this the secret to preserving white homogeneity? Is the true key to white nationalism making our nations so shitty and unappealing that the brown skinned hordes don't even want to come here and just leave us alone?
It is every god-fearing white man's duty to reduce his nation's GDP per capita and destroy his country's infrastructure. Go outside and do a rain dance if you have to. The only way for the white race to survive is if we all turn our countries into cold, grey, impoverished, concrete shitholes.
Dominic Morris
How to have a white country: >put your country in a physical location where it is not directly in the middle of a migrant highway between the mideast and western europe >fill your country with white people >do NOT make your country rich as this will make it a destination for migrants
If any of those countries were on the road between iraq and germany they would be flooded too
Scandinavia is getting blacked because they have social welfare and are an attractive destination for migrants, it is their own fault
Charles Turner
>Ukraine is >96% white. LUL half-turks everywhere. More than 70% are dark-eyed-haired.
This countries are dust in the modern geopolitics. May be poland will rise up.
Isaiah Young
>Slavshit countries >White
Julian Hill
fuck off moskal bydlo. putin is a mongol
Christian Sanders
Sure he is. Now bow before him, svinocockhole
Kevin Bennett
>latvia kek who wants to be worthless potato niggers?
Oliver Bailey
no such country
Zachary Robinson
fuck off pidor.
Justin Turner
>reduce his nation's GDP per capita and destroy his country's infrastructure I think you need to visit Poland or Czech Republic if you think eastern europe is poor shithole
David Adams
Poland is cucking itself with labor unions, if you have money it's not a bad place
Leo Rivera
Every post sowjet country is a fucking shithole. Maybe you should try visiting a first world country.
Ian Morris
It feels like people on Sup Forums lost the definition of "white" whit all these memes. Person with black hair, black eyes can be white.
Camden Edwards
But it is. We all are.
Bentley Nguyen
Not a country.
Juan Cruz
Almost every post soviet republic is nigger tier, no matter the color of the skin.
Michael Wood
Just 15-20 years ago almost all of Western Europe was almost entirely white and it was doing just fine
Ayden Reyes
this :( at least we have houses to live in
Robert Parker
Funny how all those countries are shit.
Jackson Smith
Isaac Anderson
are jews white ?
Justin Lewis
communism does that, funny enough soon you will be shit
Caleb Turner
We're fine
Colton Garcia
>Person with black hair, black eyes can be white. sure thing Ahmed
Robert Reed
>Go outside and do a rain dance if you have to. I do have to, every day
t. californian
Michael King
There has been quite the jump in living conditions and quality in eastern europe, but that happened in stages and lead to a fucked up mix of really poor folks on farmland, tacky capitalists from the 90s that copied what they perceived to be wealth from the west and now with a generation in their 20s/30s that are basically insufferable hipsters.
Isaac Thomas
we were fine too before WW2
Andrew Hall
Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla aka The African?
Easton Murphy
If you look at someone's skin and its white then they are white?
Eli Jenkins
They are jews only in name. They are white people with a few slices of jewish dna, that's it.
Original middle eastern jews look more "arabic".
Evan Barnes
>Black >Black >White
Lucas Morris
Oh I bet you live in big mansion and have Bentley Hans
You guys are from small shitholes though, sorry
Xavier Martin
Take a hike you kike.
Justin Green
Listen Pjotrekt: Why don´t you go outside your house without plumbing, drive around your Wiocha with your Maluch and stop every 500m for drunk religious nuts that think Warsaw is a real Metropolis.
Daniel Baker
hard time make good, tough people
they just couldn't be bothered about the whole making good times part
Jaxon Flores
Finland is avoiding getting BLACKED as is Switzerland and it's literally smack dab in the middle of migrant central
Eli Morales
easy republic of karelia
Luis Parker
then the obama nation attacked
Lincoln Russell
Divide and conquer, shlomo?
Luke Gonzalez
But you are
Wyatt Thomas
Although the bantz is funny there is no reason to gloat. In NRW everything is falling apart. It feels like they hired the Waffen-SS to do Rhein bridge maintenance because every single one is falling apart. It's so tiresome to sit in gridlocks all the time because of this shit.
You are literally a cheap imitation of real White Europeans, similar skin tone but lower quality.
Noah Young
But man the right "slav" looks so polish it aint even funny. And that germanic dude looks scandinavian.
Bentley Miller
Harsh environment breeds harsh people. No place for special poofcupkakes here. "Go work and don't be a faggot" is general attitude.
I'm 80% sure we would be subverted by jew propaganda as well if we wuz rich n shiet. 80% because we are naturally rasist and individualistic as fuck, don't even like ourselves.
Benjamin Sanders
Daily reminder that this is a russian
Camden Brown
Krakow is probably nicer than 99% of western europe.
The city is of western quality, without any niggers or camel fuckers walking around.
Places like berlin and paris look and smell like garbage
Gabriel Morgan
These countries are shit because they had to transition from communist to capitalist. Not only did they have a broken consumer economy to deal with, but also terrible corruption and lack of infrastructure. Poland, for example, was basically just a huge canned meat factory for the USSR. Rebuilding a diversified economy takes time and effort, and they're making great progress.
Zachary Adams
I don't give a fuck about a white etnostate. Even if Italy becomes a negro infested shithole I'll fucking stay here. No way I'll move to one of your shiteholes
Camden Thomas
Slavshit >>> Americuck.
Chase Davis
>Defending slav subhumans >Not being balkan
Jaxon Cook
Sure looks destroyed here
Zachary Bell
>slav >white kek
Joseph Sanchez
I do think this is actually the case
It's why I hope they stay poor and shit, and just emigrate is massive numbers to first world countries
Hudson Fisher
No, this is a russian/slav
Ryan Cruz
>don't even like ourselves 100% true
Jacob Howard
But its full of poles, which are just white niggers desu.
