"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
We are a land of immigrants
"offer has expired"
Your getting kicked out first
Make the child 20 years old with a beard and an iphone and this would be partially accurate
>basing immigration policy on a liberal poem from the 1880s
Didn't take long for liberals to turn on women.
What a gimmick. Enough all ready. That statue was a gift from France. That little appeal to emotion bullshit to let in the 3rd world horde isn't fooling anyone.
What a gimmick. Enough all ready. That statue was a gift from France. That little appeal to emotion bullshit to let in the 3rd world horde isn't fooling anyone.
I'd be okay with it if it was european-centric like it was when that poem was written
t. Emma (((Lazarus)))
When the Germans came they learned english and assimilated.
When the Poles came they learned english and assimilated.
When the Mexicans came they floated on the melting pot like a chunk of styrofoam and screamed La Raza while claiming this land was Mexico.
America isn't European nor are we a white society.
You forgot to add carlos.jpg
America was a white society pre-Hart-Cellar. It was 90% white and assimilation was made a lot easier because of it
Jew poem added to an unrelated gift much later. We should get rid of it.
its funny that the people that usually draw these things dont even believe the bible, and are probably homosexual
Sorry we expect you Christians on your high horse to live up to the bullshit you preach.
Jesus was a big government socialist but I don't see you guys voting Bernie
>wrong statement
>muh feels
Neck thyself
>Jesus was a big government socialist but I don't see you guys voting Bernie
>he actually believes this
Dude, Jesus wasn't anything like any political party at all. You can't put God in a box.
Stop being a faggot and using Jesus as a political tool
Lol read a bible. Full of condemnation action for the rich and points out the church had all things in common and shared wealth.
Sorry Pastor Tim has lied to you but greed is a sin and that is the basis of capitalism. Communists are modern day apostles
>this much projection
no you, read the bible. soak up some of the messages and get your shit together.
I want America to be a white country. Brown countries suck ass.
you are an idiot lol. Jesus blessed a lot of people that have a lot of money like Abraham and job
It's kinda weird though.
I always hear lamentations about corporations, which is strange given the USA is a corporation among goverments.
Economy and GDP is what important in this world, so it's make sense to import as much immigrants as possible. Low wages and intense worker competition is critical for a buisness.
Remember when left called everyone deplorable. It is true.
There is little to no motivation from economical point of view to support "white" america when they openly say whites will die off in this 50 years and will be replaced by new demographics. Leftism and globalism denies concept of nation. There is no american nation. Only rag tag economy supporters.
Because so many unattended 2 year old girls are walking across the border from Mexico carrying their teddy bears and dressed in togas
Explain the rich young ruler and the book of James.
It was not the condemnation of money but rather the love of it. Jesus wanted you to WILLINGLY give yourself to others. Jesus also said to submit yourselves to whatever government you are u see but to always keep faith.
Socialism compels you at the end of a gun.
Also, communism EXPLICITLY STATED to be anti-religion. Stalin and fucking Mao purged the religious like it was going out of style. Do you REALLY think that Jesus would like people randomly killing his followers and others?
You are an ignorant fucking twat who cherry picks verses from the bible and takes its meaning entirely out of context
Sometimes you need to force people to do the right th I g for the greater good. It's called being an adult
Yes. That is a socialist belief.
As I just pointed out, there is a difference between what Jesus preached and what Marxist theory entails.
Also, people will never change if you have to force them to Do the right thing. They must find reason within themselves to do what is right. Its called integrity and it can only be learned on an individual level.
Otherwise you're just asking for mindless robots rather than people who have found the right path.
There is no different 've between us I g the state to force people into correct behavior and letting them choose. The end result is th a same ands I belive God expects us to use that to correct others behavior.
The end result is not the same. The task has been accomplished but have the people you just forced actually learned anything or gained a reason why they should? No, and that is not at all what Christ wanted. He wants all to come to him on their own accord, which is the entire purpose for giving us FREE WILL.
If God was totally cool with just forcing everyone to do what was right he would've done it himself. In fact he did try it once, he gave strict laws to people and punished them accordingly when they disobeyed.
And they never. Fucking. Learned.
Its called the old testament, and was the entire reason Christ died, because humans need to learn they suck ass otherwise they'll keep being rebellious cunts who never learn like the Jews
that poem was written by...
wait for it...
(((Checks out)))