stop masturbating
Stop masturbating
I will, Louis.
>dude its bad to do something your body's designed to do so often you'll just do it in your sleep if you don't during the day lmao
make me
Nocturnal emissions have no ill effects unlike masturbation according to Saint Thomas Aquinas
>your body's designed to masterbate
No, it's designed to ejaculate in a woman to reproduce. If you were supposed to jerk it then why does the penis tissue tear more easily when jacking it and doesn't with actual sex?
leave me alone varg
Reminder that Varg lives here:
Send package to
Marie Cachet Le Verdier Saint-Victour
Zip code 19200 Corrèze France
Protip: She loves black dildos
Can't. Furry porn is too good.
Who gives a shit what saint aquaman says.
Zinc deficiency is real and why you'll end up with greasy skin if you fap too much.
How can I stop if you're making my boner stronger?
You don´t get nocturnal emissions if you don´t think about sex during the day or fantasize about it. I´ve done hardmode nofap for 5 months which included conscious thought control and I never ejaculated in my sleep expect for the first few weeks when your balls were in overload-mode from regular fapping.
Well my daddy taught me how not to rip the skin by using somebody's mouth.
The human body wasn't "designed" you stupid christ tards.
The diseases from a average wonan mouth aren't even worth it. A woman's mouth is one of the germ-ridden places you can stick your dick.
look comfy as fuck
thx comi faggot
You fucking autist, I wasn't even making a religious statement. It's clear the way your body is currently designed due to adaptational evolution that it creates tears on the penis. Go back to plebbit you fucking fedora faggot.
*one of the most
Enjoy prostate cancer
>why does the penis tissue tear more easily
That's a confirmed myth. But i wonder (((who))) keeps telling the goyim it's true.
Yes sure myth and global warming is a chinese hoax ZZZZZZZ
>your body is currently designed
Wrong again, buddy.
God isn't real. Try not to get so butt hurt next time, mmmkay?
when you masturbate you move the skin layer up and down
when you fuck a girl all the stimulus is friction between your dick and her vagina
The tissue only tears if you're circumcised.
It's 1 in the morning here, forgive me. It's supposed to say something along the lines of if your body was designed to yank it then why does your skin on your penis revive micro cuts and burns after use.
>tfw want to masturbate
>can't cum because on antidepressants
>balls grow bigger every day
>get more angry and aggressive every day even with antidepressants affecting me
Hm. alright.
>5 months
Fucking casual, I did it for over a year.
[spoiler] nofap is pointless [/spoiler]
Go back to church and stay there
You must be trolling, but in case your not in saying that's how its currently designed due to evolution. That should make plenty of sense. Bringing up the existence of God is irrelevant to this conversation.
I do it only because fapping makes me depressed. This is not even psychological, If I would bust a night, by tomorrow I would be in deep fucking depression, not because of some moral obligations to fapping, but I get actual fucking physical symptoms when I lose my precious bodily male fluids.
I don´t give a shit if you fap or not, nofap keeps depression at bay and don´t need fucking antidepressants.
See In fact one of the reasons why it was common practice was because it reduced the pleasure of self stimulation.
Atheism: infinity
Christians: Are you even trying
What's a multivitamin?
This. For me its anxiety instead of depression, but its funny how after 5-7 days of not masturbating to porn how all of a sudden I have little to no anxiety.
Design implies a designer. The outcome of evolution can't accurately be called a design.
A good way to give yourself expensive piss
Okay :/
I've been there. Are you on lexapro? Its fucking impossible to cum while on it. Honestly its not worth it, get on something else
Jacking off caused me to have balanitis
There's your problem
I'm talking about specific functions of the body. Your hand is designed to grab, grasp, etc. whether or not God created it or we evolved to do it. It's the way are hand works and it does what it was designed to do, which is to help us get ahead either from the natural selection point of view or from a religious one.
Try to pace yourself. Masturbate too much and it'll just increase your anxiety. Just enough and it'll relieve the tension and increase your hormone levels.
Try once a week to once every couple of days instead of every day or multiple times a day.
*our hands
Looks comfy desu
wtf I thought it was stop watching porn, not masturbaing
You really going to spread the feminist narrative here?
Men are opting out of relationships because of women, not because of masturbation.
Next you are going to blame porn for ruing relationships
I started out trolling, but now I think you're trolling me. Evolutionary adaptations are not designs. A design is a plan. Evolution works without any plans, just selection among virtually random contingent mutations.
Then how did birds evolve to fly?
Probably started off as flightless birds with limited gliding or flying capabilities. The birds that could fly better survived since there's less trying to eat them in the air and eventually they evolved to be smaller due to the lower oxygen levels and could fly nearly indefinitely.
