You are a millennial


Congrats on being the cry baby generation kiddos! ^_^

I'm a middle child. Middle children are impervious to that shit. We just drink a lot

80-90 Oregon trail generation

90-2000 Millenial

2000-10 Gen Z

Here in Russia we just don't know such words.

Impervious to what? Being a millennial? are you high??

>the cry baby generation

Millennials are the people who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and who aren't too happy about being lied to by the republicans.

If I were you I'd be careful about pissing them off too much and I wouldn't do anything too retarded like for example electing Trump or something like that.

>Oregon trail generation
wtf is this made up shit..
I just googled it and seriously i never heard of it...
it says late 70's to early 80's though, so even then you are wrong...

seriously though, oregon trail generation is just made up mumbo jumbo.

The ones who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan hate the Dems way more you fucking leaf.

No, he's drunk. Can't you fucking read?

If you do not know what you are saying, how can you expect us to know what you mean?

im technically gen z

cause i was born in 96

are you blind? Read the damn post.. you are a millennial lmao.. Shit dude I do this in real life sometimes, i just tell people they are millennials and they get all offended like i called them a bad word....

>I'm not a millennial!!! IM NOT FUCK YOU!!.

The dividing line is where people born in a certain year no longer remember 9/11. There is a massive difference between the youth raised in a post 9/11 world and the late 90s children.

Is OP the same faggot who's posted "millennial" threads here every single day for years?

gen z started in 96


are you fucking car?

This is why collectivist thinking is for the brainwashed, children, and idiots.


You're too young to be here...

gen X is the worst by far

19, my bois are all Trumps supporters. Pepe is the symbl of our generation. idk if thats sad or not. probably tho

I'm a millenial and I don't give a fuck about other millenials. They're mostly undisciplined self-centered cunts

Thanks for the hearty KEK, mate.

i'm 20 what are you talking about

no but you can drive me all night long daddy

people born around 2000 are millenials you bladder of hot garbage. I dont care what you think you found. A millenial is a piece of shit young male/female. Anyone who is 27-33 or older right now might as well be from another planet in comparison. Do not group me in with knuckle dragging everyone gets a trophy white liberal mouth fedora smoking, pineapple chai tea sipping 20 something skinny jeantards. I will crush your fuckin skull

im the youngest of 4

Middle children are less entitled than youngest or only kids

Дeти дeвянocтых.

Maplenigger maths everyone

fuck you

1981 millennial reporting in

graduated in 2000, idgaf what some random website says


remindaer that if you were a child of a babyboomer you're technically an echo boomer

CTR blown the fuck out

good luck with the terminators

good luck with the nigger white "nu-males"

Millenial detected

fuuuuuuck youuuu

Im still not sure how im the same generation as someone born in 2000 when thats when I graduated highschool. I also dont know why they keep shifting back the start date for millennials.

Nah-ah! Muuuum!

No, fuck you, millenial




I really don't give a shit because lumping everyone that's part of the same generation together, especially as a bad thing, is a retarded premise anyways.

You need to be 18 or over to post on this website.

millenial reporting.


i have always hated my peers and never had any friends my own age. used to give a fuck, but now i'm too based. i wish they'd all just commute sudoku

generations are just mostly marketing & a shitty take on tribalism.

noooo i don't wanna be a sjw

>born in 1982

well that means literally everyone here is millennial

I mean is there a single true oldfag here? I doubt it

This is cool
I am in the same generation as my Mom
She was born in '82, I was born in '98
Fucking awesome
More in common with the most beautiful woman who ever lived
I love my Mom

95 i am millenial baby

chill Oedipus

He's talking about the game you autist


Fuck you i aint no millennial

I'm 1983 and quite frankly have the opposite of a millennial mindset, I grew up working every day and never being handed anything. Strong work ethic, anti large govt, libertarian. Slightly right wing overall I'd say.

>only time voted 2008 ron paul
>red pilled since 2006
>anonymoose etc
>comp sci degree
>put self through school
>never bitched

op is a faggot

While it may be true that most millennials are crybabies and millennials are technically defined as 83-00, the crybabies don't really start until some point in the 90s.


What a completely pointless thread.

Op Is a faggot.

89 here.

never bitched a day in my life, no hand outs, nada. roughed it on the streets in my car, got a jerb got a house education etc.

then again my dad did wake my ass up at 13 and tell me to get to work on my weekends.

I just realized that many people my age are probably grandparents now.

>self-hating Millennial thread

Last time I checked there was no draft for these wars

>im technically gen z
>cause i was born in 96

The most defining trait of every Millennial is that they feel too super special to be a Millennial.

