What TV shows are free of cultural Marxism, kikery and cuckery?
Is Game of Thrones a based show?
What TV shows are free of cultural Marxism, kikery and cuckery?
Is Game of Thrones a based show?
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Im watching quite a few and when i stop to think about it, I cant name a single one free of those themes.
Maybe someone can recommend a foreign tv show.
The hero yoshihiko
Anybody like the stuff like The Wire and Generation Kill?
Twilight Zone is pretty good.
Anyone have answers?
>ching chong ching chong
Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
egs de
Murchdoch Murdoch on Youtube. Its my new Southpark since Southpark died this season completly.
I like Seinfeld.
check out "all in the family"
Not really, but it's not blue pilled either. It's mostly just white on white warefare, but they don't try to shoehorn any racism metaphors in or bullshit like that. I guess you can make the case that the one clearly minority tribe (Dothraki) are a bunch of bloodthirsty rapists.
The wire is a pretty good orange pill show. Shows how dindu's mostly bring living in shit on themselves, but does it a little softer than is probably reality.
Breaking Bad is pretty down the narrow too with shitheads from all races, but mostly mexicans fucking up everything.
I watch a lot of documentaries.
There is simply little to nothing on that doesn't require a lobotomy to enjoy.
Kids in the Hall
Also this.
>Game of Thrones
>First season ends with literally the purest white gradually getting into being raped by a big ambiguously brown man
Whitest Kids You Know
Nothing airing today.
I'm rewatching the sopranos for the 3rd time.
all great shows
I can't think of any show that isn't anime released within the past year that doesn't include at least one of those.
What the fuck
Skylar cucks Walt
Game of Thrones was good in the first few seasons. The show has pretty much moved away from the style of show it was at the beginning though, it is much more of a "TV show" than it was 6 years ago, complete with obvious cliches and TV tropes and plotholes that it didn't have when it just followed the novels like a script.
For example, a main female character gets kidnapped in a random place on a continent the size of Asia, but when she is kidnapped she drops a single ring in a field that is in a random spot hundreds of miles from her city. But of course her friends find that small ring in that random field on the continent the size of Asia hundreds of miles from where they last saw her, and it leads them to exactly where she is, with zero other leads pointing them to her.
That shit didn't happen when the show just stuck to the books, but they sold out to shitty TV writers to get the normie viewers.
Also aside from the general degeneration in quality of writing, the show is pivoting HARD to "strong" female characters and to dumb, simple, predictably stupid and stereotypical foolish male characters... female characters are winning nonstop on the show and men are failing. GOT has gone full hollywood.
and PRAISE KEK as always.
The Middle is pretty good, but i don't like the homosexual friend of the girl in the picture
First seasons of Two and a half Men
Peaky Blinders
One of the best tv shows I have seen.
the thick of it esp the first 3 seasons
Just go with Anime or old-school, pre-1990's American shows/movies. Seriously, if you want entertainment totally free of this shit, you best options are either going full anime, or at the very least, no American movies/TV shows after the early 1990's at the very latest. Since then, its been seeping in to our entertainment more and more, and now its practically beating you over the head with it in almost everything you watch. Anime, on the other hand, if nothing else, is utterly free of that shit, and actually seems to try harder every day to do everything that pisses off SJWs.
blue-pilled but still funny
AFK is a web series I watched recently, it's like Sword Art Online but actually good, and rather than becoming their real selves in the game they become their game characters, which makes for some pretty funny banter due to people who picked a girl because "if they were going to be staring at an ass all day it might as well be a hot one".
>is GoT based
how fucking clueless are you?
>Is Game of Thrones a based show
Yes, all women have to be sneaky and use tricks like marriage/their vagina to get shit done, unless you are a anime character with dragons.
Westworld is pretty good too.
Aren't most of you TV shows free from that shit, UK?
Fucking this
Also their suits are /fa/
None. You find something if you look hard enough.
I like The Middle. It's about middle class Americans, which is to say, people who are broke and can't even get their appliances fixed. Their lives are tough and no one gives a shit about them. That's pretty real.
The best show on TV right now is Vikings
True Detective was good but I don't think they are coming out with a third season, season 2 was objectively bad.
Mountain Men
The Last Alaskans
>mad that USA makes better shows about Finland than Finland
Praise kek though,
Shadilay my friend.
Unhappily Ever After was the most red pilled show nobody remembers. It was like Married with children but even more politically incorrect.
GoT used to be good. It had a realism that supported a very hobbesian view of human nature.
Now it's all "Women get their way because women are stunning and brave. All the problems in the world are caused by dumb men with their violent and raping ways. Cheer for the women you little cuck"
Oh yeah, forgot this.
Ripper Street was good to start with, then suddenly started inserting stupid Jews & Muslim storylines.
HBO's prison drama Oz
Real talk, after that one certain character dies in season 4 episode 8, I found the show loses steam drastically - becoming just a gay soap opera from that point onwards. Before however, the show's fantastic.
Shut up faggot
>SAO is actually good
>The stupidest, least imaginative, full of fanservice MMO anime
Fuck off you idiot with your shit taste. It's the safest most boring shit ever with how conventional it is.
Good to know I wasn't the only one on thinking about the Dragon Queen.
>TFW Stannis the Mannis is dead
holy shit burger. we wuznt vikings.
Anyway, if Americans wanted to make shows about Finland, no shit they would be much better. Finnish movies and series are too dumb to be art and too boring to be entertainment. In a word, they're shit. Never watch Finnish movies or shows, you will only end up regretting it.