>listening to a psychopathic murderer
>also black metal
Yeah nah cunt
That's not random
Evolution is aimed at survival of a group right? And we're ultimately leading to higher and more complex forms of consciousness right? Couldn't it be said then that we were designed according the law of nature? That the strongest and smartest survive?
There isn't a completely sure answer to this because nobody was around to document it as it happened, but there are plausible theories backed by fossil evidence and our understanding of contemporary biology. Wikipedia provides a pretty good survey of some of these theories if you're interested.
Flight is really the one thing that is a thorn in the side of evolution. To bad religious fucks aren't bright enough to incorporate into their own anti-evolution bullshit
There is no way you can explain the evolution of flight without pointing out intelligent design
It's randomness + natural selection. Not a hard concept.
That's not the point, any hypotheses for the evolution of flight point to actual design
It's not random, it's not trial and error .
Only in a poetic anthropomorphization of "nature" kind of way.
And while I'm being autistic as fuck about specific terminology and definitions, the process of evolution is caused by the competition of specific genes, not species or groups. Strongest and smartest isn't really a factor so much as a gene's ability to propagate. Everything else is an emergent phenomenon, including apparent cooperation between organisms.
It can't be explained in a random way, every flight hypotheses sound straight like intelligent design. It's why you will never see a documentary explaining evolution talk about flight. Evolution scientists avoid that like the fucking plague
I don't think you're taking into account or fully appreciating just how many millions of years and the insanely high amounts of random mutations taking place over that period of time
t. french police
eat shit you fucking kike lover.
I would like to visit him some day and talk about greenpilled stuff
Go away Varg
>any hypotheses for the evolution of flight point to actual design
Any hypothesis for the evolution of anything specifically does not point to design. That's the whole point. If a hypothesis includes design as a factor, you're no longer talking about evolution and you need to upend everything we understand about biology.
Clearly babby's first time with evolution. Flight isn't even that difficult to explain, really. Just take a look at the dumbed down Wikipedia page for christ's sake.
If you wanted something challenging for an evolutionary biologist, try eyesight, that's notorious for what you're arguing. But even then there are still explanations.
But only the mutations that help a group survive somehow continue on. Here's a theoretical example: If someone with ribs is born and someone without ribs, the one with ribs would have his organs protected while the other one didn't. He can't survive and this can't pass on his mutation. The ribs are protect the organs and therefore that gene is past down. The law of nature is fulfilled.
do he got the booty?
he seems pretty nice
>black metal
black metal a shit but his ambient stuff is /comfy/
That's easy to say, but.....the amount of time you suggest isn't relevant to the argument
Your hypothesis on the evolution of flight?
Also, I don't think you know what the argument actually is
It's has very little to do with the evolutionary process
americans dont have foreskin arne bjarne
Shit, it's late and I confused you two. I got 2 hours of sleep last night and I don't plan on doing that again so, I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight
Where the fuck do you even start with someone this willfully ignorant? Flight isn't a problem for the theory of evolution any more than swimming and walking, guy. Just read up on it a little.
Dude, I have a foreskin, my parents weren't down for mutilating their children
No, stop watching porn. Masturbating is healthy.
Not the argument ,are you just trolling around the point ?
Or are you really this dense?
Porn is kind of gross now of days. I can't fap too it that for sure
Then why the fuck is this even allowed? Holy shit.
The Jews, fuck man you been under a rock the past 90 years?
the justification is it helps prevent STDs and some other stupid shit
but any disease can be prevented by just fucking cleaning your junk everyday like anyone should
How would it prevent STDs? Sounds like bullshit.
that's some textbook autism with that know it all semantic shit there buddy
made me reply/10
The STD thing is just a lie kek, to stop it from being outlawed. The jews would have lost a huge part of their religion and control over their people.
BUt I like it when that crust builds up, the sensation of picking it off is wonderful. It's better then sex in all honesty
it is bullshit, anyone should know you prevent STDs by knowing who you're fucking
it feels bad aussiebro, I'll always be stuck with this jew dick
Or you could abstain from sex until you are ready to have children with a partner that you actually trust and want to spend your life with.
I know, such a radical concept
pay me to. If there is demand there is profit to be made.
> (You)
>that's some textbook autism
I don't suffer from difficulty in communicating, forming relationships with other people, nor in using language and abstract concepts. So no, not textbook autism. I think what you meant was more the slang use of the word autism, and you'd be right. Also, I'm an asshole.
that's kind of what I was alluding to when I said that. but good luck finding a trustworthy, loyal woman in 2016
I'm no expert but a doctor told me that being a know-it-all about semantics in an argument is actually a sign of autism
Though i've never actually researched autism myself
I love to see vargposting on the rise again
How am I not surprised that the idiot who thinks he stumped biologists by asking how birds evolved to fly also thinks staying a virgin until you're married and willing to have kids is the preferable course of action?