Election is coming. We're gonna get fucked one more time if we don't organize.
Our basic goals:
1. pick a candidate
2. meme him to los pinos
3. destroy the opposition
Post your candidates niggs
it's over lads AMLO 2018 is inevitable at this point.
>mfw this thread
Would any of you be willing to marry me?
You'd be able to live in America and you could leave me after 10 years if you wanted
>it's over lads AMLO 2018 is inevitable at this point.
>its necessarily a bad thing
>we won't have to fight the PRI no matter what
>we can't find somebody and at least try to destroy all the other parties
quienes son los probables candidatos para el 2018?
also me arrepiento profundamente de aver votado por amlo en el 2012
Whoever wins must build a wall on the southern border, those subhuman from centroamerican are bringing criminals and rapists here.
>that pic
I think we also require a name for these threads.
/mexpol/ should suffice. Its simple, memorable and to the point.
>Voted AMLO
Color me surprised
Ok, ok, let's begin. This is the actual platform of AMLO's policies, if someone is interested.
k im gonna stop now.
Only if you're the bottom.
Ok deal :)
How about Noroña?
It's like a Trump, but in chairo and here's meeting a kind of sudaca warlord, so looks better than amlo
just remember to keep the talks in english, last mexpol threads never lasted because people started using spanish.
So we meme AMLO to los Pinos
is it settled?
We need to unbrainwash everybody that swallowed the televisa pills in 2006 and 2012.
Amlo es un peligro para México? Yeah, maybe just like trump was for the US.
Let's see if we can do it. It's a challenge to mexican culture. We never have worked together before. I don't think there's a country where the citizens hate each other so much.
Is el peje our guy?
/tacopol/ is not a bad choice. But we can always give sub-names to every new thread so we don't become confused with the older ones.
I'm always amazed when I see a thread
Full of Spanish speaking flags all speaking English together
The sudacas on Sup Forums never do this in their special threads.
he's my neighbor
I could personally ask him shit if we need to.
AMLO is better though.
Remember the media will do everything in their power to stop him again. And if they don't, he's probably compromised.
ok we
We have a plan in place to send you a bunch of ivy league educated mexicans so hopefully they can help Make Mexico Ok For Once.
we need the full cooperation of every nation in this board burgernigger.
english is the universal language.
where's the surprise?
mexico is rightful italian clay
Because beaners in Texas always default to their language when surrounded by their own People. I imagine beaners congregating on the internet do the same thing.
we also shouldn't delude ourselves
but you are right
the goal should be to Make Mexico Great
we're the true mexican intellectuals
what do you expect from impoverished niggers running from crime and shit life conditions in general?
Lemme pack my tacos then.
well, amlo is "left" but against homos, abortions, and stuff so i guess it's ok
The thing here is that Trump is actually inexperienced unlike AMLO. latter drove cdmx to sweden levels of cuckery
That only shows the level of partnership we want to achieve dear Sup Forumsacks
t. ranchero en proxi
I'm glad you converse in English. I always monitor these Mexican threads so I can see what you people are like.
nice digits
>latter drove cdmx to sweden levels of cuckery
he's a social conservative
gay marriage is a non-issue
mexico city was the safest city in mexico for 12 years until Mancera (a PRI plant).
he's gonna be the /mexpol/ candidate
>neo /mexipol/ is actually shilling for AMLO
Is there a Bernie equivalent?
>Lemme pack my tacos then.
No need, burger is your food now bby
go watch telenovelas
they'll tell you who to vote for afterwards
Electing your own Duterte would be a good start.
I hope he wins and makes Mexico great
He looks like a Soros clone injected with mexican dna
Fucking this
If you actually though that we will be supporting Shillary-like Margarita Zavala or any other establishment politician, you're fucking stupid.
Yes bby
I think we should wait, we still don't know who will be the final candidates of all the parties, but for now he is the best option.
>mfw AMLO wants to go full "muh trains" on the "Istmo de Tehuantepec".
we cant win user, mexico is too far gone...
our government, army and navy are with the narc and the school system is shit...
how do we de-fuck everything?
What can you Mexicans tell me about these women
What kind of a name is 'flans'
The classic Spanish pop station plays this one song of theirs constantly and now it is stuck it my head
Give me a better choice
>mi niña chiapaneca
>mi maggy calderona
>mi broncocodrilo
>mi millones anaya
Confirmed to have no jew blood, thank god. We all (Americans, Mexicans and any other potential nationalist country) are safe with him as our president.
You fuckers know you're still paying for that wall, right?
>quienes son los probables candidatos para el 2018?
