How does it feel knowing our person of the year is ded?
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You kiddies, everybody dies, few live like he did. You think you will be remembered 100 years from now?
Yes, he died so we could know the truth
History is written by the victor so it would depend on how people view freedom of speech and protecting government corruption.
It's not fair, they took him to gitmo
how can i vote multiple times?
he already won pretty much, trump got 2nd, no need to vote, but to pray for this man
call him a shill, traitor, whatever you want, controlled opposition, but he was TAKEN to gitmo two weeks ago and has not been seen since
i like assange and snowden, but i would have loved the suicide watch after trump becoming man of the year too
they're already on suicide watch or more likely homicide watch
What code did Snowden tweet out? Why didn't Snowden know the key? Someone said there were suspicious retweets with codes
More like missing person of the year. Amiright?
too scared to even touch those codes desu, also wouldnt know where to start
Clear your history/cookies.
Don't listen to . He's a lazy faggot who doesn't appreciate overkill.
slight kek
F :(
i get it make the liberals cry more, that's fine, if yo uwant to vote go ahead. but can we please focus on this man and his sacrifice?
Yeah my life is to valuable to me. So I ask the questions to possibly get others to do the heavy lifting. Cum in the sack and hair on the chest.
i mean it's all i can do without possibly getting v& hopefully people can crack the code
You're a patriot. We both are.
Can someone tell me what the code was that Snowden tweeted after the Wikileaks DMS was released? Why he do that
he posted quite a few codes, as did wikileaks right before assange went missing
You're acting like Assange already won the poll. Voting doesn't end until dec. 4th.
If you don't realize that any retard with a script could take it away from him at this point you must be new here. Keep voting for him over and over.
alright man, just trying to talk about assange here. they probably scripted it to beat trump, i get it. you gotta fight fire with fire. i just feel bad for assange
Oh so Snowden's tweet wasn't the key? What bout dem fishy retweets?
snowden and wikileaks accounts most likely compromised/taken over by CIA assets
Vote him in. If its true it will bring the whole thing undone before the world.
You can quit being a shill. They don't own you. I see good in you.
Why is everyone saying Assange is kill?
Didn't his internet just get cut? I'd think it would be next to impossible to cover up his assassination.
Lies. Doubt they killed him yet. He's probably in isolation underground getting 3 meals. And tortured.
Senpai, what music would they play 24/7 to torture Julian?
Ah, I see. Just more un sourced Sup Forums memes. Fantastic.
Has anyone checked to see if these codes unlock the wikileaks insurance archives?
WTF is this guy, is that the insurance policy password?
not sure the guy keeps posting it all over pol
Where? That is the first instance of that particular code?
not sure. i swear i saw it in another thread earlier
I am sorry, it was posted once in a yeezy thread and once here, 52 mins and 1 hour ago.
>(updated 12:50 07.08.2016)
>Edward Snowden Not Dead: ‘He’s Fine’ Says Glenn Greenwald After Mysterious Tweet
and then the same narrative is recycled for Assange. almost like a heat check. what was that no such agency program that conducts global sentiment analysis based on keyword frequency? is that the goal of this op, the exact narrative details don't matter as long as we spam Julian Assange to simulate constant interest?
Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange Julian Assange
>leak information publicly
>have "plans" to prevent your death
>become an icon of anti-corruption
>reasonable suspicion of your death comes out and all that happens is people type 'F' on a Malaysian underwater basket weaving subforum for autistic weeaboos
post proof he's alive or he's ded
wew so they used an old pic and photoshopped it to "confirm" he was alive. why cant they take a new one?
tweet French Press Alvin to offer sending a crew to interview him, just offer at first let's see how they respond
There will never be proof if he's dead
He's definitely dead
Or they would just release a video of him saying "its 22nd of novemeber, here is me holding a newspaper from todays date, i am alive"
but noooo, they give us fucking nothing for weeks
proof is in the lack of evidence for him being alive and well
why would he want to do that just for a random on twitter?
to confirm he is fine. his last public thing was with the NARC pamela anderson. that same day she retweeted TWICE about his net going down at the embassy
Honestly this campaign's talking points are weak as fuck
where's anderson's pic of her holding her narc badge?
her whole twitter is a controlled opposition playing both sides of the field narc badge, check it out
To let everyone know hes not fucking dead?
assange managed to exercise opsec and stay alive for four years even while boxed in, i trust him more in letting anderson get close to him than what i read anonymously. anyway why is anderson even a talking point, it's already tabloid-y as fuck.
>anderson visits him and literally gives him food
>wikileaks embassy internet goes down
>airplane named "gitmo express" is in uk at exact same time
>no one heard from assange other than wikileaks tweets that seem shady since then
so all nsa has to do to force assange into physically reacting to them is conduct an internet campaign very much like this one, at the same time spreading fear and uncertainty to wl's potential sources. it's the equivalent of a prank call. why does assange have to react to you user, what have YOU got?
Assange. The ultimate aussie shit poster
honestly this burden of proof hot potato play is basic as fuck. losing attention.
we need to know if he is even around still to react, at all. what is so hard about this, proxy man?
