How will you ever recover?
Drumphtards BTFO
by winning
Sorry, can't hear you over all of this BTFO your anal cavity, loser.
I love how ignorant these people are about Hillary and her crimes.
>i'm from commiefornia
Democrat nonsense checks out. Who cares if those allegations against Trump are from anonymous people taken up by lawyers that constantly try to sue Trump, its guilty until proven innocent.
This dumb cunt got 15 million views on kikebook.
>How will you ever recover?
by not listening to some bitch for 3 mins, and not watching black and white on a fucking colour TV
liberal racists crying about racism while they live in the suburbs of california and avoid the very people they claim to be in support of.
Will they ever stop crying? I hope not.
>Implying anyone besides feminists and faggots give a fuck about these made up social issues
This is seriously some mental illness. They are so fixated on 1% of the issues a voter considers and assumes everyone who voted trump had anti-[minority] going through their minds.
News flash, people voted for trump for real reasons. Issues that actually make differences in their life, economy, national security, their future, taxes. Not made up social issues.
This is what happens when life is too easy. The human species has evolved to overcome hardship and needs some kind of friction, otherwise we have all this nervous energy that builds up. The part of the brain that's constantly scanning for a mountain lion and wondering where the next meal is coming from. Now it's guaranteed you won't starve with 99 cent jack in the box tacos down the street and you won't be attacked by a predator. Life is now hollow without some kind of natural challenge. Instead of elevating them selves by taking on higher challenges in science and arts or taking on tangible challenges, they make up these fake social issues so they have a boogie an to fight.
It's pathetic. Pick up a shovel and plant a garden, get out a textbook and learn something new, take apart your car and put it back together, paint a picture. For the love of God, put all this static energy to something uplifting and enlightening. That's how the world will improve.
The salt from this election just wont stop flowing.
>le ebin double down on divisive rhetoric meme
>not aussie
>not leaf
We have officially killed political correctness now the debate can begin and we will win
>I'm tired
Have a nap.
>If we're all going to be friends after this
We're not.
...Serious question; What's the point of this video?
>Guess what poor people - We hate you
No shit. We already knew that. That's why across the globe democracies are voting against your interests.
This is bizarre behavior.
>ID: Ree
Fuck off NEET and don't drop your chicken tendies when you crawl back to your safespace.
>Some of it wasn't even true
No one who is intelligent enough to read lacks self awareness to that degree.
It's b8.
>This salt
>This hypocrisy
You have no idea how hard I am.
>Now we know who all the racists are!
Now we know who all the oligarchs are.
I like it.
Thanks, user. You reminded me how hot that scene was in Boardwalk Empire.
>I live in California
Literally a debtor state full of homeless mexicans.
Repeating the same talking points every liberal has said for the past two weeks. Using the epic and serious black and white filter. sad!
Her characterization of Trump supporters as bible-thumping religious conservatives is hilarious.
It's like she first learned about politics in 2012 and hasn't updated her playbook since then.
>liberals lack self awareness
wow it's fucking nothing
I fucking HATE Klingons.
1920's girls must have been the worst in history
I love how scared this bitch is. *inhales deeply* fuck, liberal fear smells so good.
cool script bra
This is the one that always gets me.
It's more like her understanding of the current political landscape is informed by the original Footloose.
>Admit that Trump voters clearly have no shame and don't care about the lefts puritanical sexual hangups
>Try to shame them with puritanical bible thumping
The whole video was like that actually;
>Well you say you voted against us because we treat you like shit
>Well, enjoy being treated even worse!
>And if we win, even worse again!
You know who breathe air to survive?
The Nazis(oy vey be upon them).
Does it feel good to do the same thing as the Nazis(oy vey be upon them)?!
is she a robot?
she seems so unnatural
It actually feels great
This video makes my heart smile.
Is that normal?
It made me rage, mostly.
Why do they always mention the kkk? The kkk haven't been a real player in any of this
I'm sure La Raza probably endorsed Hillary, so their argument in pretty weak.
lol wtf are you people talking about
>this much asshurt
Their salt can sustain me for years.
