w-why does the planet Saturn have the jewish symbol engraved in the north pole?
W-why does the planet Saturn have the jewish symbol engraved in the north pole?
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looks like someone still has much to learn.
>unfold cube
>get "holy" cross
cross can be considered satanic trickery
because jews are the chosen people stupid
It just means that telescopes were invented far earlier than believed. It's no secret that literally all ancient cultures were completely obsessed with astronomy
you need a satellite to see it retard
That's not true idiot. There's some article I think the couple was australian.
Go find it yourself moron.
>wearing a crucifix around your neck
>wondering why Jesus doesnt come back
I forget whos bit this was but its perfect
It is not jewish. It is satanism/luciferianism. The cult of Saturn. Saturn is Satan.
The cube is sacred geometry garbage related to higher dimensions and beings from those dimensions (fallen angels, lucifer and shiet). It seems that Saturn is a demon prison planet.
>Why was an extremely simple equilateral polygon both found in nature and in an ancient religion
Why is this a question? This "coincidence" is about as noteworthy as cave art having circles and Jupiter having circles on it.
it's a hyperdimensional hexagon. CERN is communicating with it, its a portal to the 5th dimension.
Not really, this pattern is really common in nature. Its a fucking hexon ffs.
t's a hyperdimensional hexagon. CERN is communicating with it, its a portal to the 5th dimension.
4th dimension not fifth.
oh, thats worse than I thought then
explain, i've heard of CERN messing with the weather and causing electricity storms to strike a bolt of lightning in the middle of a field killing 500 lamb and sheep in the field...
what is going on
good post.
because you're a retard and don't know anything about particle physics, gravity, or even elementary fluid dynamics
>That's not true idiot. There's some article I think the couple was australian.
>Go find it yourself moron.
its just a storm, how is this political related?
Its because of the way the atmosphere circulates, I don't remember exactly what causes it.
They have recreated the effect in a lab and can apparently make different shapes.
The core of saturn is an interdimensional portal. The hexagon is a 2d interpretation of the hyperdimensional hexagon
Its not jewish
>The interdimensional portal on saturns poll shrinks in size
>brexit, trump, globalists losing their grip on the world, elite misdeeds being exposed
Hitler was right when he called Jews satanic.
>The interdimensional portal on saturns poll shrinks in size
>He doesn't know about the saturn cube.
this is the south pole of Saturn. Notice anything?
>It's the all seeing eye.
They're on to us, shut it down!
The pattern literally was not even there until you drew it in paint.
What the fuck kind of autism is this?
This isn't even meme autism anymore; OP is literally retarded.
So are you downy fucks for going along with it.
We have enough legit occult symbolism relating to Saturn and other things without OP tryharding in MS Paint.
I didn't realize that Jews owned the concept of hexagons, they really are out of control.
The portal is a dimension to the alternate universe.
Think of a yin-yang. We're in the dark zone, and the portal, much like the sun, is the hole to the light zone, and in the opposite realm, it's light with a dark portal.
As above, so below, (world tree) and from chaos, comes order.
The hexagon/portal/storm cloud on the poll of saturn has recently decreased in size significantly
It's an asshole.
ISIS= Moon god
Ra = Sun God
El = Saturn God
also this
Link? I couldn't find anything
He's a jew
That's HAARP fucking with the weather. CERN are trying to open inter-dimensional portals
Prolapsed asshole
Jewish sabbath = Saturday
Saturday = Saturn's Day
w-why does the planet Mars look exactly like the flag of Bangladesh? Are Bangladeshi people the masters of this world? I'm so confused tight now
Nice /x/-tier conspiracy thread. Just because it is remotely related to the Jews it doesn't have it place on Sup Forums.
We shall also call Dan Diaconescu to look into this, right?
Anything can appear in those shapes. This is all idolatry and numerology. The primer fields? Who worships crucifixes? The ones people wear? Some do inside churches but all churches are corrupted now
Sauce me!
Why does the moon look like a teenagers skin?
Can we trust the source? Many lies have been fed to us. If we can, it is occult or dark magic shit why people adopt such symbols.
there is a thesis which states that far far faaaaar in the far past, we had a different atmosphere and sky was way different then today and acted as a magnifying glass to some degree + planet position was different, hence people could see stars and planets way different then we do today.