This! Also watch stargate, it's pretty good
The Sopranos
I won't disagree there...
I think it was ballsy to kill him, but a mistake.
Series, especially the early seasons, were great.
Moar feet pls
stick to 80s anime and pre-80s movies (partly)
How fucked is Stranger Things?
Fuck your b8 and that shit cringe show.
>like Sword Art Online but actually good
If someone says "X is like Y but actually good" then they're saying that "X and Y are similar, but X is good and Y is not".
In this case, X is AFK (the thing I am saying is good) and Y is Sword Art Online (the thing I am saying is not good).
No unfortunately GoT though excellent in its production value isn't Based at all.
muh feminism literally all kings die and are replaced by queens although terrible shit can happen to fem like rape of sansa its used to show wow so strong and empowered.
Generation Kill is a bit of a redpill on the Iraq War. Not entirely, but drops subtle hints for the foundation for the (((war))). As much of a Jewish sounding name of David Simon, everything he touches is high iq
Initial D!
Super fucked, avoid it completely.
Oh shit I have reading comprehension issues apparently. My bad user.
Have a qt.
>Is Game of Thrones a based show?
even though it's a bunch of faggot leafs they are based as fuck
what the hell happened to canada?
growing up in france in the 80s was great for this. the 70s/80s anime we had was full on traditionalist, patriotic, heroic and patriarchal.
always makes me facepalm when i hear otherwise super leftist friends mention how they love albator (harlock) so much. fucking schizophrenics.
I love the Sopranos. I bet Tony would vote for Trump.
Fuck, I loved that show. What do I do now? Bleach cleanse with first-wave black metal on standby? What else?
reminds me of starship troopers chick Denise Richards
Very good series apart from the cancerous amount of STRONG BITCHY INDEPENDANT WYMENZ WHO DONT NEED NO MAN and STUPID CLUMSY DUMB PRIMITIVE MALES. Last two eps im growing to dislike it because of that nigress whos unplugged herself from the matrix. So many plot/common sense holes surrounding that and i can just see her becoming the savior off the hosts in a sort of reverse I,Robot way.
The wire is the best show on television besides the sopranos. Those two are the only real shows in my book.
Why would you want a show free of superior system? Is game of thrones a fake news site?
Sounds like fake news!
weould rub benis on / 10
I admit, I also like The Goldbergs. The premise of a kid in the 80s with a love of movies and TV is kind of fun. Same with that Chinese show about the Huangs. Funny. Although the mother's fake Chinese accent is getting on my nerves, even though she is hot as fuck. I despise the Modern Family, New Girl, Big Bang, NCISes, all that normie shit. I know, the shit I like is just alt-normie and I should pull the plug. Main stream drama is Jew poison.
Hannah Montana is blue pilled but it's pretty much the epitome of cinematic perfection tbqh.
Sopranos is superb.
GoT was awesome, is becoming a fuckin feminist fantasy novel, women lead nearly everything now, the men are becoming beta cucks, totally unrealistic given the setting.
>I know, the shit I like is just alt-normie and I should pull the plug.
you will thank yourself for it later i promise
Are they still doing new seasons of that?
max headroom has the best cinematic artistry of any show except twin peaks and wild palms
also all three shows are based as fuck
>drama about hipster looking pagans gloriously destroying weak cowardly christians
>includes powerful independant female warriors
>passes for historical
>disguised bluepill over1000
everyone I know going on about Walking dead
I got through one season and hated every dumb motherfucking character they all deserve what ever brutal end they meet.
Rick is a Cuck
PULL ALL THE PLUGS, save for the internet cable : P
To Catch a Predator was pretty red-pilled series
Good Will Hunting is a very good, based movie
Vicious Kind is one of the more redpilled ones too
Also recommend Whiplash and American Beauty for confirmed to be free of cuckery and bluepills
this. GOT was 10/10 for the first three seasons, then like all good programs, the demand to appeal to larger audience drove the shows charm to shit. it goes from a realistic medieval drama to strong womyn kill-all-white-males tier hbo trash.
The thing I really love is TCM. I am a whore for Kino.
Yeah, the fact that any lefties like anime or Japanese video games just proves how absolutely blue-pilled they are, that they can't read the themes in all of it that run utterly counter to the ideology they subscribe to/vote for, or, alternately, that they don't realize the ideology they keeping voting for and supporting runs counter to all the moral presented in their favorite entertainment and, in fact, has a vested interest in censoring, banning, belittling or destroying it because it doesn't live up or give to fucks to pander to the asinine, backwards SJW 'standards" the lefties set.
Just watched episode 1.
Danke Klaus!
How have i missed this?
Westworld would be cool were it not for the fact that all the whites are either evil or betas. Show is falling for the strong-women-of-color meme too.
>being mad that early Christians were cucks
This part is historically accurate.
I'm not going to be ashamed that early Christians were complete cucks and treated like such. These events happened and were the catalyst for the modern day Christians, which control all the nukes and rule the known Universe.
>being butthurt at good TV because it portrays early Christians as weak
jesus just wave your white flag and go home
>To catch a predator
>Catching trailer trash and niggers
>Doing nothing about pedophile rings
They're a bunch of stupid self righteous morons that don't have their priority straight. There is nothing heroic about catching these guys. That'd be like arresting some pot smoker and telling people you fight the drug cartels.