We're making propaganda to try and shift public opinion to make australia great again.
Get in here lads.
We're making propaganda to try and shift public opinion to make australia great again.
Get in here lads.
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bump, there has to be some aussie cunts wanting to restore our country to being great.
bump bump bump
to the top, we need more good men
^ bump
we're making australia great again
itsw already great faggot
Vote em boys
Go away Samberg!
I would like to see the Anglosphere great again.
You guys need a democratic revolution like brexit and trump.
Who you got to choose from and when is your next election?
You guys can't be great until you get a handle on your bigotry, misogyny, racism, and pure hatred. Australian men are worse than American men (white men only).
You destroyed a BEAUTIFUL native culture in Australia, destroying a precious jewel with all their awe-inspiring artwork, literature and cities.
bump if any aussies are interested in stopping the nanny state.
The nanny state here is allowing people to shirk their own responsibility. It's wrecking any sort of liberty we once had and holding the country back from expressing its true self. Some people think government should do more to fix our problems but government intervention in business, social issues and community is like superglue, less is more.
Exactly. Join us in here, we're cooking up some ideas to put an end to the nanny state.
here's the new link
bump, there has to be some aussie cunts on tonight