Also, Moloch/Baal Hammon = the Semitic Saturn
I saw the flag of Alaska yesterday in the sky. Stars looked exactly like these dots on the flag. wtf does that mean? Alaska is the center of the world? This goes deeper than i thought.
jews worship on the 6th day at 6 oclock
a Saturday named after Saturn the 6th planet
with a 6 sided hex on its pole they have a 6 pointed star on their flag and they always claim 6 million hoax. 6 smillion is a 6 and 6 zeros
>jewish symbol
>engraved in the north pole?
the planet Saturn is made out of gas
it's the space nazzies practical joke
wow 6 is the jews super duper lucky number
El ite
El ected
El ement
El oh el
he that has knowledge let him count the number of the beast for the beast is a man (race) and his number is 666
Sand worms are from Saturn. In the movie Beetlejuice, when the undead break the rules, they wind up on saturn. Which is essentially Hell, where living creatures can not only see the dead, they can consume them.
What did Tim Burton mean by this?
>gas planet
seriously even the muslims have the intelligence to see the jews are satanic. Also they are not quiet about it, but of course most westerner lack the basic sense to see this or the balls to communicate it.
Fuck off with your lame jokes. This is a real man's discussion, you gypsy
jews worshiping a whole planet made of GAS
You ask as if the Jewish symbol came first. Most of these major religions are really Saturn worship
g g goyim kn kn kno?
Chosen...by Satan?
Fool saturn is a pagan god the jews did not call sabbath saturday
He had some top-notch conspiracies though.
And all I was saying was that this thread does not belong on Sup Forums.
Imagine him becoming president in 2014. Romania would have been NS by now.
ITT: retards. Religion won't give you the answer to this one faggots. Science has already answered this one
Really makes you think, doesn't it.
Maybe I'm looking at things in black and white.
Fuck, I can't remember but I know the skit you're referring to.
>Imagine if Jesus got shot and we all wore rifles around our necks
Something along those lines.
bill hicks
Keep laughing dumbass
It was discovered by a probe but it can and has been seen with a backyard telescope
This one spins
Why is this thread isn't archived yet?
Woe to you, oh earth and sea; for the devil sends the beast with wrath for he knows the time is short.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast; for it is a human number.
Its number is six hundred and sixty six
we're fucking retarded bro
Obvious shill.
Everyone knows science is a psy ops, you gonna start shilling that round earth theory now?
Calculate the number of the beast
It's a very direct and exclusive reference to the magic square talisman of the sun demon
and my post was a very direct and exclusive reference to the glorious Iron Maiden song I posted
hang yourself
Alas manmade global warming has destroyed even Saturn's atmosphere and now the hexagon has closed up or faded out
The hexagon is a common pattern in nature, just look at cymatics to understand this.Religious and Occult symbols tend to reflect common patterns in nature because they hold a lot of subconscious power.
this thread shows the correlation between stupidity and antisemitism
there is a natural explanation for this that was reproduced in labs and is explained in math.
but none of u idiots bothered to look it up..
Implying I opened your gay little jewtube
Implying iron Hayden has been relevant in 30 fucking years
Jerk off in mew you nerd not in here
Red herring, my friend. You wouldn't even give a fuck if Saturn was about to blow up, would you?
True enough, but it doesnt explain why ancient cults "worshipped" this and in occultism still do.
It is common knowledge ancient civilizations were highly advanced concerning astronomy.
>Implying iron Hayden has been relevant in 30 fucking years
we all joke around on Sup Forums, but let's not say things we can't take back
we need to stop global warming or Saturn may literally explode, it's made of flammable gas and if it gets too hot then it may explode and even destroy earth
oh i see we got a newfag.
Here play with Tom Cruise.
You make a cute couple
Your dark sorcery does not work here.
Turn your ways away from it and Kek might forgive you.
how edgy - you insinuated we are homogays.
>We propose that Saturn’s long-lived polygonal structures correspond to wavemodes caused by the nonlinear equilibration of barotropically unstable zonal jets.
are you implying that we're not?
I thought last night meant something... ;_;
shush bong it is a secret-.-