What are the chances that he gets assassinated during his presidency?
What are the chances that he gets assassinated during his presidency?
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Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Trump Tower tomorrow.
Thanks to Pence 0%.
Does him staying in New York not increase the risk at all? I don't mean to come off as ignorant, but his security sounds like a mess.
Mike Pence is the best insurance policy.
High. Jan 19th 2017.
Being able to take a helicopter to your house that's hundreds of feet off the ground helps. New York is also pretty safe all things considered on account of the NYPD being the spiritual successor to the Gestapo.
my last 2 digits
James Garfield was assassinated by a mentally unstable appointment seeker. Considering his rhetoric and the company he keeps, I would say he has a higher chance than others of an attempt.
Correct, but he won't be assassinated.
Trump and Pence will both die in a plane crash.
holy shit
If he pulls a Kennedy or Reagan and goes against the CIA's wishes...
nice try satan, kek2strong tho
>Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
trump will live to be 88
Trump Tower doesn't have a helipad. Not many buildings in NYC do.
fugg :DDD
Thank you oh KEK
Don't worry about him being assassinated. WE NEED A MARTYR TO TRIGGER THE APOCALYPSE
So I guess we safe
98.2% chance to be assassinated.
Yet it doesn't happen.
His family and relatives?
Perfect kidnapping targets.
Percent chance is the last two digits of this post.
Praise Kek
Praise God Emperor
> How do you defend the fact that most Hillary voters are unbased and bigots?
Why defend half the country from the other identical half the country?
They can add one.
Eh, the ZOMG HITLER schtick lost its effect months ago, the Literal Shaking is calming down, public opinion is shifting, and the secret service will hopefully be less shit at its job now that someone who respects them is in office. OTOH there are an endless supply of lunatics out there...
I say if he makes it through his victory tour he's probably OK.
>implying a bullet could pierce Trump's skin
Trump truly has been blessed by Kek
praise kek
i never doubted
>NYPD being the spiritual successor to the Gestapo.
Boohoo was a poor liberal not allowed to sacrifice a goat for Ramadan in the streets?
Depends on if he threatens the Fed.
Well, I'd say the chances that an assassination attempt is made or a plot is uncovered is almost 100%, but because he will have the tightest security of any president in history, the chances of a successful assassination are almost 0%.
ahmed gets it
If he actually intends on challenging yhe fed like he said he would, he will most likely be either killed or impeached somehow. They won't let it happen.
Never thought about it that way, is that one of the reasons why Trump chose him?
4D fucking chess is real
He will die, just not in a manner you may expect.
Depends on what he does.
If he tries to tackle the Fed (((independence))) you'll see it happen
He said he want to audit the federal reserve. If he actually does it he's dead. You can piss off anyone but the banks.
Kek won't let this happen.
Praise Kek!!!
The progressives dislike Pence even more than Trump, since Mike's an actual conservative.
God Emperor is pulling some Sun Tzu shit, whether Trump gets killed or not, the progressives can only lose.
Kanye got assassinated for supporting Trump
testing board
Yeezus yet lives. He will continue to piss off his fans and will suddenly hate trump as part of his new deal to discourage younger generations from Trumps cause.
Silly user
You cant be assasinated twice :)
Good shit gypsy
Fun fact: the president and Vice President are not allowed to travel on the same plane or in the same car together.
kek is with us
kek won't allow it. god bless the emperor. he has been chosen from the zeitgeist for these times.
Praise kek
If Trump is assassinated there is literally going to be a civil war.
Paul Ryan BTFO
Kek is the best god.
There would be millions cheering.
if singles, trump will live forever and always be our guy
Put me in the screen shot. Praise kek
If any number between 1-9 he will be the worst president in the history of presidents and lead the US to its downfall
I don't want to think about it
praise be to him
take it back take it back
Slim. 1 in 10 chance at worst
Bless us KEK!!
I guarantee if there is an attempt it will be an employee he trusted and hired because they were a veteran not knowing Obama put leftist indoctrination programs into the US military.
Screencap this and save it, I guarantee if it happens this is how it will go down. Some fucking brony marxist from the military.
It would unleash too much violence.
It could happen, but killing the newly elected president who opposes White disenfranchisement would be a disiaster for the country. I personally would get on a plane to participate in the carnage.
Blood would flow in the major streets of every city.
i don't doubt that some shitlib will try. kek is on his side, he will come to no harm.
Why do people hate Pence so much?
Because he's dumb?
Obama was a negroid.
this, america would literally never recover
If nobody ever assassinated Obama, what makes you think anyone will off Trump?
>Obama put leftist
Really need to stop giving Obama credit for everything.
That indoctrination circuitry was put in place way before him.
It would change. But America would survive.
Because it seems like Trump might actually be serious about exposing and prosecuting corruption.
If they kill him, he wins
Will be a false flag so he can push for more control.
The Primeval Chaos protects.
Shadilay !
>black man was president for 8 years
If he did it, I think Trump will be just fine.
It happened under his administration but it was Hillary/state department/NAF people who were actually behind it.