>give full auto uzi to 9 year old girl
>get shot in the head when she loses control
why are amerisharts so stupid?
>give full auto uzi to 9 year old girl
>get shot in the head when she loses control
why are amerisharts so stupid?
why do the shart in the mart only god knows these things
one less gun nut. karma is good. problem solved.
This is an old story.
there are so fucking dumb its not even funny
No civil person should be able to get a tool which is designed specifically to kill...
Stupid monkeys, don't understand what abstract concepts are, and they think is right to give weapons to everyone
did the video ever get leaked?
kill yourself niggerlover
Hey, at least American kids could handle a Lewis Gun. Unlike you Roo fuckers. Go back to your Emu Warlord.
there are?
>american education
The worst is when someone who knows guns is going to teach a new person, fully knowing about kickback, and not preparing for it because they think it'll be funny to surprise them.
People end up shooting themselves in the head or shooting someone else.
>No civil person should be able to get a tool which is designed specifically to kill...
So only the uncivilized people should have them?
Nice logic, fake-Texas.
Could have handled a full size with a stock just fine.
Micro uzi a shit, especially for a non-shooter or someone small like that.
>No civil person should be allowed to buy bug spray
Don't be stupid, weapons should be banned... The problem is that you have so much weapons, that you can't do this anymore. Good job, living in a culture that embrace violence from it's sports, to it's everyday life
And you wonder why you have so many mass shooting...
Ya, but it's still funny, every single time!
>Go to the U.S
>You're from Canada you're like our hat LOLOLOL
Fuck off
>What are you some kind of communist?
You lost to Emu's
americans are among the most degenerate people to walk the planet
they are mostly hamplanet apes of subhuman intelligence, capable of victory only by the use of sheer force, as they had used against vietnamese peasants (and they still lost), and never by finesse and strategy
lol. solid bantz right there.
>as i take a swig of my bud light
plot twist: shes an fbi assassin planted there to take out a leader of the us militia
>>give full auto uzi to 9 year old girl
>>get shot in the head when she loses control
Where's the fucking sauce?
Shut the fuck up texas
best were ever goingto get
>give 16 year old girl a car
>get run over when she loses control
people have died from much much more retarded things than this
like than english dude who died in a fucking clothes rack
should we ban all clothes rack because some retard died in one?
maybe i should write to my government to do that, they might actually go ahead and do it the absolute madmen
ITT, people falling for Auscuck trolling.
Remember, kids, always hide Australian posts.
This retard was supposed to be holding her hands in place while she shot. He lost his life for not doing his job properly.
because our sharts in our pants distract us
How do you die in a clothes rack?
Nice. Fake texas BTFO by quads
>hundreds, if not thousands of American children every day get the opportunity to shoot a machine gun for their birthday or other special occasion
>this happens once in ever
It's okay to be jealous countries that don't matter. Your are bratty, filled with angst, and rebel against daddy... But Daddy America still loves you and will protect you
does the real full vid exist?
That being said this instructor was an idiot letting a 9 year old have control o a full auto weapon.
Whatever happened to actually learning to shoot with an air rifle and then a .22 bolt?
Poor kid.
Matthew 26:52 "Then Jesus is saying to him, 'Turn away your sword into its place, for all those taking the sword, by the sword shall perish.'"
>Australian flag
I bet you can't be this /comfy/.
though I don't discount the possibility he got clinton'd
The Anons are talking about firearms, not swords, faggot.
You can own a sword without living by it.
Think harder.
Time is manmade and God exists before any concept or notion of such. Don't be so vulgar and vain. If the Holy Spirit speaks through someone are we to question the lack of moonrakers looking back from a future? Tl;dr there were only swords and there weren't any guns. That would be against His plan. As though they were to be given idiotic iphones back then or something. Use your brains. Muh "he should have been grasping her hands".
He whom taketh up the sword shall die by it. What's the problem here. Read what.
I shot a Tampon
i'm glad he didn't empty that "assault magazine" into his mom while she took his tacticool pic
>Chile calling anybody a monkey.