They should have called it the fucking Snowflake Generation.

>Do not group me in with knuckle dragging everyone gets a trophy white liberal mouth fedora smoking, pineapple chai tea sipping 20 something skinny jeantards

Found the Millennial.

I was born in April 1982. Can I be exempt?

>Fuck you i aint no millennial

Expect to see moar posts like these:
>I was born in 1990. I can't be a Millennial.
>Millennials are people born after 1995
>Millennials are people born before 1994
>My family didn't have internet service when I was 12. Definitely not a Millennial.
>I ate cereal for breakfast as a kid. Not a Millennial.
>I'm not a Millennial, I'm Gen Y.
>I pee sitting down, by definition Not a Millennial.

Half of them are completely retarded, and the other half just feel too gosh darned special to be part of their generation.


>starting as early as 1978

Oh no no no. Do not lump my ass in with Millennials.

>"Millennials weren't even drafted" says member of generation that refused to sign up and had to be legally forced to do its duty

Mooom, he called me a millennial.
Quality thread OP.

green text me more user daddy

>tfw born in 1993 and my first year out of college salary is more than what the majority of households in America make

feels GOOD man

also im white PRAISE KEK

Im born in96 but i think im a booby boomer

>I'm Generation Snowflake

Do it yourself. You're used to that.

I was born in 92... I don't identify as one of the pussified millennials crying about fart rape or man spreading... am I cancer?

They already named us gen x in the early 90's, before people could rewrite history through the internet.

millenials start at 1985

You're a millennial faggot

I like this guy

Your a cool dude bro... you get it.

gen Z born in 2002 AMA

watch how one burger convinces almost half of Sup Forums that they're millenials

>implying I hold their disgusting morals
>Implying I'm not a generation traitor

Leave me out of this label bullshit. Crybullies come in all ages and sizes.

>Said every generation after the previous.
Daily reminder there are children right now born after 9/11, they are the true Mils for they do not know how the world once looked and accept the way it is now.

>This guy.
I like how you are probably 16 or something and possibly figured something out that you could use in school. Good job kid, nice on you, now try and look at the real stuff.

Yeah, I mean, in Russia you dont know stuff like

- basic human rights
- being sober
- general life expectancy above 65 years
- freedom

either so it makes no big difference.

Wow... is "millennial" going to be the new "n" word in the near future? So many people hate being called it.

:/ I'm part of the millennial class, but I have nothing to do with the millennial clade.

First of all, I grew up on an island separated by water, and we had to go back and forth with a boat. Up until the late 90s, we only had a radio in the house. My father didn't even own a car. He had to carpool to get to work. I'd never see him, because he'd be on the water 24/7.
My grandparents had a car, and we went to the icecream shop (which was still miles away)
We skipped several "modern" generations in only a few years when we first got a tv and computer.

No I was born in 85 i'm not a fucking millennial.
I'm Xennial or a lucky one..
We were the fucking rats in the maze, did everything, created everything had it all stolen then these shit for brains millennials take credit for what we did?

Whatever i'm used 2 it, having people steal everything.

Please don't lump my people of the Oregon Trail generation into them.

So I guess I'm a broken millennial, fuck non whites and praise Trump, the savior of the white children's future

Why do you people care so much

Generations are literally made-up labels used for identifying market demographics

Holy fuck stop getting jewed

Heh, nothing personal *ZOOM*

i got my first computer when i was 11, i only got internet when i was ~14 and im a milennial? fuck no

>tfw you were born in 98
>tfw you are a millenial, but not a 90s kid cause they think it's people born between 85-95 who are

Kill me pls

But if I'm born 2000, am I millenial or Gen Z?

Which would mean they enlisted, ergo made a willing agreement to go through military training and do things that lazy people generally would not like to do.

Neither, you're underaged

You aren't a special snowflake. You're a millennial like the rest of us.

>people born in 98 can post on Sup Forums without getting b&d for underage

where did the time go

>people born in 1982 were 18 in 2000
>is still considered the same generation as a child born in that year

that's retarded, having generations work per decade makes a lot more sense

1980 - 1990 = Gen X
1990 - 2000 = Millenial / Gen Y
2000 - 2010 = Gen Z

>sister is a grandparent
>i'm not even a parent yet

life is fucking wack yo

and what are you? 40? gen x or y? what the fuck you doin on here at 4 am gramps you the paper doesnt come till 6

>Im Gen Y now
Well, shit.
Fuck Trump and Fuck White People