Expat in the UK here. I've got bad news for the West. The UK is beating you. Bigly.
>Traffic lights are obsolete here. All junctions are done with roundabouts. It doesn't matter if it's a crossroads, a T junction, a fork in the road or a intersection, everything is done with a round bit of tarmac wih a central island. If you want to take the first exit (or third) direction, you can instantly go there through the predominant messaging app, which is connected securely to your bank account. Personally haven't used traffic lights in months.
>Technology is insane here. You want to rent a bike? Scan any GPS tagged bike on the street with a QR code and rent it for 10 cents every half hour. When finished just leave it anywhere and it will auto-lock. Want an indian take-out, new york pizza or mcdonald's burger? An app will get it delivered to your house in 30 minutes or less. Want a massage with a happy ending? Just order a hot girl straight to your house. Want to hook up with juicy british girls? Dating apps here actually get you laid, unlike tinder.
>Infrastructure here is insanely good. The UK's metros are the best in the world, highly well connected, efficient, clean, with AC in the summer and heating in the winter and very cheap. Trains come every 3 minutes and a typical journey costs 50 cents. The bullet train network is also very cheap (around 100$ for a 2000 km trip) and will get you anywhere in the UK at 320 kph.
>This bears repeating: prices in the UK are fantastic. You can easily survive in a first tier metropolis like London with ALL expenses paid at 500 USD or less every month. You could go down to 300 USD if you tried. Food is cheap, transportation is cheap, utilities are cheap, services are cheap.
>The UK is one of the safest countries in the world, the worst that will happen to you is to get scammed or maybe get pick-pocketed if you are really non vigilant.
Charles Gray
William Nguyen
>You can easily survive in a first tier metropolis like London with ALL expenses paid at 500 USD or less every month
Ethan Gutierrez
way to change all instances of "China" into the "UK" faggot
guys, this is pasta
Parker Phillips
nice pasta, last time i saw this it was China
Camden Robinson
the fuck? where you expat from? Timbuktu? go back into you commie shithole you retard.
Luis Clark
*toilet flushing noise*
Logan Nguyen
Roundabouts are shit. Too many people don't know how to use them properly. Would much rather wait at the lights.
Hudson Parker
seriously mate what the fuck is this have you lost your fucking crumpet????
we are shit and you know it
David Long
everyone get a load of this colossal faggot.
Jaxson Powell
Lol what the fuck are you onabout, mate?
Survive in London on $300 a month? Hahahahhaha! Rent alone for a box-like room, no bigger than a cell, is like £2000 a month.
All of your post is bullshit.
Boris bikes are shit. No traffic lights? Are you on crack? They are everywhere. Trains good? How can anyone think this? The tube is so hot that people frequently pass out
Thomas Scott
Come back when you fuckers invent the toothbrush.
Grayson Parker
Can I buy silverware under the age of 18?
Jayden Gutierrez
They have round-a-bouts in India too. See hew well they work with heavy traffic?
Luis Perry
No but you can fuck girls under 18.
Sebastian Wilson
How are their gun stores?
Jeremiah Howard
Brave New World was not an instruction manual
Zachary Nguyen
Fucking retard. You can get a box room for £400
Carson Gonzalez
If you aren't wealthy everything in the UK feels cheap as fuck.
Ian Mitchell
>>This bears repeating: prices in the UK are fantastic. You can easily survive in a first tier metropolis like London with ALL expenses paid at 500 USD or less every month. You could go down to 300 USD if you tried. Food is cheap, transportation is cheap, utilities are cheap, services are cheap.
Christian Reed
Londoner here. Immigrants have destroyed our country. Housing prices are ridiculous. Our culture has been permanently browned.
The upside is you survive on very little money because of all the low-skilled immigrants working for dirt cheap. If you want juicer machines or games consoles you can buy them cheaply online.
It's just a shame we destroyed British society and culture in the process.
Austin Carter
yeah.. cheap electronics and clothes are great... then you go to buy a house...
Tyler Ross
How the Pookistani capital? Is your Pooki overlord making you cumturally enriched?
Jacob Jenkins
I am a house guy too, can't stand apartments.
Daniel Torres
okay now someone make an anime one and then a interracial superiority one
Xavier Powell
Why are there so many poo in loos on here?
Haven't you got a designated shitting street to attend to?
Aaron Mitchell
They're fine in the UK, they're common so everyone knows how they work. The worst thing that's started happening recently is dumb councils putting traffic lights at roundabouts. IT'S ONE OR THE OTHER, NOT BOTH, YOU FUCKING RETARDS.
Nolan Campbell
Bending 5 times a day to cuckah and taking refuge in London never stopped you from you pretending to be white Ahmed. But we never question that do we?
Ian Kelly
> If you want to take the first exit (or third) direction, you can instantly go there through the predominant messaging app, which is connected securely to your bank account.
So you have to give the government your bank account info and pay them a fee every time you want to turn left?
Aaron Lee
>An app will get it delivered to your house in 30 minutes or less.
Worked for one of them. Good times.
Samuel Foster
>some people will actually fall for this propaganda
Joshua Bell
>implying brits are allowed to have their own bank accounts
They just rent government owned accounts, mate.
Landon Kelly
$500 wouldn't even cover a months rent in London.
Ryan Kelly
Roundabout was the only right thing in OP. $500 dollars maybe if you're homeless
Juan White
we have roundabouts in Texas
we're very hip and modern
Anthony Thomas
Mate this is weirdly not true.
> There are traffic lights how the fuck have you avoided using them? Yeah I love a good fucking roundabout and don't understand why US doesn't use them but they haven't made traffic lights obsolete.
> Technology is about as good as the US. Everyone has takeaways. And yeah dating apps work if you're good at dating. That's it.
> tbf the infrastructure is fucking boss... If you live in London. Venture North and it's a fucking wasteland.
> 500 USD a month to live? Where are you living? Grimsby?
> It is super safe. Not having guns everywhere is obviously the reason but Americans don't seem to understand that.
Aaron Reed
>Muslim country. But we have all that tech plus more. For example you can be online citizen of Estonia. ALL goverment services are online, DMV, court, migration, wellfare and so on. Plus 99% white.
Connor Flores
It blows my mind that Americans are only just getting chip and pin as standard