Luke Torres
not necessarily
Cooper Hill
Or just go full 14/88 and gas the fuckers
Owen King
>destroying countries i hope you realize difference between poland and ukraine is bigger than between usa and mexico
Jason Reyes
Damn, with ears like that you could tie a string to that kid and fly him like a kite,all you need a light breeze
Juan Martinez
>Poland is 98.6% white. where the fuck did you get that bullshit from, mr. 63%?
Lucas Cox
fun fact
The orcs in LOTR were not CGI, but regular people from russia
Brayden Morris
and by "ourselves" I mean everyone else except me. I'm the only good guy, neighbors are cunts, politicians are cunts, cunts everywhere REEEEEEEEEEEEE
t. latvian
Daniel Ramirez
or make NO SOCIAL benifits for anyone so sand nigers dont come for free money# ( fun fast , 1 weak after church accepted migrant this migrant flew away to germany ) and now germany want poland to kept them with force,..
Christopher Baker
Jason Watson
wrong, thats literally only delfi and co commentators
god,i hate these people
Nathaniel Harris
Poland has less than 0.5% residents of non european origin.
Zachary Turner
true , also fucked up, time and man resource taking tax system, btw all poland bisnes and companies run to czeh republic to pay tax for cheh.
David Thomas
>slavs >whites kek
That being said > Is the true key to white nationalism making our nations so shitty and unappealing that the brown skinned hordes don't even want to come here and just leave us alone? It took you this fucking long to figure out? If you'll cut the gibs niggers, sandniggers and other subhumans won't bother coming to your countries because there'll be nothing in them for them and they'll just end up freezing to death on streets like they ought to. Your nanny state coddle bullshit gave you the cancer known as niggers.
Cut the welfware and you won't even need to bother with border control anymore. Limit it to severly handicapped people only and screen them properly. Don't give a cent to people who are able but not willing to work. And treat them like the pieces of shit they are. Say whatever you will about it but around these parts kids beat up homeless people for fun and nobody really cares because homeless people are human waste. If you'll treat unemployed bums as such most of them will take a clue and find jobs. Those who won't won't live long.
Levi Clark
>they bulldozed over that single green patch of grass >gonna build another hotel
That fucking gopnik is ruining Riga
Kayden Roberts
Sounds like Poland
William Myers
half of germany used to be soviet until 1988
Brandon Davis
Or we could build a wall and deport them all
Ian Rodriguez
Heres to hoping ZZS and NA manage to wrestle control of Riga, although not likely
fucking 80 year olds with their free tickets
Dylan Ward
>slav >slav >AHAHAHAHAHA >AAHAHAHAHA >yes >yes
Weird that you'd consider nations that were fucking assblasted by Turks and Mongols to be white.
There's no homogeneous group in East Europe. You've been the cucks of every conqueror and had such insane levels of admixture that you've only been relevant because of location.
Austin Price
What about us south Slavs?
Sebastian Carter
The real sub human is you, German subs are finally turning into dark skins so we can wipe you out. Your gay ass country is always in the middle of all problems. Every world war, and recently immigrants. You're fucked up, just die already. Your women are good sluts tho I've to say, those erasmus ones are great
Chase Jackson
and yet, we are still here.
Isaac Clark
this is true
We are only 64% white due to slavshit niggers making up 36% of the pop
at least they are dying out at a fast rate, while Latvian birthrates are increasing.
Zachary Martinez
i coud do the same by taking a photo of anyone from favela/mexico city slums/ guatemala you litelary took the photo of worst 10 % of slav people and people in uk think all of them are like this cos that 10% cant find god job in they own countries so they migrate, inteligent ones stay in , cos they have decent job
Ian Ortiz
> what is Japan, Korea
kys kike
Luis Sullivan
Russia in a nutshell.
Brayden Barnes
ZZS is just Saskana-lite
Daily reminder that in next elections dumbass latvians will splinter between 6 parties and ZZS with Saskaņa will make coalition.
Parker Perez
so you gotta have white eyes white hair to be white?
Hudson White
Switzerland is 95% white.
It was a beautiful country.
Berlin as a city was almost as repugnant as Paris.
I wouldn't be talking if I were you Germany.
Liam Morales
I'd rather take 6 somali cocks up into my ass than live in hell hole like Poland
Caleb Hernandez
Polish plumber detected. Shine my fucking toilet, pidorashka.
Aaron Stewart
>Slavs >white.
Christopher Rivera
krakow have god people but it have WORST air in the europe . walking on its streets is like you can taste they smoke from cars and coil
Jack Bennett
t. a dirty black nigger
Cooper Garcia
Xavier Jones
> If any of those countries were on the road between iraq and germany they would be flooded too > implying niggers won't be shot for trespassing
Camden Kelly
War is the key to keep nationalism alive.
Dominic Jones
only russia is genuenly shit
ZZS are just oligarchs, they serve themselves unlike Saskaņa who serve russian interests.
Regarding the next elections, my prediction are: Vienotība will barely get 5%, parties like NSL or LRA will get kicked out, ZZS will get a large boost in votes from ex Vienotība voters, NA will get a boost as well (not as large though) and Saskaņa will either stagnate or lose votes due to all of the shit regarding Riga this year.
Carter Myers
Damned Swedish posters using a Luxembourg proxy.
Luis Thomas
You don't even do that. Just seize the means of news fakery, and get some Crisis Actors to act out some crazy shit to scare them into leaving.
Michael Flores
>Irish ginger midget telling others how they are sub-humans
Hudson Turner
time to poo outside of loo, brothers. for the white race!!