They already did it whit the left by making them more interested in fighting the "oppresion" of trannies, faggots and niggers instead of fighting for workers rights and against the burgouis.
The left today are basically fully integrated to the globalist capitalist system and im scared something similar will happen to us.
It's probably already happening.
I'm scared the nationalist movements is going to be or already is coo-opted by the globalists
Other urls found in this thread:
then call out shenanigans when you see it
they are going to try, like they co-opt everybody and everything, so we gotta keep up the fight even if they change tactics on us
The word "Nazi" is trending on twitter.
It's only a matter of time before it is easily dismissed like "racist" and "sexist"
December 19th, happening day!
Something fishy is going on with the election.
Eat a bag of dicks Lambright, you blocked me on twitter over some innocuous banter
Same here, and he keeps messaging me from his safe space. Pathetic.
What safe space?
His twitter with everyone blocked.
Too late, by about 30 fucking years.
when people are finally desensitized to the word nazi then shit will hit the fan. we are so close already
Can you message people you have blocked? That's a new one for me lol. I've never been big on twitter tho, my abilities are the bare necessary to shitpost on it.
Theyll try to turn it into "civic nationalism" aka what we have right now
It's going to happen because every movement that has enough visibility can be co-opted against its original tenants. Even now, nationalism is becoming a new norm which will then be adopted by others until the movement no longer belongs to the original believers.
Beautiful. Internet people need hotpockets and a holocaust.
>tfw you hate that hitler had labor camps and deportation plans instead of the death camps and gas chambers portrayed by the (((official history)))
Everything is going exactly as (((planned))), no coopting needed.
Yeah you can, even direct messages. But only the direct messages will be seen until you log out.
what do you think the "alt-right" is. Ascribing to a name and set of beliefs dictated from god knows where.
Think for yourself, blind respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
So what your saying us we should gas all the newcomers to nationalism so we can preserve our culture and heritage of old nationalism?
Time to forget who you are again until the next time I accidentally click on one of your dumbass videos.
Wow, what a huge faggot.
This was my experience. The video he posted was the one with the guy shitting on a Trump sign.
Wow, a kiwi making a quality post
It's being subverted right now by those fags who claim to be "alt-right"
Just look on reddit, hell even on r/the_donald. Goddamn those faggots really want to suck a faggot jew's dick and cuck themselves to niggers. They think they made a new le alt right movement but theyre still useful idiots in the end