Realistically, no memeing, what are the odds of pic related becoming reality in our lifetimes?
Realistically, no memeing, what are the odds of pic related becoming reality in our lifetimes?
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Kek wills it.
>Street shitter
>Marion (who's not even fucking running) instead if Marine
>Abbot who got cucked by Prepbull instead of based Pauline
>Strache instead of Hofer
Farage will never be very elected to parliament
None, except those already elected (Putin, Modi, Orban, Abe and now Trump). Some of pic related are political corpses already (like Tony Abbot), the rest will remain fringe parties because of how parliamentary systems work.
If you replaced Strache with Hofer, he'd have a chance at presidency (a mid tier position in Austria)
What about somewhat elected?
Also, if you want a real meme candidate put based Toru "free gf for everyone" Hashimoto on there
>No based leader even in fantasy land
Please tell me that this is because Britain restores the Empire.
Petry is incompetent and should be replaced with Alexander Gauland. Due to the fact that the AfD was founded just three years ago and that no other party would currently form a coalition with them, government participation can only be realistically expected in 2025 or later.
The rest could happen soon though.
Tones is still lurking in the shadows and could still make a come back, he's an establishment cuck though he isn't worthy to be grouped with the rest of them
What about Geert? Doesn't he have an actual shot in 2017?
Hofer = president = head of state
Strache = chancellor = head of government
These people are still alive so not impossible, but close to 0%
we can be happy if we see half of them elected
How's the FPO doing on that end? When's the next election for chancellor?
FPÖ is currently at 35% in national polls, the election is in 2018.
I dont think its impossible for Jimmie Åkesson to become the prime minister. Hes still gonna struggle getting shit done with out a majority in the parlamentet, unless every one stops calling him and his party racist and actully work with him.
After you've elected a bunch of right-wing isolationists what's the next step of your master plan?
I know very little about them, are they /our guys/ and if so why?
Making everything Great again
>implying we have a plan past that point
>anti-corruption, hates Muslims
>nationalist, militaristic, first to meet with Trump
pic related
it's inevitable
The odds are zero. Trump will die in office, and so will Pence. The entire US government will be uprooted and replaced by a progressives ideology.
Farage will never be PM.
Jimmie is shit. I didn't mind im throwing out the stormfags but he throws out pretty much anybody remotly nationalistic.
He is low energy too. Basically a "nationalist" version of Jeb Bush.
Crashing the earth with no survivors
Throwing out any one remotly nationalstic? Can you link source? Otherwise he is basicly carrying SD, he looks like the only capable in that party
As someone who is entirely ignorant of Swedish politics: Are SD still the biggest party in terms of popularity? Do they face a similar situation as the FN in France, where they're an individually popular party, but every other party is united against them and will prevent them from achieving real power?
or Boško, choose one
You mean prevent forigen powers having dominance and influance domestic politics.
Thats what gets prevented.
I was all in for Trump but you can't be serious with our old man.
After we elect a bunch of isolationists our master plan is to unify
>not about to die of cancer at any moment
top wew
Based Waifu nation gets repeating numerals
Kasselstrand and the rest of old SDU, Patrik Ehn and several more
are you implying that the Swedish Democrats and the National Front are controlled by foreign powers? I thought CTR stopped with the "muh Russian boogeyman" nonsense weeks ago
Yes the silent majority is voting for him on March 18
So it was written, so it shall be
This. Gustav Kasselstrand would be a better prime minister.
They are the biggest party in most reliant polls and has been that for about a year now. They used to have everyone against them but that seems to be loosening up nowadays since two of the cuckservative parties seems to be positive to collaboration.
I think a SD + M + KD government seems to be the most probable after the elections in 2018. Hopefully SD can get the prime minister post. Jimmie is low energy but the leader of the Moderates acts like a fucking robot.
Geee i kind of wish Russia controlled SD.
Then they wouldn't betray their country by refusing to vote against NATO (even too they said they where going to help the leftist do it) they would also probably be more serious about being eurosceptics too.
After Brexit they changed their rethoric from saying we should leave EU to now saying we should renegotiate our membership.
They have sold out everything.
They just want to be lil bitches to the centre-right liberal parties
s-so we become the globalists?
Well the other parties have freezed them out the entire period they've been in parlament. Not being whiling to talk to them. The other parties even went as far as to make a agreement to let the minority goverment get trough with the budget just to make sure that SD didnt have a say in it. And they are realy populor, but most people are just kinda sick of the immigration so alot of people are reluctantly gonna vote for SD
This. SDU got to start their own party.
We're already the illuminati, praise kek
we're literally in the white house now.
Youth branches of a mother party is as a Rule of thumb ALWAYS more extreme. It isnt that suprising then that the fallout beetwen SDU and SD occured.
Usually, the differences is tolerated by the main party. But the SD elite is so corrupt that they won't tolerate any differences in their party. That's why the split happened.
tony abbott is a globalist cuckservative, his only redeeming quality is being very pro free speech
he actually increased immigration by a huge amount
where were you when Sup Forums was appointed to prez cabinent
The only people that they should've kicked out were the people involved in the iron rod scandal.
