Look at the news idiots.
After speaking up for trump, kanye has suddenly been forcibly taken for psychiatric analysis
Expect him to be changed or murdered in the next few days.
Ignore the goddamn sliding shit and talk about this
Look at the news idiots.
After speaking up for trump, kanye has suddenly been forcibly taken for psychiatric analysis
Expect him to be changed or murdered in the next few days.
Ignore the goddamn sliding shit and talk about this
Do something guys.
Media is working hard right now on tarnishing his name and painting this as a mental breakdown. Its no such thing, his handlers have had him forcibly taken
He was going to be on Alex Jones, that is more significant.
They're gonna pump him full of Risperdal. Give him a nice chemical lobotomy.
His lawyers told him to claim insane so he could get an insurence check from the tour he cancelled, all the rest is a little movie like he always does. Unless he appears dead or changed then is this.
Probably he will be replaced by some other guy. Just like Miley.
It will be even easier considering he's black.
Kanye secretly browses Sup Forums and is exhausted from all the redpills he had to take in such a short time
This isn't real.
This can't be real.
It's 2016
You're joking
Please tell me you're joking
so much for 20/20
Kany broke the MK Ultra conditionning so they had to make an emergency session.
Thank you Oliver
In the end Kanye truly was our guy.
They pumped me full of Seroquel
It made me question shit more
what? source?
fuck off leddit! we don't care about that retarded nigger! hope he learns the way of waterboarding!
Kanye West is an idiot who`s full of himself. I hope the lizards take him away forever.
He`s also a dirty negro.
delete this.
ive read reports where he was talking about pizzagate, but that just might be a rumour.
are you serious?
>Kanye was trying to save the world from sin and depravity.
>We didn't believe him.
>Now he's been captured, tortured, and likely killed by the Jews.
>Now we know he was genuinely trying to save us, and some of us feel bad.
Oh my god, the Jews just killed Jesus again.
>Land of the free
>Can be taken to a psych by force out of your private property, with just someone randomly calling them and expressing their worries
>even when you're drowning in money
this is what happens when you get way to red pilled bro
lmao @ Kayne in a mental hospital
This is just a message for any others that wasnt to go against the elite
That happens in any first world country.
is a
g a y f i s h
Yup, that's the tragic consequences of an overdose on redpills.
You gotta hand them out slowly to people you like, so they won't section you because you started screaming "ITS DA JEWS ITS ALWAYS BEEN DA JEWS; GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW"
Can we rescue him?
Stop this conspiracy theory nonsense.
He's only going to rehab because he made a PR no-no so he's doing the usual celebrity stunt of going to rehab to pretend it was alcoholism that made him misbehave.
Now, I don't live in one.
So explain to me how anyone can even step on your property without you allowing it, outside of the police (which needs a court order for that too)?
Also, having in mind that U.S. is not health-care based, how the hell a private health institution can even hold you against your will? That is literal kidnapping by definition. Do they ask money from you afterwards too?
Overdosed on redpills. RIP niggerman.
we don't have "sectioned" in america. I only know about it from watching peep show. you can't generally have another person committed here.
Reminds me of that Asian K-pop celebraty who was going on and on about Niggers on her twitter.
She suddenly 'got a psychotic episode' and was 'being treated for "schizophrenia"'.
She came back onto twitter a completely different person. It was pretty fucked up.
pic related
He'll either come back like Michael Jackson after the Pepsi commercial accident and suddenly want to be white, or he'll be like Michael Jackson before his final tour where he complains of exhaustion and is forced to overdose
Why do you call it Leddit?
Seems like a schizo desu senpai
Because there once was a word filter for reddit. The only way to mention it on this website was to call it "leddit."
So... what do you with your seriously mentally ill?
yea nah ur a cunt
I see him telling he likes Trump once and going full chimpanzee on his own concert was enough for Sup Forums to suddenly accept him as (((gudgoy))).
look at his fucking skin color you naive kids
don't worry, they'll come for you too
get confirms
psych wards constant surveillance
The only time you can be forcibly locked up in a psych ward is if you are deemed suicidal, and even then they can only legally keep you for 72 hours.
