Hey guys,
Haven't been on here for a while. Looking at the Columbine High Shooting of 1999 in class atm.
How was Columbine different to Aurora and Port Arthur?
Hey guys,
Haven't been on here for a while. Looking at the Columbine High Shooting of 1999 in class atm.
How was Columbine different to Aurora and Port Arthur?
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Its not, the death count on Arthur was much higher.
American media always popularizes shootings for some reason, its probably why they keep happening.
Yeah but of the three mass shootings mentioned so far, which were false flags?
Is more diversity to blame for the spike in "mass shootings"? This wasn't an epidemic until only recently. If you go back to the '50s or the '60s, you actually see department store catalogs (sears) showing families with rifles and promoting it. Isn't it strange how acceptable firearms were then, and how they're seen as a politician's talking point to have the done away with?
it was real
Port Arthur was a false flag everyone here knows it
It was the first of it's kind (in today's modern world). Reb and Vodka were interesting characters. I actually studied Columbine a lot in my high school days so if you have any questions in particular about it just ask
I know but wanted to get this thread going lol.
Got sauce tho?
What do you know that made the lads so interesting?
Eric started off high school as someone who hated racism and bigotry but each year the bullying got worse and his attitude began to change. He was actually a pretty smart kid in terms of academics. He is not at all the psychopath that he is now seen as. He had and felt emotions.
Dylan was a pretty tall guy. He too was picked on but not nearly as much as Eric. He is seen more as the depressed on who was talked into doing it all by Eric.
I think what really makes them interesting are their former classmates and former friends. One girl mentioned that during lunch on the day of the shooting when she was leaving the parking lot Eric and her passed each other in their cars and she waved hi and he smiled back and waved.
Some friends had an idea what was going to happen but kept it to themselves. One of Dylan friends urged her other friends to leave that day at lunch time and go to Dairy Queen I think it was.
But however the shooting was in a sense completely justified. The school's administration did absolutely nothing to stop the bullying and refused to acknowledge it. And trust me A LOT of kids were being bullied.
I'd fucking kill to see those basement tapes.
this is how libcucks see gun owners
shit parents all around
This is true. They seemed quite uninvolved in their kids' lives.
bullying, atheism, exclusion, obsessions culminated in their plot to kill their peers. Once underway they lost enthusaism, morality and all that, so they killed themselves
>port arthur
legit crazy guy killing people one after another, not stopping
another crazy guy, reality and batman movies became twisted, saw himself as a villan (dressed the part too) and acted based on this.
I would say port arthur is similar to breshevic
collombine similar to virginia tech
aurora similar to charlestown, serial killer delusions
eh seems like a pretty cool guy.... he shots aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
They exist anywhere or did the govt really destroy them all?
They blamed it on Doom and KMFDM instead of FUCKING WHITE MALES!
i bet you weren't even born when it happend
Manson was a white male
I've watched some CCTV footages of the shooting. More CCTV footages of mass shooting should be published so people won't think it was fake.
Im going to go with port arthur and aurora. Hell why not All of the Above
I agree, anyone want to dump Columbine vids?
>which were false flags?
only retards think these tradegies were somehow orchestrated by the government
kek back when music was the cause for everything. oh how the times have changed.
This is a site that can give you all the info on the incident that you need, this particular page is one of the basement tapes put into text
Google it, loser.