What's wrong with letting immigrants into America? They're good for jobs and only a small number of them cause crime.
What's wrong with letting immigrants into America? They're good for jobs and only a small number of them cause crime
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Fuck off we're full
LEGAL immigrants are fine. Illegal immigration doesn't help America as a whole.
>What's wrong with letting immigrants into America? They're good for jobs and only a small number of them cause crime.
c'mon guy, try harder...
>They're good for jobs
Literally how
>only a small number of them cause crime.
More likely than any other group to commit crimes
Legal immigrants are fine
Illegal immigrants are, well, fuckin illegal
>LEGAL immigrants are fine
As long as they're white
I get that, but the legal process is slow and backed up. If the legal immigrants are fine, doesn't it make sense to speed up the process with sanctuary cities and then deport the criminals?
No. How does that make sense? Shouldn't we take into consideration the American economy and workforce?
What's wrong with the non-whites?
Aren't they both good causes? America is rich, can't you do both?
How does that help?
Now they add to the cost of the city and state while being unable to pay most taxes.
And the retard shows his stripes.
Hi new friend.
You're going to have the most wondrous time here.
Trump needs to focus on securing the border BEFORE starting the deportation process. That would allow them to stabilize the amount of immigrants entering the US AND stop the large amount of drugs and guns coming over the border. With much less drugs and guns flowing in, large scale gangs will lose their main source of income.
Kill yourself you chink subhuman, you have to go back.
So to you a wall isn't just about illegal immigration, but also illegal imports of drugs?
So, you would like to use my country for its supposed and never ending wealth and have it bring in whoever would like to come with little to no restriction?
They should be given the opportunity to stay if they've been living here for more than a decade and haven't committed any crimes besides being here illegaly, pay any taxes they owe plus a fine, pass an English proficiency test and a civics test, and pledge allegiance to the flag.
No it's your country, you voted for what you wanted and I respect that result. I just wanted to hear your opinion on the matter.
Maybe things aren't are great as you think.
Journalist detected
Yea, I thought that was the big reason besides immigration that we needed it
Drugs are causing more problems than the immigrants themselves
>all these replies
I want to emigrate in the US, I'm tired of working overshift for more taxes to support the subhuman's welfare. Can I come?
Straya is rich from what I hear, they got like $25USD minimum wage over there.
Lets just shippem all over there.
Top kek.
The US takes in 1 million LEGAL immigrants every year. That is too much. Stop all illegal immigration, and cut legal immigration significantly.
>What's wrong with the non-whites?
There's nothing wrong with a non-white as long they're in a non-white country.
You still gotta pay for other peoples welfare here dude
Reform work visas especially H1B1's.
Also more draconian punishments (shame your constitution forbids it) for those who cheat the system.
I think things are pretty terrible, so I hope not.
Close, but I seriously doubt a journalist could last this long before pwning themselves by responding to the low effort posts here. I've been on Sup Forums for over ten years now.
I'm demonstrating to someone that Sup Forumsacks engage meaningfully in conversation when you don't call them bigots.
Thanks guys, I feel more confident that this place isn't an echo chamber in the way other places are for having done this.
You work for unemployed immigrants too?
What the shit.
We'll never be free unless we stop doing that.
get out niggers
and stay out
>What's wrong with the non-whites?
What's right with them? Seriously. What traits have non-whites exhibited that whites have not been able to master themselves?
>What's wrong with letting immigrants into America?
Nothing. But they have to come through the "front door." Legal immigration only.
>They're good for jobs
Nah. Automation will rule the 21st century. We don't need unskilled labor anymore.
>only a small number of them cause crime.
Every illegal immigrant is committing a crime just by being here. They have ZERO respect for our laws by evidenced by their mere presence. Just because they aren't getting caught for their numerous other crimes doesn't mean they're law abiding in any way.
It's like $17AUD, or $12USD I think. I wouldn't really know, I've never held a minimum wage job.
Also we're full.
Is it a problem if non-whites move to a white country, or whites to a non-white? What about mixed marriages?
No we pay for unemployed gang members here in outer Chiraq
>mixed marriages?
They get to live exactly half way between the US and Africa.
True, H1B visas are probably one of the worst offenders in terms of impact, but not numbers. The H1B visas means a foreign worker gets a job a native would have had, but the foreign worker usually goes back home at the end anyway and isn't even settling down with their money.
Well I'm more moderate then most, and the US is more of an anomaly, but ethnic countries like France, Sweden, Vietnam, Japan, Nigeria, should exist to protect, preserve, and ensure the prosperity of their ethnic groups, they should never cater to another group first. At least not from a governmental level. I'd personally say the native population should never go below something like 90%, so that people can still visit, and there can be small minority groups that appreciate the culture and people.
I wouldn't mind mixed marriages so much if there wasn't a form of mass immigration, too many problems with mass immigration. Also, immigration is typically far better for the rich than the poor and middle class.
Yes I'm not specifically saying only the H1B1 visas though, all of them need reviewing especially the laborer one (H2A2?).
That and welfare dependence.
its more a problem of it increase competition in the labor market
>What's wrong with letting immigrants into America?
it'll let the cesspit nation and cancerous blight on this planet, survive even longer... and that's something no sane organism wants
No it makes sense for them to wait in fucking line. The third world is a cesspit of degeneracy so we should take out time and only accept the best.
But even if we remove people from the labor pool we'll still have a slack labor market (more laborers than jobs) because that's what the Fed is designed to use to control inflation.
Whenever inflation goes up they raise rates to increase unemployment. More citizens, less citizens, what does it matter if we have a government organization that's deliberately setting the unemployment rate?