Do you think it's normal for people living in a modern, civilized city to open carry an assault rifle?
Do you think it's normal for someone living in a city of 4 million people to be denied abortions and birth control?
Do you think it's normal for a modern economy to be denied access to the global market?
Do you think it's normal for someone living in a modern, liberal, cosmopolitan city to be forced to adopt religious views?
Do you think it's normal for a candidate who won 10% of the vote in cities like Boston to be in charge of its economy just because of your retarded electoral system?
Do you think it's normal for a modern economy to deny its citizens affordable/accessible education and do you not see how this will destroy all your jobs?
Do you think it's normal for densely populated cities to suffocate from polluted air due to the republicans eliminating environmental regulations?
Do you think it's normal for Americans to keep building the abominations that they call “suburbs” just because their cities are unlivable shitholes due to all the Republicans controlling the government?
Do you understand that you are an embarrassment for electing Trump and that nobody actually thinks that you are “based” for doing this, instead everyone just thinks you are a bunch of subhuman, uneducated, genetic waste?
Do you understand you need to go back to (((Buzzfeed)))?
Gabriel Bennett
>haha Trump is so stupid the election isn't rigged >WHAT THE FUCK, THE ELECTION IS FUCKING RIGGED
Gabriel Adams
thread op is a fag
Sebastian Adams
>A fucking leaf
Every time.
Justin Perez
Any change requires a constitutional amendment ratified by 3/4ths of the states and will only apply to future elections.
Luke Thompson
Not an argument
Christopher Rodriguez
>assault rifles
Stopped reading there, because it was already apparent that you were a fucking retard.
Get out of here leaf.
William Sanchez
yes. now fuck off. back to your jazz club and nigger pussy, swing kid.
Christian Hernandez
> California should say how the rest of the U.S should live.
James Bennett
How the fuck is the "3/4ths of the states are needed to amend the Constitution and it would affect only future elections" part not an argument?
Get out of our country limey cunt
James Nelson
>THE ELECTIONS FUCKING RIGGED >oh he won >Guess it wasn't rigged!
Anthony Richardson
I know this is bait but >Do you think it's normal for Americans to keep building the abominations that they call “suburbs” just because their cities are unlivable shitholes due to all the Republicans controlling the government? This is my pet issue. The reason our cities are undesirable is not partisan. Neither party wants to fix them. As far as I know, no third party does either. What we need to fix our cities is mixed use zoning to make there be a point to walking, and good public transport. The problem is, unless walking is desirable and things are close together, people will prefer to use their cars. And if people are using their cars, the advantages of a walkable neighborhood are lost. There needs to be people walking on the streets for businesses to exist at the ground level, and businesses need to exist at the ground level for people to walk on the streets. It's a catch-22 that can't be solved just by the free market at this point.
Oliver Rodriguez
>Nobody lives in rural areas anymore. Winners do.
Asher Lewis
Of course it was rigged. They just didn't rig it enough. We should've won Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, etc. and the popular vote.
Nicholas Adams
Because cities are jewed to shit and hard to verify because id raciss
Evan Price
it was still rigged. Hitlery's final numbers were inflated by a few million.
Jordan Miller
>Do you think it's normal for people living in a modern, civilized city to open carry an assault rifle?
Yeah, we have mandatory draft where every idiot gets a fully automatic salt rifle which nobody checks on if its in your locker over the weekend or not. Me and severall others I know off disasembled it and took it home a few weekends to shoot with it at home, cause the ammos free to buy for everyone.
And nothing fucking ever happened.
Guns dont kill, people kill. If a criminal is ready to kill you hes already ready to break the law, so he can always get his hands on a gun illegally. Gunlaws only disarm law abiding people.
Andrew Hernandez
Portland? SF? Seattle?
Cities as you described still exit in America and are continuing to move in the right direction, but most Sup Forums users decry them for having large liberal populations.
Elijah Edwards
Leo Rodriguez
Luke Hill
Right, they're only shit cities. For comparison look at practically any major city in Europe. Yes, they've been building most of those for a thousand years longer than any American city, but the current development is mostly much more recent.
Liam Reed
>nobody lives in rural areas anymore
Who do you think makes food for literally all of the United States? Who do you think provides raw materials and energy resources for literally everyone in the "Big City"?
Camden Roberts
Oliver Thompson
When can we all canadians?
Ryder Clark
>mfw canadians don't realize they have the exact same system
When you cast a vote in a Canadian federal election you're actually casting your ballot for the Member of Parliament you want elected in your riding. Whichever party has the most seats in the House of Commons following the election gets to form the government. In other words, your MPs are basically your electors in your version of the Electoral College.