Ya delegates dahnald
why, what evidence do you have that makes you fear for his safety?
you enjoy running in circles?
>best conspiracy theories about Julian's ass
lol :(
What did he mean by this?
lol your 'evidence' is even more articles of shit that come from here? basically youre saying to me 'look at all the propaganda materials i prepared so hard, does the lore not go deep enough'?
im sorry user, that's not good enough
politicians lie then believe their lies when they hear it on the news -assange
>ignoring facts
shill confirmed leave my thread move elsewhere, wasting your time
what facts?
the facts:
the day of the internet going out anderson met up with him
she retweeted his net going out TWICE without any words of "i hope he is okay" just nothing but two retweets
the gitmo express plane was LITERALLY in the UK the day of anderson and his net going out
he "comes back" on the wikileaks twitter, but fairly vague tweets and different tones of tweets are out of place
what more do you want?
alright man go damage control or whatever somewhere else, proving my point. bye
I am hysterically laughing at this. Lmfao
maybe the codes are tattooed on his ass and you can only see it with a special light?
its missing a few zeroes m80
holy fuck stop the presses
no wonder you can't force julian to play
with that weak "i intuit a disturbance in the force' shit
Let me try your fact game:
Fact 1: You haven't made Assange respond to you.
Fact 2: You attribute this failure to Assange being dead
Fact 3: You dismiss suggestions that someone under real pain of death dismisses you is simply because you have nothing worth taking seriously
dude he literally cannot play if he is captured/ded. stop ignoring the fact that the us plane used to harbinger "terrorists" was in the UK at the same time his net went out.
just stop. leave.
where is pic of flight log or transcript of pilot interview saying he was piloting a rendition plane?
woah a steam key
are we going to keep running in circles? because i can step outside of the circle while you chase your tail some more
I am hysterically laughing at this lmfao
how does anyone without secret clearance verify thats a rendition plane? how do you know assange got to stay on that aircraft? all that is is an image to me.
looks the same. when the shoe fits.
>N379P. The aircraft has been reported in several press sources as a U.S. Department of Defense prisoner transport, also known as the “Guantánamo Bay Express.”
Julian, born in Townsville, Queensland, to go out and shitpost the elites.
We're gonna shitpost the world until it is pure.
He's not dead. Ecuador just cut off all his access to the outside world after they found out the wikileaks insurance files had stuff on their government. Assange is free to leave the embassy if he wants, but you can't expect Ecuador to work against their own interests and continue providing him internet access.
alright man thanks for shilling hope you got paid gn
whom are you quoting? is that pic as it actually leaves tarmac on same day? so many assumptions, so much burden.
have you tried contacting his immediate family and lawyers and saying to them when the shoe fits? how did they respond?
uh huh just a coincidence the gitmo express plane was around right after kerry threatened ecuador
honestly can't see you dropping that line to his family
lol dude how would i even get into contact with him as a normal person? he was trapped in an embassy for months. also they probably threatened his families lives if they didn't cooperate to capture him.
that pic shows it left the same day
>As concerns for Assange’s safety continued to grow, a Redditor claimed that a U.S. Gulfstream jet, claimed to be N379P, had taken off from a military base outside London shortly after the outage in the Ecuadorian embassy.
When another Redditor pointed out N379P was the notorious rendition plane nicknamed the Guantanamo Bay Express, fears for Assange’s safety reached fever pitch.
Using FlightRadar the plane was tracked by Redditors as it made its way across the Atlantic towards the United States. There was speculation the plane was heading straight for Guantanamo Bay, however after an eight hour journey the military jet began descending towards Smithfield airbase, near Charlotte, North Carolina.
>Relief that the plane landed in the United States rather than Guantanamo Bay quickly faded when Assange supporters searched Google and discovered that Smithfield airbase is a notorious CIA rendition airport, a black site known to locals as “Smithfield’s dirty secret.“
from the article. not sure if you're on your cell or what but please read it when someone tells you to read, not act like a robot with repeating responses running in circles?
i would if i could but we wouldnt want to be thrown in the looney bin for speaking up now *cough*kanye*cough* now would we?
Well, if he wins the TIME mag shit, they will go interview him, and you may be sure they will be able to get clearance to do so.
At that point we're either gonna find out he's alive, or have it more-or-less confirmed that he's dead. Personally, I think he is alive but keeping an extremely low profile until Trump is in office.
It's also possible that he was moved to prevent him from being killed, and they are trying to keep THAT a secret for as long as possible so that wherever he is he will be marginally safer until January.
I just don't get the sense that he is dead. I do believe that there is a massive psy-op underway--including here, insultingly--to discredit Wikileaks and discourage people from sending them leaks, and that it's being coordinated by Obama, Kerry, the Clintons and the globalist leaders while they frantically search for him or attempt to get to him in the embassy, and to the others who are still working for him.
I remember that stuff. So do we have any anons who live in the vicinity of Smithfield who can sniff around for leaks and gossip?