Margarita Zavala (favorite of the party)
Moreno Valle (he has invested a lot on it)
Osorio Chong
no idea desu
AMLO (secured)
Noroña has been shunned by the establishment way too much, he's way past his prime too
He's kind of a cool guy though
>vote for Margarita, she has vagine and it's her turn you misoginist fascist, Trump bad, we also not commies we right strunk buisnessman and corporations not commies, ok?
Not really, AMLO is the one closest to Bernie's pandering though
Why mexico is poor but spain is rich?
Who is the candidate not on narcopolitics? You'll never achieve nationwide peace if cartels still run rampant on parts of your country.
I hope whoever the best candidate wins. Good luck!
Would it not be a jobs program for Mexico?
I read some shit about cement factories nearer the border on their side.
Stop it you bully these people are our friends now
We should target the middle class
AMLO will use his populist tools to target the poor
The middle class is brainwashed to fear him
We should use #realarguments to push our candidate, but also persuasion, subversion and nasty propaganda tactics.
Remember most of our population, rich and poor are ignorant niggers.
>inserting yourself on a tacopol thread
Yes. We are going to pay for it.
It might even help if it's gonna curb the narco's profits.
spain is not rich
Spain stole all their gold after, before, and during the raping of their women.
Extremely popular in the 80's. Definitely only for little girls and teenagers going through puberty and loosing their virginity to some Mexican-Chad.
Italian songs translated to super catchy spanish, now just Mexican moms will remember them, pretty much all of them.
By the way, 'Flan' is a milky Jell-O, tastes like vanilla or some shit.
I don't understand this either. In empire total war, mexico is the richest province by far. Fast forward and Spain, with its empire gone, is still richer than resource-rich Mexico.
because mestizo subhumans fuck everything up
Literally no one. Calderón tried his best, but the cartels are too ingrained into politics that it was a titanic thing to accomplish and he failed to do it.
the mexican soros
legalized drugs + border wall kills the narco state.
I am running for president, wish me luck.
He's more of a crooked region 4 of Reagan actually
he looks like a balder version of Vladimir Lenin.
If you win I'll be the ministry of culture ala Goebbels
He will never die, will he?
We're stuck with him forever.
he's the puppet master
Interesting. What do you call a Chad in mexico
Shit paco. I kinda feel your dilemma. We were about to be Mexico Lite™ in terms of narcopolitics if Duterte didnt win. I hope it makes you happy that we killed some from mexican cartels trying to expand their operations in Manila though. Anyways, so who is the best of all choices?
you have to go back
fags like these
>Well, you know guys, It may be just a fence on some parts
That shit was just to get the red neck vote user, I would not keep my hopes up
Yeah I mean, maybe the ones that still have a job
so far this guy
very intresting, do you have more example pics?
Back where?
Spain? I'm actually fair skinned and considered white (Güero) here in mexico.
I don't consider myself yuropean, though.
Pacobro, I think THAT plan will work in Mexico but sadly not on the Philippines. There's no middle ground in flips. Either Asia-bro tier or nignogs/mudslime tier, that's why we must have a strong fatherfigure in our country to straighten our degenerates.
We really don't have a name-like for them, probably the closest thing would be a 'Mirrey' wich can be translated to 'My king', those guys are physically Chad-like but thinner, they are the young sons of really rich people (mostly jews, sometimes white) in here and they go around enjoying daddy's money to live a Jersey's Shore life-like; clubbing, drinking, traveling a lot and constantly showing off all that on social media.
This is exactly what I was talking about.
A 'Mirrey'
He seems okay. How is he against others?
Open your wallet, Hector.
Uhh most mirreyes arent chads though
>mostly jews
do we really have a jew problem?
besides the global jew problem, I mean.
I see jews in their ghettos without much influence in our culture besides what they do to world banking.
Most of our rich people are catholics, though some I'm sure are crypto kikes, they probably are ashamed of not belonging to our royal catholic elite.
Mirrey doesn't really translate into chad, though.
They may be from the wealthy-as-fuck-1%-families but some are fedora-core betas or flat out spergs that have never touched a girl.
We really do, my mom works with the all the time and they're so cliché that I once laugh my ass off when one of them refused to make an important deal because of muh (((Sabbath)))
My dad was security chief for important night clubs in Puebla and the most annoying people were fucking 15 years old little clear skin jews.
Read this -- --
Actual cryptojew here. Middle class though
We have a jew problem. Especially up in the north here
>all this amlo supporters
Did I miss something? He's fucking illiterate for Christ's sake.
I say we wait and see. Bronco might get some big league rats in prison next year.
there's chairo chads
naco chads
provinciano chads
though mirreyes most of the time are chads
when mexico is great again (or for the first time) we should go back to male figures like andrés garcía as the ideal.
Mirrey=My king
Carita=Money maker face
Warning hood-tier term: