Okay so we should start a campaign encouraging brown girls to fuck whites guys in order to make them not racist. Something like "End hate: fuck a racist"

who's in???

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Reasonable black women (very rare btw) already fuck white guys. It's the ghetto trash black girls that aren't worth it.

will someone one day explain to me the meaning of australian shitposting

you WANT to fuck an abbo?

sick cunt

>pocket spiders

brown women are all already easy as fuck,
they crave the white cock (seriously, not actually joking).

This is actually a good idea but this board is filled with faggots and new fags who only do ironic shitposting now

Kek approves

Let's get to work gentlemen.


They all ready fuck white guys dipshit. Do you need a campaign to get you laid?

I've banged 3 black chicks at uni and they were all incredible. I'm more attracted to white chicks on average but black women are ravenous in the sack

Racemixing is God tier

Btw I'm Asian

This board has flags m8 we know.


how could anyone be interested even in the light-skinned monkies?

Arabs are throughly disgusting creatures, and the slants are while more humanoid, absolutely insect-like in their mental state.

Stick to white women, at least they're human under the crazy.



Did she know it was in?

Haha so funny!

Girls crave the BAC

This. Basically the civilized blacks are just people who happen to be black. Or brown or whatever. It's ghetto niggers that shit on whitey all the time.

Or does Sup Forums want to get fucked by pic related?


Thanks mate, now i dont have sides.

fucking aussies and their banter

Literally nothing wrong with liking black girls.

fpbp. Not a fuckin chance outside of latinas.

Women aren't your sex toys. You are disgusting, sir.

This. Black girls love white dick.


I've already fucked way more black women then the average black guy. They fucking love me for some reason.

Goddamned digits. I actually think the only way to end racism is to inter breed everyone until all people are a light shade of brown.

And as a follow up, because I've gotten to know them on a personal level, I am still racist.

>1 post by this ID
>Women aren't your sex toys. You are disgusting, sir.
that's where you're wrong, faggot.

Black girls raised in the burbs love fucking white dudes. It makes them feel white and less depressed about the inherent racism they face.

>Okay so we should start a campaign encouraging brown girls to fuck whites guys

they already do this lmao, think about it we're the ultimate bad boys baby ;^) at least in their eyes... Hell I have never been an oppressor of any kind and when I was visiting my uncle in Switzerland brown girls were all over me while those fat blonde german pigs didn't even look at me

Anyone got that news story about the boganlet who fucked her pitbull and bit some baby- the woman not the dog

What wrong with black men?

Too obvious. Needs to be something like "people are just racists because they've never had brown pussy" that pisses white women off and the minority women will naturally try to fuck racists to show them what they're missing. People should jump to the conclusions you want them to on their own. Think Jewish

Jaffa got George Zimmerman off scot free

Yeah that's pretty true, especially if they had a white parent. You can spot them, mostly white friends.

But even street black girls convert on the spot to love a white guy if they see one looking at them with interest for more then 3 seconds. All of a sudden they start talking in job interview English.

Wtf I hate black men now

Largest empire world has ever known. 1 man equaled at least 12 of anyone else, including mullahs and achmeds

TFW no brown gf.

A resonable woman would never be a race traitor.
Reasonable black women end up marrying red pilled black men.

you'll end up being fucked assfucked by an abo, ausbro.


>male niggers see this
>change to "fuck a racist white girl"
>mass rapes
>lib media ignores, no race war, just like in Europe


Fuck it I'm calling up my thicc coworker tomorrow and seeing when she's free. I want her bad now and I don't know what I can do about it other than try.

ouh lawd

Just don't try to act black. Act like you do normally and you will go a lot farther.

Lol you have to be a 16 year old virgin that is so transparent and stupid hahahhaahhaha

OH thats rights I almost forgot...im racist...you...damn...blackie...oh no your vagina fell on my dick ahhh i hate that as a hetrosexual racist male nooooo lol

>tfw no cute black girlfriend


yes goyim lets all racemix
fuck black girls to prove you are not a racist

What happens to all those Japanese girls in Brazil? Do they stick with their own kind?

I'm sterile, I just have to look out for diseases

Is it really this hard for you to find a nice girl OP?

most do, they arent 100% japanese anymore, but their community is really tight
even in universities/college here its easy to spot how the asian people tend to stick together and befriend only other asians
they arent openly racists or anything, they are still very friendly to everyone else, but you can easily tell how all their close friends are from the same race
they always have their own community parties and get together, church and their own traditional values

same thing with chinese and koreans

So Jamal, your QUEEN left you for white dick.
It must be tough.

Fuck off they're ugly as hell



>largest empire