Here's an antidote so you can smile & laugh:
this chick is saying what liberals have been saying for the last 20 years
wow mind blowing
drumpf btfo
you know if you really want to go to the other time line where hillary wins that can be arranged...
Who is this fat cunt?
I guess Trump is getting an 8-year term.
I would call few women a perfect 10, but I think Ivanka is.
Where can I find this interview? Dem tits.
That was fucking delicious. Thanks for breakfast, OP!
>black and white
10/10 idea, 1/10 execution
We need to turn the game around.
If everyone who supported Trump can be labeled as a sexist, racist, ist... we should start posting videos and pictures of identifying every Hillary supporter as a warmonger, terrorist, extremist pedophile.
"This is far bigger than not voting for Trump. Using 'we don't want to be grabbed by the pussy' as an excuse so you could grab underage pussy by yourself. Have a pizza! Having our eyes wide shut was exhausting, we're glad it's over. We're coming for you Pedophiles." etc. etc.
Fear mongering and shaming.
It's not even ignorance, it's outright denial. They are delusional and refuse to accept she has ever done any wrong
Not worth watching. I don't care what these "people" think, and neither should any of you.
The irony is absolutely fucking hilarious
I opened the embed and saw occupy democrats on the back of the clipboard and immediately closed the embed. Not even going to bother giving it a dislike.
>I leave Sup Forums for a couple weeks since Trump won and the memes were at critical mass, I wasn't needed.
>Come back today.
>Shills out in a force 8x bigger than before.
>Some kind of Nazi falseflag doing the rounds.
>Page covered in sliding.
>No one digging up corruption anymore.
What the fuck have you people done here?
This victory has made you people fat and lazy.
>graphs prove Hillary didn't commit any crimes
>talking about how Californian taxes aren't going to pay for rural schools
California is knee-deep in debt, it probably needs it's own taxes far more than fiscally responsible states do
that woman is flat as a board
You see her naked in a whole bunch of episodes.
Even flat chested she's pretty hot.
Well post the fucking screencaps/webms then, so we can have an informed discussion.
The Klingon version is the best.
How will I ever recover from winning the presidency? I don't know...
You lost, get over it.
She said no crimes were actually committed. She is acknowledging why someone wouldn't vote for Clinton and says it is invalid because there was no crime in the first place.
Also she lives in California and claims that they fight for rights, yet erode the basic human right to bear arms. Shove it bitch.
>I do think you're a racist
>I do think you're homophobic
>I do think you're a misogynist
She forgot xenophobia :^)
All joking aside, people like her are what made me vote for Trump from a social perspective (and that's ignoring the foreign policy/economic disaster Hillary would have been).
>ends by talking about my vote taking away her rights
>not realizing her vote takes away my rights to not live in the WWIII worldline
Get fucked, lady. You wonder why Gen Z is becoming conservative, fucking hell. Fuck these identity politicians, fuck the media, fuck social justice, fuck all of it. So tired of this shit.
All I want is to live in a peaceful, economically well off country. Is that really too much to ask?
Source of this pic?
> all this salt
The KKK really hasn't been that bad for most of its history. It was a positive civic organization for most of its existence. When will this KKK hate end? Yes, the original KKK lynched some black people, but guess what? They also lynched white people. Reconstruction left the South without a functioning government in many places and the KKK stepped up and filled a vital roll. Same with most of the 20th Century. Did you know that only 15 murders can be loosely linked to the KKK? That is less than several Black Power groups. Hell, BLM will probably beat that.
You can't even satire these people.
Don't try to redpill people on the KKK bro
it's not time yet
BLM as well, which can be classified as a hate group at this point. Don't tell me about this "the X people who did this horrible thing didn't belong to that group!" muh true Scotsman fallacy the media and the left likes to push.
they just dont get it
Don't even need to watch it, they lost, this is just butthurt & i could imagine somehow trying to spin it that they somehow "won"
Pretty sure im spot on
> mountains of evidence proving nothing that Hillary did was even true
Stopped watching right there