> African migrants drown attempting to board fishing boat
With music:
> African migrants drown attempting to board fishing boat
With music:
first for dead niggers
Here's the result once the boats make it to land.
Spoiler: This video is 5x sadder than OP's
>intetionally over turn boat near coast guard
>turns out it isn't coast guard, just some arab fishermen who don't give a fuck
this is merkels fault for accepting them and obama and the banks
It really is Merkel's fault though. If she didn't invite them, so many wouldn't be taking this perilous journey.
This breaks my heart
If you ever find yourself in the same situation just do the following:
Find the place on the boat where the fewest people are and thats under the lowest risk of going under ie in this example the front of the boat, away from the ladder
Wait until the dipshits drowned each other
Once forced into the water keep staying away from other people
Once the situation is under control get rescued
When drowing in water other people are the biggest danger, even more than waves
Is it bad to feel a little sad for them?
>Arab fisherman trying to calm the niggers down so they don't fuck up the rigging
>Starts actually verbally celebrating when the niggers finally start drowning
>Total of 0 fucks given
>Boat is floating perfectly
>Most of them drown themselves boarding another boat
Niggers truly want everything they see.
Is Sup Forums bizarro earth?
>Spoiler: This video is 5x sadder than OP's
5 times 0 is still 0 nigger
more like hit the gas senpai!
I just can't get over the fact that this is apparently fairly common practice, to actually SINK your own boats so it forces them to save you.
They have no shame.
Why is the population growing in Africa?
I though they all killed themselves coming to Europa.
Fuck this is scary.
>100,000,000 Ugandans by 2100
Jesus Christ. Where are they all going to li-
>People unironically want Europe to save all these "poor" people
If anything this video proves they are a bunch of no good savages and not people in need.
Did they die as soon as they touched the water?
We keep sending them rice and medicine.
Instead of being a blind racist, why doesn't Sup Forums realize that these people are disadvantaged and don't know any better? Why can't you understand that malnutrition effects brain development?
A lot of witches in Africa apparently.
Too obvious.
i hope the kids know it was 100% their parents fault they drowned.
lmao niggers
This sort of thing is the basis of the entire "migrant crisis". They're holding themselves hostage, and we say NO DON'T DO IT, WE'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING.
We should have just gunned down the first 100 to try. Would have saved more "lives".
>he thinks they are coming for food
>A month ago, six African-American teenagers drowned in a single incident in Louisiana, prompting soul-searching about why so many young black Americans can't swim.
>When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.
>JaTavious Warner, 17, Takeitha Warner, 13, JaMarcus Warner, 14, Litrelle Stewart, 18, Latevin Stewart, 15, and LaDarius Stewart, 17, rushed to help him and each other.
>None of them could swim. All six drowned. DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.
You don't even have to be able to swim to turn over and extend your legs and tilt your head back so that you float
Who cares? It's not an AIDS baby's fault it has AIDS but regardless I wouldn't let it bleed on me.
This seriously pisses me off. Not only do they allow that filth into the country, but they are forcing legit citizens to waste their own personal resources to help them for free
Holy fuck
Africans do nothing but sit around breeding at our expense. We decided in the 80s that keeping them alive despite their going completely deadweight was our responsibility.
They average 8 children per woman, and they start in their teens. Meanwhile whites are considered fertile if a woman has 2 kids by 40.
f*ck white people
the world is gonna get very niggly soon
those names
This is not a shitpost, Frenchfags really are this cucked, the brainwashing is deep and they're very attached to their (((education))).
Allahu Aqua!
The people who claimed everybody is welcome and that there was no limit for refugees and how everybody could stay, are murderers in my opinion. They are enablers for the situation as it is. If there had been a dedicated area in north africa that gets paid for housing refugees nothing of this would happen.
Would be less perilous if they didn't cram a million people on a boat then intentionally flip the boat the first time they see a white face.
why the moral scruples, hans?
who cares who is to blame
>If there had been a dedicated area in north africa that gets paid for housing refugees nothing of this would happen.
to many niggers in the world.
>Rushed to help each other
You just know they pulled each other under like panicking chimps.
>"I won't allove them to come in. I'm going to the hospital if that happens"
>Let them in. Nothing happens
don't worry, when the next global pandemic occurs, it's not white people that are going to be devastated
>The Scorpion and the Frog
>A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
>The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"
>Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
bill gates and cuckerberg will save them
eat shit!!
