is this even a country?
Is this even a country?
Absolutely not.
Coming from fucking New Zealand kek.
When has anything ever happened over there?
Soon it will all be over with
the lord of the rings
nothing is better than bad things
no, belgium was a mistake.
it should have been partitioned between the netherlands, germany, and france.
wait why is there a german flag over belgium?
We've held the damn line in WWI faggots
>literally raped
Bosnia tier legitimacy
I think its supposed to be flanders (netherlands) and Wallonia (northern france) but the only evidence i could find was a fairytale where a couple of drunk germans accidently wander into it
Not for long now that nva is in charge.
of course germany is still a country dumbass
We, as a country, are so much better than Belgium
No you're not. You sound like fucking inbreds and are completely fucking degenerate.
Unless you cucks vote for Wilders you have no right to talk down to anyone
Imagine if you just gave Germany military access. You could have prevented all of this.
can't argue that bogdan
We can talk down a few countries and sadly, you are one of them Belgium. You're getting assfucked by radicalization in the big cities and you can't even fix your infrastructure - sad!
On top of that, you aren't even a sovereign country because you guys are basically ruled by >le white flag country
Give Flanders back already.