If 80% of the refugees coming to Europe were girls aged 18-25 instead of guys, would you be for or against increasing refugee quotas?
If 80% of the refugees coming to Europe were girls aged 18-25 instead of guys...
Who dis? She fine as hell nignog.
Categorically against.
It's her white features that make her look "good" in your eyes. Look at her nose.
>Americans voicing their opinions
For obviously
>It's her white features
Eastern African likely.
I didn't ask for a fucking exegesis, I just want to know who it is so I can look at more pictures. This girl is really pretty. I don't really give a shit why.
Are you Guys plotting your Next Invasion plan?
And no
no. only cute sand lolis are allowed. purge the rest and blame it on Isis.
i want male refugees only.
we need lots of work to do here and girls dont work well.
+most of this refugees hate israel and jews, now germany becomes strong again
thanks jews!
Of course, you're not a true white if you don't have the urge for colonisation flowing through your blood.
The natural order is having white wife and kids at home, while bleaching thicc cuties throughout your conquests.
Nonwhites LARPing as white on Sup Forums say otherwise.
if 80% of israel was palestinian would you guys be open to having a representative democracy
still against.
they're not as bad as the males, but not white is not white, and they will not be able to change that.
>would you be for or against increasing refugee quotas?
why are all these posts by jews, of black girls with white genes
So Arabs are considered shitskins, but when we speak about East Africans whom they have passed their genes down too, those become white features apparently.
> Calling people left wing
> Literally has a socialist for a president
Go march in your next student strike, Jacques, we're too busy doing freedom over here.
only if they are not muslim and have minimum 95 IQ
Still be for.
First of all the scum that comes here is not real refugees or in any need. A trip to europe from africa or middle east easily costs more than 10k+ and that in countries where the average income is a few 100 bucks at best.
And second someone who actually needs help is in most cases not in the shape to some 5 months trip by foot.
>implying I didn't help you out meme'ing Trump into the white house
>implying I ever voted left
>implying I'm not going to meme Le Pen à l'Elysée
You make me laugh, John "Niggerlover" Smith.
What part of nuke all muslims do you not understand?
here have your (you)
try shitposting harder next time abdul
Would be happier about immigration because women would defect from Islam without men and possibly become bangable.
yes this, we created israel only to wipe out muslims.
Against. Polluting gene pool isn't gender restricted.
> implying this is a Muslim girl
Nigga, that's a Mexican
Hey there Goyim. Wanna play a game? It's called
Who gives a shit, I dont want niggers, their women produce nigglets as well. Send them the fuck back allready.
You abort the male mulattos and keep the female mulattos for sex, are Swedes so cucked they've lost their heart of conquest?
Take a look at the "14" year old men- now imagine how old the 25 year old girls will look.
Do you sterilize them like the doctors at Jewish hospitals secretly do? Or do you just chip and track them?
I would vote against mobs of qt3.14 arabs prowling in gangs just waiting to suck the dicks of innocent white men.
No. I fucking hate you assholes who think with your cocks. They still bring their shit with them, their cancerous ideology.
You bleach mulatto women for offspring borne solely for sex.
No need for chip and tracking as where she gonna run? To get captured and used as a sex toy for another white guy?
If this were the case Sup Forums would be full of shitty women.
Post more black qt's.
I think you're preaching to the wrong crowd. The overwhelming majority of European males are tremendous homosexuals.
>80/20 woman/man migrants from cultures that practice polygami and consanguineous marriage.
That would be 10 times worse, at least now their damage to our demographics long term are some what limited by the fact that they are mostly men with low sexual market value.
Increase. Women (and children) don't need to be in warzones. The men should fight to take their country back.
Plus I'm down with race mixing so yeeeeee son
I'd be first in line at the train station, wearing my Refugees Welcome hoodie.
I would only be in favor of refugees if they were pets or orangutans.
Dogs, cats, budgies, cockatoos or hamsters - all are welcome.
We're really missing an opportunity to push "only accept female refugees" message. First of all, it would take advantage of liberal's innate biases. Secondly, it's much easier to transition to no immigration once you have the policy half-instilled.
>mfw semi-erect
He's right you know. We should push for this. Then maybe the virgins of Sup Forums can get qt syrian gfs
A lot of them are 18-25, main problem is 90% of them are dudes
They can drown. Poseidon protect us.
Against still. Fuck them all.
arab and black women are fucking digusting, and i honestly believe race mixing should be punished, so still very much against it.
Depends if they fuck up countries as bad as their malr counterparts
no but at least they'd be less likely to be criminals since males are the niggers of the gender world
they're not refugees
fuck the Lügenpresse
honestly it would bother me a little less, but I'd still want to keep them out entirely, and keep the Western countries white.
Gonna be honest. If they were all women, I'd have less of a problem with it, for a few reasons.
1. Arab women aren't doing the raping
2. Arab women tend to not be as spontaneously combustive as their men, nor do they normally behead people and fucking film it.
3. They'd actually probably be more thankful for a free life, rather than having sharia law no-go zones and wanting to kill whitey.
Against, still.
That being said, a lot of women would start to vote against immigration if many men started dating them, so it wouldn't be a huge problem anyway.
White features don't matter only white cultures.
Media, leftists & feminists would be against it anyway.
Answer: no, no and no.
They are migrants, not refugees, and I'd still be against because they still are a drain on the economy.
darkie detected
true whites crave colonisation of dumb females abroad built for breeding, ie low iq but curvaceous fluid druids made for white man's pleasure
the (female?) sand niggers in bedsheets shoplift just as much as the male niggers..
That would be even worse since the muds already living here will be able to fulfil their multiple wives perversions, resulting in even more second generation imigrants.
The kids of these refugees are the real problem you know. Growing up poor, uneducated, with a backwards culture in a strange land is a recipe for hatred and terorism.
I'd say yes just so european women are mad and raise their standards to compete against more traditional women.
Europe should always be white.
Hans knows what's up.
I still would.
i'm too white to stand in the sun, i need to go to the doctor or my skin just fucking bubbles.
Against, just not as strongly against, obviously.
If they are married, then get rid of the em with quotas. If they are pure, let them in.
100% of white women would be against refugees
I love coloring!
The trick is to outline everything first
Against. Take your 'I take every gurl as gf' threads to /r9k/.
>If 80% of the refugees coming to Europe were girls aged 18-25 instead of guys, would you be for or against increasing refugee quotas?
I would reconsider my views, as I am only strongly opposed to the refugees because I think most of them are deserters from the army or ISIS.
Women are less violent, less politically active, assimilate easier (especially when they come with no men).
Its almost as if mental retardation is a spectrum and different Sup Forums posters are differently retarded.
>Would you be for or against increasing refugee quotas?
Even more against.
Half of them would be already pregnant when they cross the border.
And almost all of them would cry to let all of their family members in. And people would listen to them, because they are women.
And there is also other problem. Lots of otherwise good white men would fall for exotic brown pussy meme and will be converted to Islam and indoctrinated to destroy Europe.
The economical issue still stand. Our econmies getting fucked and our welfare gets strangled. see Germany projected costs till 2020: 95 billion. We just don't have the money whatsoever. We destroy the future of the coming generations, and we just can't do that.
Open your borders israel.
Multi culti is the future.
Its time for jakob muhamed.
Its time for jafar kleinstein.
Stop being so racist.
Only eunuchs allowed, for service in subordinate roles
North Africans have white features because of the Barbary Slave trade
against. they ugly af 80% of the time.
Brother, I got 14 words for you.
>even when graduating it's even more important to present your ass and other sexual assets
dear god it's like instagram and other attention whore websites are causing a red pill rupture in reality
Get back to plebbit you fucking cuck.
No race mixing around here.
Too old, make that 13-19 and you've got a deal.
Wtf is wrong with you? 12-32.
I have an old shitskin fetish.
most niggresses don't look like this tho. If they did, I'd accept a few in my house.
You like the half Arab niggresses?
why doesn't israel take refugees?
>1 post by this ID
Against, we allready have walloons no need for baboons
We'd ask them to undress before we watercannon them.
>The kids of these refugees are the real problem you know. Growing up poor, uneducated, with a backwards culture in a strange land is a recipe for hatred and terorism.
This, the second generation of immigrants are even more radicalized then the first.
Kek, no fucking decency.
Men are worse, but flooding us with female "refugees" would be bad either.
> Notice flag
Are you trying to enrich us again?