,

I see what you did there

No, pooja means prayer.
Yes I get your next joke Indians POO while praying.

The reasons behind them shitting on the streets +10 times a day are pretty obious. Good luck braking the continuum.

Do you know what I do when I can't find a toilet? Wait til I get home. Actually I never use public toilets for shitting. Why do Indian comes not come built with toilets?

I remember reading an article about how the WHO installed toilets in millions of Indian homes and most of them just kept shitting outside anyways. What is really happening in India? Did your people always just shit outside or what?

Don't worry, that's the designated shitting food.

I'm working on an for Americans.

I call it ShatsApp

You're telling me the people shitting in streets have mobile phones?

Surely if they have a phone they have somewhere to charge it and surely there's a loo there right?


when it comes out make a thread with a screen cap with the nearest toliet and periscope you running to it

my sides

>pooja means prayer
I don't think there can be a next joke after this.

I guess pooing in the streets is considered a birth right by Indians. Kind of like how Americans view guns. We can try to shame the Indians but they don't care. In their culture, shitting in the streets is what real men do.



>designated shitting food

There are more mobile phones than toilets in India.


>No, pooja means prayer.

The app is useless as shit, how are slum people going to use a smartphone and data? Just nuke them, there's no fix

Holy shit


Is this real

Did Sup Forums do this

>an offering of milk and bananas

Well, that's definitely better than what people usually offer the god of toilets...

Why don't you just deport all your poor people to Pakistand and Bangladesh?


underrated kek

Its real. Enjoy

>Indians POO while praying.
>Pic related

World power by 2020