>Chile thinking they are above anyone.
never understood body armor or plate carriers where it left the vital side of the body completely exposed or the back of the armor rode up too high and exposed many vital organs and the spine as well.
body armor is a waste of money unless you can prove me wrong with what i stated
Matthew 10:34
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
Do you suppose jesus died by a sword? or was it the cross .. or the roman spear?
reminder that you never get up on somebody's side at the firing line, especially if it's a 9 year old with a full auto mac
Yes, if god is timeless he wouldve talked about nuggets instead of contemporary weapons
ive been looking everywhere for that back plate. where di you get it?
Don't run away.
It's not magic.
He copped a feel. She was defending herself.
>using a kike gun
He said he whom hates his family can be His apostle. He whom hates the world. The Lord clothes us and feeds us as the bird in the field. Christ died on a tree because we fell on a tree. The method used isn't relevant but it was all because certain rule fetishists couldn't stand His being prophesied and His prophesies.
Molon Labe...
This will never be a thing. Fucking stop it, cunt, and pull ya fucking head in.
I had it custom made at glockstore dot com
So His coming as that sword was to have the men see visions and the sons to prophesy. To get in between familial relations to defend Him against the devil. Not an actual steel sword in that instance. Probably
You advance slightly turned. People usually don't walk straight up and down, facing completely forward while shouldering a rifle.
But you need the spiritual armors of Christ
>CTR is drumming up old shit
>this doesn't change the fact that Trump won
And not to hate your family but to dislike. The good is preferable to any intimate relationship and Plato screwed up the Church
thats why you stand behind newbs when teaching them to shoot, duh
as a person who fucking LOVES guns, you should never give a gun to a girl who's younger than fifteen.
30 bucks?
So the torque on automatic twisted it into his head? Wew, tragic but to be fair he looked to be groping and hovering over her more than he should have considering the gun, could have stood well back behind her and yeah, not a good gun for a girl that size.
Haven't seen my mom in years
There is no body armor in that pic and I don't own any. It's a load bearing vest.
>government stages false flag in port Arthur
>population willingly disarms
>at the mercy of technocrats
No thanks
And not even to dislike if you are a psychotic type. Just that we have only one word for love and this is a dislike in comparison to the love of your wife, say. Act well. Act Christlike. Marry Christ
Arms control is not a sign of a civilized society. It is a sign of one that fears its people revolting against the government.
If you fear your neighbors so much that you would not trust them with a gun, then you're probably in a fucked up shithole.
You'd think they'd load like 1-3 bullets so if a kid goes retarded, scares and locks their finger into the trigger it's not going to actually do any real damage.
Any Americans want to explain logically why you wouldn't take that precaution? I don't use guns so i assume there would be a reason when theres a risk like this.
All it takes is one
>doesn't even post the video
jfc you manchild, if you're going to show off your tactikool AR at least do it outside
Did you even read the article? The "accident" happened after the trainer set the gun to full auto. He fully intended her to shoot more than 3 bullets.
also where do you live?
Most people who aren't retarded would take that percaution
There are millions of guns in the US, some retard is gonna fuck up and leave a loaded handgun in a stupid spot eventually.
someone's a bit jelly.
you're really reaching back for material aren't you.
Aussie's trying to get their shit posting crown back from Canada lol
Once I gave Kawasaki Ninja to a guy who couldn't drive even a bicycle.
Insurance was worth it.
Yeah but unless shes actually pointing the gun at the instructor when they fire that one it's a non-issue.
Giving them a magazine of 30 rounds, with the possibility that they're going to freak out and clamp down on the trigger, letting the gun go like a loose hose in summer spraying every which way seems unjustifiably retarded.
Young girls, and arguably, even most adult women, shouldn't be given automatic weapons. Their muscles are not designed to handle the kickback from something like an automatic firearm.
Then i guess hes just a fucking retarded mongoloid outlier for letting her go full Auto when he obviously doesn't know she can't handle it.
I don't know to me it's like here's a thing that can explode jupiter. Little girl. Oops she tripped over a ladybug. It was only one!
you're both taking figurative language literally.
That's how we get all that stupid dogma from the catholic church.
I figured as much.
I actually explained both and used a literal translation
it's called culture
hey you can kill yourself with a car, he fucked by not taking in to account weak girl strenght
He was an american, so go figure.
>competent enough to manage to do anything without getting anyone killed
literally never happened