>nothing of value was lost
Don't know how much of it is due to panic but those fugees aren't making their situation better by jumping into the ocean as soon as they see another ship. Most of them probably can't even swim. They paddle around like dogs. None of them think ahead apparently.
Please tell me this shit is fake.
Here's another version:
fucking germans fault. i hate this krauts.
how about you go for a swim
it will relax you
Sup Forums was telling me the other day that Gates' foundation is actually spreading diseases in Africa, not curing them
Nothing of value was lost
This video actually makes me happy. When I see refugees still alive at the end of the video, I was actually disappointed. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Not doing a good job senpai
Don't have scruples because I didn't contribute to this clusterfuck, but at the end I'll be blamed for this bullshit anyway. I didn't overpopulate Africa, I don't own a fucking smartphone, I fucking bike to work and I don't go on vacations. I'm tried of all that fucking incompetence.
That's somewhat true. He was a cunt but having him was better than the alternative, for every party involved.
I'm not sure what the fuck is going on anymore.
Before you Anons get to sad. The old man was all for hosting the immigrants but when he was told that he would get less money than he thought he changed his mind.
Sorry kiddo, you've lived long enough to see Europe turn literally insane, self-hating and suicidal as a near whole.
That guy needs to just sell his hotel and move to America and retire
Didn't know Trump said this, based
He will now have to hear them singing gangsters paradise at 3am, noisily slurping down fried chicken, throwing their shit/garbage out windows, and hearing them drag in white women they gangrape throughout the night.
All the while if he tries anything he will be shunned as a raciss.
I would burn it to the ground.
If that was my hotel i'd probably burn in down with the niggers and police inside.
Your new tax base right there. I'm sure your golden years will be wonderful with them at the helm.
not the poor water
This calls for song..
>what's for dinner?
Can the italian government force private premises to open to migrants? I dont understand. Poor guy, never thought id feel sorry for an italian, his business is ruined, no respectable person would want to stay in this hotel afterwards
This shit makes me sad. I don't want them living around me but it still makes me sad to see others suffer. What compels you to celebrate people in such distress? Do you faggots consider these people your enemies?
Why is Alaska so big?
What the fuck has happened to white people? What is this shit? This is Italy, the home of the Roman Empire. The home of so much of modern civilization advancements. Yet here they are forcing an upstanding gentlemen to accept fucking stone age barbarians into his house.
Do we just have too much retarded empathy? Perhaps we need to be more like the Arabs and Asians and get selfish again. Fuck helping these third world hoards.
>Can the italian government force private premises to open to migrants?
This lad went to find out how much he would get for putting up migrants. Turns out $7. He said fuck that. But it was too late.
We don't consider them people.
this intentional death of a few, could save millions
>these people are disadvantaged and don't know any better, and we're ment to treat them as equals? just give us a boat load of white people with the downs, they'd be just as useful and would,'t wonder around raping peope
Thanks for making me laugh now I'm going to hell you ass wipe.
>mfw 90% of the earth's pop is gonna be gone soon - will have to adjust your animation
i hope you wake up black
>implying the EU would give money to a non-member state
Thanks, OP. Made me feel better on this morning.
It's disgusting, seeing a boat of sweaty migrants coming at you full speed. I would not bat an eye watching them drown in real life, that boat is millions of dollars in tax payer money.
Deep down you know that each one was a potential rapist, and why should you feel bad about niggers practically committing suicide due to greed? They want western gibs to spend and white pussy to rape, I hope Poseidon drags them all to the depths.
They've got a long long way to go, but I Arabs keep it up maybe they could redeem themselves.
You don't seem to understand. The faggot who owns the hotel was on a list of taking niggers because he placed himself there back when he thought he'd get 40$ per person and night.
Now they cut it to 7$, so now he's trying to resist.
I'd rather have robots. They won't be happy here because they're expecting too much. Was in the same hospital room as some albanian and he talked about some parts of albania were supposedly nicer than germany. Clean streets and whatnot. Anyway, when I arrived the balcony was all littered with empty coffee mugs and random shit he just left lying around. After he was gone I basically cleaned up after him and restored order.
Long story short, some people are just not properly structured mentally to live in a nice place, because they do nothing to mantain it. If there's a critical number of people like that society will just become whatever they were fleeing from, because that situation was a result of the sum of the individuals inhabiting the place. We got bombed to fucking ash last century, we barely got any ressources, and even the worst place here still looks better than something that could literally be paradise if the people there weren't fucking irrational.