No u
May I direct your attention to the SJW "Movement"
I think the rumor stems from this tweet: twitter.com
So nothing was confirmed.
they have him connected to the Pence 'make you straight again' electrode machine
they will make him liberal again
Quit posting about this fucking nigger.
It's absolutely incredible how many of you cucks are falling for this attention whore.
was he high, or, was there a situation that we are unaware of building in the background that's been bugging him that came to a head?
So if the Police see you acting in a way that makes you a danger to yourself or others, they can take you in for a 72 hour hold in most states. During that time they have to prove that either you cant feed yourself, cant take care of your basic needs, you are a danger to self or others, or they gotta cut you loose. See it all the time with homeless people. Theyll be having a full on drug induced melt down playing in traffic, 72 hours later they are back out and withdrawing. If we havent heard from Kanye in ~70 hours, we should probably worry.
Not enough. Thats for god damn sure.
>Ye didn't want to get checked into the hospital, and paramedics even had to restrain him while he was to be transported
Relax, he only had a small domestic accident in which he slipped, fell and hit his head on the doorknob 27 times and involuntarily burned and electrocuted himself all over the body with the joint and 9v battery he was carrying at the time.
That tweet probably spooked the illuminati lmao
It's also mocking the "rage comics" that were popular over there, where they'd use the French word "le" a lot.
Is this going to be another
Too much crack not enough sleep I'm sure he'll be fine. Wouldn't be the first time a rich pop star had that kind of problem
We used to put them in crazy houses, but then hippies said it was bad so they're mostly just homeless now.
well at least he wont be running for president in 2020
He managed to break free of MK ultra but they'll make sure he doesn't ever step out of line again.
why dis nigga lips looks like a clit son?
>Famous guy decides to speak out
>They decide to ditch him as soon as he has no use for them any longer
Where have I've heard of this before?
I heard that too. My buddy told me idk were he got it from tho...
I hope you guys are all just joking
Tank: Neo, this is loco. They've got Kanye in a military controlled building. Even if you somehow got inside, those are agents holding him. Three of them. I want Kanye back too, but what you're talking about is suicide.
Neo: I know that's what it looks like, but it's not. I can't explain to you why it's not. Kanye believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed. I understand that now. That's why I have to go.
Tank: Why?
Neo: Because I believe in something.
Trinity: What?
Neo: I believe I can bring him back....
Did he really fucking name (((Google))) and (((Zuckerberg)))???
Hes a fookin dead man
Asian Male inside White Female
That's how the Democrats hold onto thier pets.
Kanye is dropping truth bombs and nolonger serving his masters? Well, time to put him to sleep.
I have a theory that if you take the blue pill, the film just starts again.
Red pill is the only answer because it is the truth, but not everyone is ready to hear it. America is great, but we have forgotten that greatness. Trump is reminding everyone. Now we are waking up, but not everyone is ready, especially in Hollywoodland. Kanye woke up and tried to speak truth but the liberals are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
Alex Jones' twitter has become so powerful, he can make his enemies kill his other enemies
anyway have any video of him speaking out?
This nigger meme must die
Any burgers in town to see if he's ok?
They'll just clone a new one. This version is clearly defective.
Good idea, we need an LA based Op to get in and check on Kanye and if necessary, bust him out. God only knows what kind of liberalism he's being subjected to at UCLA.
Ideas: Meme magic to free Kanye?
>feuding with beyonce and Gay Z
Reminder 'hova' is a masonic nigger that got big and pac killed.
I see something like:
STAY WOKE 100 100
Get that shit on black twitter.
"I think you've had a little too much to think, Mr. West."
>punitive psychiatry
USA is officially Stalinist USSR-tier now.
>punitive psychology
>new to US
When did you leave your rock friendo?