I just want trump and putin to be the right wing leaders, europe can get entirely nuked for the socialist rats they are.
Le Pen seems to have a chance but I'm not fully informed to call it.
But Petry is already dead.
The germans are too blue pilled to vote anyone else other than Merkel(or her appointed successor when the time comes). Expected as Germany is the epicenter of the modern leftism.
It'd take at least another decade until Germany redpills itself. Too bad by them their country will be fucked up.
I'm willing to bet even Sweden has a bigger chance of uncucking itself before Germany.
>calling any other country socialist rats
wew lad
>100 years from now
>in a secluded grove deep in the forests of California, the secret society meets
>they control the world's banks, politicians, and armies
>strange occult rituals are performed in this place
>a hooded figure approaches, hoarsely whispering the code phrase
>"Praise Kek"
>"Check 'em" you reply as you follow him into the darkness
Kurwin is a meme candidate.
b coad
>Sweden has a bigger chance of uncucking itself before Germany
we have tought.
Germans can't even sing their own anthem without being called a nazi
none, Abbot will never be re-elected
Sorry, Sven.
You know most of the swedish cuckposters only do it for the (you)s right?
Put Brazil in the picture with Bolsonaro and there you have it.
It's hard to tell anymore.
also le-pen will probably lose
geert is possible
farage - not gonna happen
petry - maybe in far future
abbott is ded, you need to replace him with that aussie woman (forgot her name)
don't know about akkeson and strache
>pooteen russia
>nation state
Let the middle east sort its own shit out maybe.
Sd is the bigest party in most recent polls tbqh.
>"free gf for everyone"
tell me about him
is he and that party the cure sweden needs to say NO?
why is abbott pushed as a saviour
the "based tones" is a fucking meme made because between his complete and utter fuckups and long history of being a political neocon attack dog, he'd occasionally BTFO reffo scum, and his religious beliefs made SJWs mad as FUCK
we have nobody on par with that list, even pauline isn't a particularly good politician or even orator, just real enough to say things like they are.
>vladimir putin
you really need to do your homework
What the fuck is India doing up there?
They are literally a mini globalised continent.
Not a nationstate in any sense.
A literal shithole.
India is what you get when you push globalism, and you faggots are praising it for what reason?
Wilders just went up in the polls once again affirming his position at the top
There are currently only very improbable coalitions that can keep him out
>abe, abbot, and modi just off the top of my head
>anywhere near being aligned with nationalist movements
They're not even all that memey in their own countries.
>create globalised term "rossiyanin"
>even if you're chechen - you're still rossian
>somehow putin is considered a fucking NATIONALIST
It's almost impossible for Farage to become leader of the UK government.
For that he needs to be a member of a party that has over 325 elected members of parliament.
Currently he has 1 and UKIP's numbers have fallen in the polls. He has failed to get elected 5 times and not only that but he has stepped down as leader of UKIP.
The only possible scenario where he could win is a landslide change in UK voting so that UKIP gets something like 170 MPs and they then form a coalition with the Tories.
But the Tories hate UKIP and it would still require Farage to be re-elected as leader of UKIP and to also be elected as an MP.
besides all of that he's the embodiment of corruption.
you think the clintons are corrupt? they're amateurs. look into putin's dealings
But isn't that how Russia worked since the Tzars.
not really, during empire times there also was a fictional "russian nation", but it consisted of three nations - great-russians, small-russians (ukrainians) and belarusians.
other nations in the empire (like poles for example) were just recognized as different nations and that was it
rossiyanin was created in post-USSR Russia and used to integrate chechens and the like into russian society
>No Winston Peters
add winston peters and we'll have a deal
Winston Peters is a sellout
Or Farage joins the tories after the collapse of ukip. Becomes leader then PM.
Screencap this.
>no memeing
>kek wills it
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
To defeat the Jew you have to become a Jew.
Nah, i think AfD has a chance, not within 5 years, but maybe within the next 20 years.
There's no corruption bigger than brazillian corruption trust me.
Don't you think it might be a bit too late?
20 years is like 1 generation. How will German demographics look in 20 years?
>t. Ling Ling
Should've ended with "follow him into the dankness"
If i give up hope, i might as well move to another country or just kill myself.
France and Germany might have to wait, like Marvel cinematic phase 2 or 3
You can come to polen.
Leaving germany is my last option when shit goes down to the point that no hope's left, but at least we're not there yet; for the moment I'll just hope that we aren't past the point of no return...
>filled with sionist rats
>kicks out everyone who's a little more to the right than the leader
>only wants to limit immigration
>no plans on repatriation
>pro strict gun laws
>pro pride, degeneracy and such
neine, danke
wir sind bloed
Come here you faggots, it won't happen by itself
>tfw no based possible leader and savior for Greece
Metaxa we miss you